Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Just Do It - the sequel

So, I ran today at lunch - 5K, a little over 30 minutes. Good run, pretty uneventful. The weather was breezy, and nice and cool...perfect weather for a run. I had a bunch of meetings today and could have easily given in to not going, but I didn't let myself even entertain that today. After my 11am meeting ran a tad long and I was delayed by a student's question I simply grabbed my bag and went to the locker room. The old Nike slogan echoed in my head - "Just Do It". That is pretty good motivation. That and I am really trying to be back where I need to be at the scale come Saturday. I've been consistently running every other day this week (3 times so far) and I have my BOSU class tomorrow. It just really takes making it a part of my day; scheduling it right in my calendar in order to make sure I don't come up with an excuse to miss. I find that on my really packed meeting days especially, it is really important for me to get my run in. It helps alleviate stress and give me a boost of energy in the afternoon and through the evening. Ahh, life is good. I'm diggin' this weather - until the snow flies again!!!

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