This morning I accomplished a new goal - yahoo!! I ran 4 miles for the first time ever! I ran the Stow Firecracker Run sponsored by the Stow Parks and Rec, thanks to Dennis, my friend from Weight Watchers, who told me about it. It was early - 7:30am and very hot and humid this am. The route started at Holy Family church and went up route 59 two miles and then back. I was nervous about it because I had never run 4 miles before - only 3.5 and I hadn't even run a lot this week. But, I committed to do it and that was that. I went to bed early in an attempt to get a good night's sleep, but slept badly because I was hot. I got up and walked the dog as I shoved an English muffin with peanut butter in my tummy. I wanted to be sure to have something at least an hour before the run. I had begged (literally) Mike to come and cheer me on, but my deal included walking the dog, so I did. So, Mike, Zach and I piled in the car at about 6:45am to get to Stow by like 7am.
They were also doing a 3K fun run and Zach wanted to do it in the worst way. Thankfully, I ran into Carol, Dennis' wife, - another friend from WW who was doing the fun run and she was willing to walk with Zachy. So with about 10 minutes to spare before the start of the race, I got Zach entered and he was very excited! I was short $3, but the registrar accepted our registration anyway. Come on, he's a kid. Very nice.
There were tons of people there! I always feel a mixture of intimidation and motivation as I look around at the other runners getting ready to go. There are all kinds, but a lot of "hard core" runners wearing shirts from previous 10K's and marathons that they have run. I just remind myself that I am only competing with myself and that it is just a normal run. The route was pretty good - a couple hills. I gave myself permission to walk a bit if I needed to and I did about 4 times!! It was just so friggin' humid! It was 75 degrees already at 7:30 and really humid on the way back. They had water at about the 1.5 mile marker which was good. I almost poured it on my head! There were lots of people along the route because the 4th of July parade goes along the same route at about 10am later that morning. One neighbor guy was holding a hose out to the street and misting us as we went by. That felt wonderful!!! My ipod actually worked today so I had Lady Gaga in my ear the whole time which was helpful. It was also motivational to have other people around you and be a part of a group of runners. I was not last! Mike said I probably was in the first 2/3 of the group. I think my time was about 42:12, but I'll know the exact time when it is posted on the internet later today. I was aiming for 40 minutes because that would be a 10-minute mile, but I was actually pretty happy with that time because of the crazy humidity.
As I ran towards the finish line I felt great as I saw Mike, Zach and my mom cheering me on. I also had Lance Armstrong in my ear - ipod - congratulating me on my longest workout ever. Such a great day! I still can't believe I did it...that I'm doing this...I'm running...ME! Who'd a thunk it?!! If I can do it, anybody can!! The very best thing I heard today was at the starting line when the man announced over the loud speaker, "Runners, take your mark!". Runners...he was talking to me!!! Awesome.
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