Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Noisy Jumping Jacks!!

So I debated whether or not to blog about this, but decided to go ahead and do it because 1) we are all adults, 2) we are all human and have digestive systems, and 3) in my family bathroom humor is still funny at any age (all boys!). So, with that being said, this is my warning and disclaimer to you before you read any further. This entry will involve a degree of bathroom humor. You are forewarned! Leave this site now if you are highly disgusted, but if you are down for a good laugh at my expense...please continue!

I went to boot camp class again yesterday at 5:30am. There were only two of us - not too surprising I guess since it is Christmas week. And no, the chatterbox was not there. We started out with 60 seconds of jumping jacks. Now, I don't know about you, but for me jumping jacks seem to be some sort of trigger for my digestive system, especially early in the morning. Yes, the duck was back. I'm talking about the duck that talks in staccato-type quacks, but talks very clearly, none-the-less. Now, I'm thankful that this duck has no odor to speak of - just a very loud voice. The duck has appeared other times at this class, but fortunately, I was able to contain the her in such a way as to not admit ownership. But, picture this, there is hardly anyone at the fitness center this early and only two of us in the class with NO music to boot!!!! It is quiet. There is no place to hide from the "duck in the room", if you will. So yesterday I chose to just embrace it. I mean, what else could I do?! I apologized and acknowledged that I was the duck's "owner". Thankfully, the trainer was very good humored about it - at least to my face. I have no doubt that this experience will be fodder for humorous holiday conversations about his lively clients.

What I find funny is why we act as though no one else does this...EVER!? I mean it is ridiculous when you think about it. Of course it is embarrassing, especially when it is a situation in which the duck simply cannot be controlled by any means. Her voice must be heard! Well, I am going to be better prepared for this next time. And of course there will be a next time. In addition to taking an appropriate over-the-counter minimizing mechanism, I will be ready to blurt out the phrase, "AFLAC"!!!!! I figure if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

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