Thursday, September 2, 2010

Goin' metric

So I ran yesterday at lunch. Outside. In 90 degree heat. And it was AWESOME! The one good thing about running after not running for a few days is that it generally is a great run and I feel good before, during and after the run. Well, this one didn't disappoint either. That is, after a weird start. After I remembered that I signed up for a 5K on Labor Day - this Monday - I decided to use the 5K setting on my ipod rather than set it for 3 miles. So during the run, the little announcer woman (I can't remember what I named her), told me when I got 1K into it, etc. All of a sudden she is telling me I'm at the half-way point, but it was only at 1.5K. What?? I'm no math major, but I do know that 5 divided by 2 is not 1.5. Sweating and puzzled, I figured that I must have hit the 3K setting rather than the 5K setting since I'm so used to setting for 3 miles...3 on the brain. Turns out - that is exactly what I did! So, now what should I do...just run the 3K for the day? Walk back? Or add some distance for a different challenge?

I decided to run the full 3K and when I completed that I would just turn around and run back for a total of, you got it - 6K. Wow, a certified math genius. So, I did it! I walked a tad, but after all it was a billion degrees. I figured out later that 6K is around 3.7 miles. Sweet. I think I'm going to use the metric settings more often. For some reason it felt like a shorter distance. I'm not sure why that is, but I might become a convert. Just don't ask me how many liters are in a gallon.

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