Friday, February 26, 2010

Runner's Rage

Okay, I need to vent a bit...

So, I experienced "runner's rage" at the track today during my lunch run. I've said before that I totally respect walkers; I think we can co-exist peaceably as long as we all observe certain very simple rules. Like common courtesy. When a runner or a walker is wanting to pass simply move to one side or the other and allow that person to pass. Is this a lot to ask?! Apparently it was for the "mall walker" I encountered today. I call her a mall walker because she was carrying a full-out purse, texting, and then talking on the phone at one point. Seriously? If you need to do that, either step off the track for a bit or just stay in your office at lunch. So annoying. While this behavior was mildly annoying I could overlook it, but not what happened next. I come around the corner to pass her and she stayed right in the middle of track and I had to almost mow her down!!! This was probably the third time I had passed her - once on the right, once on the left...she was just not feeling the passing groove thaanng. So by this point I had had it with cell-phone, mall-walker woman so I yelled, "just pick a lane!" as I passed. Now, maybe I shouldn't have yelled, but I certainly wasn't going to stop and have a conversation with her at that point. My run was hard enough to get through today - tired from not sleeping well last night - up early and just fatigued after a long week. It is stressful to have to stop myself from running over someone on the track!!! Are you with me? Anyone? Whew...okay, I feel better now. I'm ready to face another day of mall walker mayhem.

Monday, February 22, 2010

My Latest "Ah-Ha!" Moment

Mind. Body. Spirit. People often talk of these three elements of our human experience. I definitely have had experiences in my life that have focused clearly on one of these areas. Mind (cognitive ability, thinking) - I've experienced this through all my schooling, tasky stuff, work experiences - probably much of my life has been focused on this prong of the three. Spirit (soul, feeling) - I've experienced this through my relationships, my faith life, reflective activities. Body (physical pleasure or pain, activity) - I've experienced this through childbirth, and exercise.

I believe that all three of these elements are gifts that each of us have been given in order to experience this human journey we are on: to live, learn and love through our lives. For me, the power of being truly alive is stronger when these elements are combined in some way.

Well, I had a realization the other day about something. This realization began with a confusion I could not put my finger on and I had to sit with for a couple of days before I could really figure it out and put into words what I stumbled upon(which is often the case with me these days). So, here it is: for me, running combines all three of these elements together simultaneously. This is why it is so powerful for me! It is clearly a mind, body and spirit experience for me. My mind is engaged because often I have to use my brain to coax and motivate myself into completing my run or some different challenge. My body is engaged because, duh, - it is running! And my spirit is engaged because I feel a connection to a power greater than me when I'm running. I wouldn't describe it as a higher power exactly. It is more like a power within myself. My own spiritual power. This is very hard to put into words, but I definitely feel it. Is this what people call, the "runner's high"? I don't know. I just call it being connected. Being connected or engaged in a very real way with myself on all three levels like this has not happened often in my life and it is really wonderful. If you can find a way to make this connection, by all means JUST DO IT!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

My ipod is possessed!

I have a predicament with my ipod. It really is more of a love-hate or hot-cold relationship. Much like my relationship with my computer at work...oh Windows - when it works its great, when it doesn't it sucks. Don't get me wrong, I love my new ipod. I have the ipod nano, the purple version to be exact, that I purchased on black Friday this year at approximately 4:30am for $145.00 with a $15 Target gift card with purchase. What a deal! Plus I have the chip that goes into my shoe so it tracks my distance, time, calories and so forth. Very cool. I have used it since January and have logged almost 60 miles on it so far. Also, very cool.

One of the coolest things about this new gadget is that it talks to you. A woman's voice (of course I picked a female voice) comes on at my halfway point and announces the distance I have left to go. Then she announces when there are 400, 300, 200 and 100 meters to go. When she begins this countdown it is my cue to go into sprint mode and try to beat my time and set a new personal record. This countdown combined with my music is very motivating. Then, at the end of the workout she congratulates me and tells me to push the menu button to end my workout. After that, however, I have to dial the ipod to the "end your workout" selection and push the center button to lock in my time. Sounds simple, right. As it should be.

Sometimes, however, it is challenging to dial the button around because a) I'm sweaty, b) the ipod is sweaty and c) I'm just stopping from a full sprint. However, I have developed a strategy...when my "lady friend" begins the 400 meter countdown I remove the ipod out of the pocket in my shorts and hold it, ready to "end my workout" and also attempting to remove the sweat from both the ipod and my fingers. Foolproof plan. This plan has been working fine so far - managing to add only mere seconds before "locking in" my time. Did I mention I've started competing with myself to better my time?

Well, yesterday my ipod went rogue on me. My strategy failed miserably. I held the ipod and when I attempted my plan, it all went crazy. I couldn't get it to "end my workout" and then it kept turning the volume way up rather than stopping. This kept going for what felt like 20 minutes (it probably was 20 or 30 seconds at the most) until I finally got it to stop. During that time I almost dropped it, probably swore outloud from being blasted by my too loud music and almost bumped right into my walker friends on the track. To top it all off, I was congratulated my some famous woman athlete that I had "just completed my longest workout ever"! Ha - not intentionally!

I'm thinking about getting some Holy water.

Friday, February 19, 2010

My Fantasy Run

So, I have been running since last May. My running venue of choice had always been outside (no treadmills!) and I was committed to running all through the winter outside as well. Yeah. That didn't work out as planned. I made it through Thanksgiving in my leggings, fleece jacket, hat and gloves, but once the temp dipped below the 40 degree mark, I was out. Plus, add snow and ice into the equation and I was definitely out for the count. Luckily, I work at a place that has an indoor track that is free for employees to use. Now running on a track has its pros and cons. Pros - weather is predictable, since it is inside. I can just wear shorts (well, and a shirt). Also, there are no hills which is kind of a bonus. Plus, the track is very "giving" and probably better on my legs/knees than the sidewalk or street. Cons - it is boring. Also, this particular track is banked on the sides so it is awkward, especially when there is more than one person on the track at a given time. Passing can be dangerous! Did I mention it was boring??!! Well, that is all I had so I "put my big girl panties on" and realized the pros definitely outweighed the cons. Plus, it is free and right at my work!!

I have finally gotten used to the indoor track and actually quite enjoy it. I have my music to keep me going. Every now and then, however, it is challenging to overcome the boredom of running around, and around, and around and around again. Fourteen (14) times around is a mile so I do that 3 times! Good thing I have my ipod that tracks it so I don't have to keep count!!

Well, today I discovered a new plan to fight the boredom - my fantasy run! It is not what you think - it is not just a fake or made up run. I actually have a selected daydream that I think about and visualize during certain songs. Today it was "Desert Rose" by Sting. That was the song that I needed some extra help to get through. During that song I visualized living on a beach somewhere and being able to run every day on the beach with warm sun, sand and water. I also visualized that my hubby ran a scuba shop on this island somewhere, that we lived in an awesome little place overlooking the ocean and had our own wine-cellar. At one point I think I was running a little bed and breakfast too. It so worked! It was a great workout and my daydream/fantasy really took me there and helped me to get through a difficult part in my run. Not sure what it was about that song that conjured up that image, but that is what came up for me.

The mind is a very powerful thing to be sure. Now, I'm thirsty for a glass of Cabernet...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Perfect Meal

The other day my status update on facebook highlighted my favorite meal these days and it involved fish. I have to say this again - it involved FISH! Not pizza, mac-n-cheese, a fine cut of steak or some decadent chocolate dessert. I should share that I was not raised eating fish. We were pretty much the meat and potatoes type of family with lots of casseroles, and city chicken...still not really sure what that is. Anyways, I don't remember eating fish at all growing up. The closest thing to it would have been the New Year's Eve's that my parents treated themselves to a pound of shrimp (which I did not eat) or the one time I remember having lobster at home. That noise of their screaming still haunts me! Even as an adult, fish has not been my go-to food at all. I would have always chosen meat, chicken or even turkey.

Well, times have certainly changed! Part of the goal of Weight Watchers is to encourage people to step out of their comfort zone and try new foods - to mix it up a little bit. As I just looked into the fish case at the local grocery store, I was very uncomfortable so I knew I was in the right place. Plus, the lobster tank was right next to it...ahhh! I didn't like the smell of the fish case, had no idea how to prepare it and frankly it just looked...fishy. But, in the true Weight Watchers spirit I pushed through this feeling and ordered some tilapia...sun-dried tomato to be more specific. I like tomatoes - how bad could it be? I also asked the attendant some questions about how to prepare it. Thankfully, we already owned a fish basket and it was in the summer months so we could do it on the grill. I felt better already.

Much to my surprise I LOVED it! Perfectly cooked and tons of flavor. I was also shocked that my family devoured it! I moved this menu item to the top of the rotation list and it appeared at least weekly on our dinner table with rave reviews. I tried various other tilapia breading flavors and also used marinades. I even tried other types of fish - cod, mackerel. But "tilapia fish" as my son calls it was always the clear favorite. Now, I've cut down to probably once every two weeks in the winter months since it is not as good in the oven as the grill. And, on a side note, we had to disable our smoke detector because of the dog's severe anxious reaction to it going off every time we used the broiler.

So, lesson learned here? Keep an open mind and try something new - you never know what you might discover about yourself. And while I still might not consider myself a full-fledged fish person, it is one of my favorite meals now. Who'd a thunk it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Lenten Discipline

So, I have decided what I'm going to do for Lent. I'm not catholic, so I don't feel obligated to do something or give something up for Lent. And I can eat meat whenever I want during the next 40 days - bonus. However, I do think it might be good for me to practice a spiritual discipline. It may help me be more reflective, more spiritual...if nothing else it will help pass some time of this snowy winter that is dragging on!

So, I have decided what I'm going to do. I'm not giving anything up. I know there is a huge contingent of people that do this and that is fine. They pick either a vice or some food they love and pledge to abstain from doing this, or consuming this item. This will not work for me. Not only do I not like the idea of "giving something up" I just no myself too well to be successful in this area. I don't work well with feeling deprived (enter my love for the Weight Watcher's program). My experience has been that feeling deprived actually pushes me to partake in the "taboo thing" even more. I also just think that I would rather take the positive spin on this spiritual discipline idea and ADD something rather than take it away.

So, drum roll...I pledge to write 1000 words of my book each day of the 40 days of Lent beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 17. This will ensure that I have at least 40,000 words written by Easter! Exciting! Oh, and blogging doesn't count towards the word count - that is extra! I finally started to write "my book" after starting with this blog and with the coaxing of my dear husband. I think he might be tired of hearing me blather on about things, but whatever the case, it has been started! I've decided to write about my weight loss journey - now, that is a surprise! I always thought that my first book would be about the teenage angst that I felt growing up, or some other work of fiction, but nothing has really made me feel as passionate as this weight loss journey. So, there it is.

What will become of this book? No idea. I'm writing it for a creative outlet, a work to chronicle this part of my life. It might be cool if somehow, somewhere along the way I sold the idea to Weight Watchers and made millions, but que sera, sera.

Until then, guess I'll keep my day job and get that laptop crackin'!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Some rockin' chili!

Gotta share this recipe for chili that I made a month or so ago, but enjoyed some again tonight from the freezer. You know something is a keeper when your eighteen-year-old says, "Mom, this chili rocks!" It is so easy because you basically just open a bunch of cans and cut some stuff up...simple, plus no meat to have to mess with!

Grandma's Slow Cooker Vegetarian Chili (btw - you can make it on the stove too - just let it simmer for awhile to cook all the flavors in)

1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 can kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 can garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained
1 14.5 oz can chopped tomatoes in puree
1 15 oz can whole kernel corn, drained
1 onion, chopped
1 green bell pepper, chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 Tbls chili powder, or to taste
1 Tbls dried parsley
1 Tbls dried oregano
1 Tbls dried basil

*I also add one (1) packet of chili spices and 1 can of tomato sauce.

In a slow cooker, combine all ingredients. Season with spices. Cook for at least two hours on high. Serves 8 and is 5 points per serving. Enjoy!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

My new mantra

Last night I synced my ipod nano to my computer on the Nike site and it tracked me at 50 miles so far in 2010...pretty cool. One of the challenges you can track on the site is to run 210 miles in 2010 - totally got that one at the rate I'm going so I'll have to figure out a new goal. There is also a training module for 5K, 10K, etc. It is a 12-week program...I'm thinking about doing the 5K one, but I want to find anoter 5K first and plan it out accordingly - I'd like to do most of my runs for this outside. So, it has to be 40 or above for me to do that!!

My run was hard today. I ran with my "runningmad" play list (it gets me going when I need extra motivation) which is made up of motivational songs by mostly women - Kelly Clarkson, Alantis, Gloria Estefan, and more Kelly. I didn't feel like an elephant like the other day, but I just couldn't push it as hard as I wanted to. I ran my 3 miles in 29:09 which is about average for me now. I feel good that I did it, but I was feeling badly that it was hard to do and then I realized...I ran 3 miles!! I - ran - 3 (THREE) - miles!!!!!!! This is huge for me!! Again, never been the athlete, and certainly not the runner so this is huge for me! I'm starting to redefine what being a runner is...not that I'm training for a marathon, but I frickin' ran 3 miles...more than a lot of folks would ever attempt to do! At the end of my run, my ab workout and my stretching, I feel so powerful, like I could do anything. If I could bottle that feeling I would be a rich woman. But I need to remember that I can call upon that power at other times in my life when I feel less confident, less sure of myself, less strong. I need to remember my new mantra...I am woman, watch me run.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Flashback #1 - The Ramsey Un-Christmas

So, this post has nothing to do with weight, nutrition or exercise, BUT I just had to share it. Periodically I feel like I will want to share some flashbacks with you. This one involves the tonsil drama. Zach got his tonsils out two years ago Christmas (he was 5) and it was a drama to beat all dramas, to say the least. I was so stressed and frustrated during this time that one Sunday morning I sat down and wrote this before going to church. I felt much better afterwards...

Twas the 5th day before Christmas

Twas the 5th day before Christmas when all through the house of Ramsey
Not a creature was taking their medicine, eating or drinking…not even Zachary.

The popsicles and ice cream were stocked in the freezer with care
In hopes that Zachy would soon eat it bare!

Zachary was nestled all delirious on the couch
In hopes that his tonsils would magically heal…ouch!

With Mr. Ramsey at work and I at home
We had just settled down when I answered the phone

On the other end of the phone there arose such chatter
Grandma said, call the doctor to see what is the matter

Away to the phone I called the doctor in a mad dash
The doctor said to go to Hillcrest Pediatric ER in a flash

So to Rt. 271 during rush hour we did go
With a sick boy, and grandma, we went very slow

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear
A hospital sign up ahead, very clear

With such wonderful hospital staff that I knew right quick
My little boy would not for very long be so sick

More rapid than eagles the nurses all came
With blood tests and IV’s, and movies by name

We can turn on Scooby or Ice Age or Shrek!
Incredibles, or Monster’s Inc or Polar Express!

From the top of his head, to the bottom of his toes
Dash away IV fluid, and away did it go!

When the surgeon called in to check on the tike
He said the best thing was to stay overnight

So up to the 3rd floor of Hillcrest we flew
With Zach in a wheelchair, mommy and daddy too.

And then in a twinkling I heard from the bed
The call button’s buzzer and Zach’s little head

As I went over to check him and was turning around
In the door came St. Nurse with a bound

She was dressed all in white from her head to her feet
And her clothes had fun characters on them – how very sweet

A bundle of medical things she wheeled into the room
She looked right away like she was right at home

Her eyes were so kind, her dimples how merry!
Her cheeks were like roses, her voice so cheery

Her stethoscope was drawn up like a bow
And her coat and shoes were as white as the snow.

With the thermometer held tightly in her hand
She asked Zachy to wear a special arm band

She had a kind face and a warm demeanor
And a laugh that instantly made me like her

She was so supportive, the picture of health
And I cried when I saw her, in spite of myself

A wink of her eye and a nod of her head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread

She spoke encouraging words and went straight to her work
Gave Zachy his medicine, then turned with a jerk

And laying the juices on the hospital table
She gave Zachy a choice between grape and apple

She was firm, but kind as she gave her directions
And down went the apple juice - that was the best one

But I heard her exclaim as she finished her shift
Zach, remember to take your medicine and drink like a fish!!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Do-Over Week

Sometimes I just want a do-over week, don't you? Things just don't go according to plan and you want to start over. Coffee spills on your coat, you constantly run late, everyone is fighting in your know what I'm saying, right? Well, my week in terms of my weight/eating begins on Saturday. Every Saturday morning like clockwork (for over a year now) I set my alarm for 6:30am, roll out of bed, throw on the lightest work-out pants and t-shirt I can find, hop in the car and head to my 7:30am Weight Watchers meeting at "the hill" (Chapel Hill). I try to leave around 6:45am so I can go through the McDonald's drive-thru and get a large coffee with cream and sugar and a dry english muffin with strawberry jelly. I then arrive, go to the bathroom, weigh in at my favorite scale (yes, it can only be a certain scale) and then eat my breakfast while talking with my WW friends until the meeting begins. This routine has been pretty much the same for the past year. Am I regimented? Do I not like change? Probably, yes. However, the point here is that it WORKS! Then, after a motivating meeting, I leave ready to start my new week with a fresh outlook, new ideas, new focus, and a new set of points!!! I adjust my exercise routine for the coming week based on what my weight is that week - I've been pretty much maintaining over the past few months so that is good.

Well, my routine changed this past week because of mother nature. I woke up on Saturday to a foot of snow in my driveway. At first I did not realize (or want to admit) it was a foot. Had I been on my way to work I'm sure I would have been moving more slowly and well aware about how much snow had fallen, dreading my commute. But, I was going to my meeting and I didn't want to miss it! I was in denial. Well, as I shared on my facebook status update that morning I backed out of my driveway only to promptly get stuck! Boy was I mad! Somebody moved my cheese but good! So, I woke up my husband to help. Eventually he grudgingly stirred, mumbled and headed out to clear the snow (and the neighbors - that is just the kind of great guy he is). Meanwhile I was getting HUNGRY!! I now missed my regular 7:30am meeting and had to decide if I was going to try to make a later one or give in, eat breakfast and just call it a "do over-week". I struggled with this for quite sometime. I couldn't eat and then weigh in - BAD IDEA!! So after much consternation and consultation with my WW facebook friend, you guessed it! I gave in...oatmeal it was and time to read the paper on an early Saturday morning. And look, it is Tuesday and I'm still alive to tell the tale. Change is good I small doses. Now, what does the weather say for this Saturday......

Monday, February 8, 2010

The elephant on the track

I had an ironic discovery today during my run at lunch. Well, first I should say that I ran like an elephant for most of the first half or 2/3 of the run. I just felt heavy - my legs were like lead and it just felt like I was plodding along like an elephant. Other days I feel like I'm really light and almost bouncing along. I'm wondering if it is my energy level or what I've consumed for breakfast and snack that morning. More to think about for another blog.

Back to the irony at hand. Now, you must know first that I was the girl in junior high that hated gym class. Now, by hate I mean - really detest. So much so that I was willing to take the hit of getting a "B" in gym class after "forgetting" my gym uniform or swim suit one too many times. I specifically hated to do the "mile run" in gym class. What torture!! I distinctly remember running one day and we had music playing on the overhead speakers to get us motivated. The song "Centerfold" by the J. Geils Band came on that day - this was a big song back in the mid eighties. As I ran in torture in my, oh, so flattering gym uniform I began to hate that song just about as much as I hated running. Cut to today: I was reminded about this whole experience as I hit the half-way point of my run and the song "Centerfold" came up next on my "running2" playlist. It turns out that I love this song now! Maybe it was because I finally felt free of my elephant legs. Maybe it was because I was happy that I finally had achieved small victory over my junior high experience by actually enjoying running now - in my 40's. Maybe it was because I just dug the groove of a cool eighties jam. I don't know. But at that moment I was inspired to clap with the beat to the song and yes, actually sing some lyrics out loud as I ran. I didn't even care that I might have been breaking some cardinal rules in the runner's code doing these things. Nor did I care that the women in the aerobics class below the track were giving me occasional curious stares. All I cared about at that moment was moving forward..."my blood runs cold, (clap clap), my memory has just been sold, angel is a centerfold, angel is a centerfold" (clap clap). Oh sing it J. Geils Band...I'm with you! This one is for chubby junior high girls everywhere who struggle through gym class. Keep moving forward girls. Some day you will find your own stride.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Strawnana-Oat Smoothie

Just had to share this new smoothie recipe I made up...this is big for me cause I'm usually a follow-the-recipe type of cook.

1 cup of fresh strawberries
1/2 banana
1/2 cup milk (I used 1%)
1/2 cup oats (cook kind)
1 container of yogurt (I used strawberry)

Blend a and enjoy! It is 7 points, but very filling - I could only eat 5 points worth for my lunch!

My next smoothie experiment will involve peanut or almond butter, bananas and oats, but I need to get some plain yogurt first...

Thrifting: the weight watcher's best kept secret!

So many of you know about my obsession with thrift stores and the like. This fascination began in the fall and was really born out of necessity. Once you go down 4 sizes you just can't make the same pants work any more and there are only so many times you can create another hole in your belt. I know, I know, what a tough problem to have! But, it really is...I mean who can afford to chuck all of their clothes and go out a purchase a whole new wardrobe, including work clothes?? Not I. So, after a suggestion from some Weight Watcher buddies to check out thrift stores and my son saying, "Mom, you should go sell your clothes at Plato's Closet," I decided to give it a go. After being turned away at the Plato's Closet in the Chapel Hill area (I was told they only took youthful/teen clothing and there was a women's clothing store called Clothes Mentor) I headed to Canton. What a great store! You can sell your stuff there and they write you a check right there! Of course both of my trips there ended up with me buying more than I sold, but such is life. Awesome deals on name brand clothing in great condition! I had gotten the taste now, but I didn't want to keep going to Canton. I have since discovered the following other stores close by:
Village Thrift - on State Street (great selection on "betters"; some new items; half-off sales every day; no dressing rooms.
Goodwill - in Streetsboro (smaller place; have to really look through, but there are dressing rooms)
Classic Additions - down town Hudson, near the teddybear store. (more high-end stuff, but you can find some good deals; they have dressing rooms and the owner is hilarious; they also buy clothing)

Still not a believer? Here is the list of stuff I picked up yesterday at Village Thift:
2 pair jeans (one Levis and one ambercrombie)
2 pair casual pants (both ambercrombie)
2 t-shirts
1 skirt
2 long-sleeved shirts
1 sweater (Gap cardigan)
1 pair work-out shorts (Nike)
1 mock turtleneck (Kohls - brand new)
1 sweatshirt
Grand total - $36.74!!!

Now, you have to be the mood to take time and look, but thrifting can be a real cost savings and a lot of fun! See you in the stores!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Blueberry Heaven

I had a fun breakfast date with Zach this morning before rushing off to work for a long day. I dared to veer from my standard breakfast (double fiber english muffin with peanut butter) and was most satisfied with my selection. I thought I would share. I made one serving of old fashioned oatmeal - the kind you actually cook on the stove with water, oats and salt. Still not sure what the salt does, but why mess with a good thing. As my yummy concoction was simmering on the stove for 5 minutes I decided to add blueberries - good brainfood - to it. So, I put the berries in the bowl and then added the oatmeal on top after the timer beeped. Then, giving into my sweet tooth a bit I squirted a bit of honey on top and mixed it up. So good! Not only was the taste so good, but the blueberries were nice and warm - almost cooked - reminiscent of the cooked blueberries in a fresh, out of the oven blueberry muffin. Maybe I'm the only one who is surprised that if you pour a bubbling hot substance on cold berries their temperature will also rise. But, I was surprised and delighted nonetheless. Added bonus - it is a low in points b-fast - 2 for the oatmeal and 1 for the berries. And additional added bonus - it "sticks to your ribs", as my mom always says so I wasn't hungry for my typical mid-morning snack. Perhaps this blueberry delight could replace the english muffin as the new breakfast of choice. If only it could be portable. Hmmm...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

One Expensive Evening

So it has been confirmed. Eating within a normal range of Weight Watcher points at Quicken Loans Arena is very difficult if not downright impossible. I think I knew this before making the trip, but alas, we decided to re-shelve the pork chops I had planned to make before the game in lieu of grabbing something there.

So once we found our seats we went back out to check out our dinner options. Sadly the new "B-Spot" restaurant I've heard all about was closed as were a lot of vendors since it was still early and not open to the public yet. You see we were there for the Cub Scout Night at the Q event, with a free ticket for Zach, compliments of his great popcorn selling gig! But I digress...

Zach knew what he wanted. He saw the personal size, red pizza boxes as we were coming in and he says to me, "hey, mom, I want one of those 'Smart Ones' pizzas!" First I was excited thinking, "Wow, the Q really has Weight Watchers products - yahoo!" I quickly realized that Zach mistakenly thought the red Dijorno's pizza box that they were handing out looked like the healthier red box (Smart Ones) version we have in our freezer at home. One pizza imposter coming up! Meanwhile, Mike headed for the "Downtown Dog" - (read: a pricey hot dog), nachos, soda and peanuts,for me as a potential healthy snack later. I now have to decide between the hot dog and the pizza and my logic is that there is more protein in the pizza so I go for that. And it couldn't be that bad in points right? Oh, how wrong I was. So, our tab so far is two pizzas (one pep and one cheese) and two sodas - $21.00; hot dog, nachos, drink and peanuts - $18.00 and then later the boys got two huge, hot pretzels - $12.00 got a grand total of $51.00. Our seats cost as $45.00!!

As I did my tracking when I got home that evening (like a good little Weight Watcher!) my mouth dropped when I found out that the personal cheese pizza I so enjoyed that evening was a whopping 16 points! Yikes! For those of you who do not speak pointeese I'll put it in perspective for day for me consists of 18 points!!!! Saved again by the 35 weekly floater points and the extra cash I found in my jeans. Ha!