Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's Just Like Brushing Your Teeth

Have you ever left your house for the day forgetting something rings or earrings you always wear, your lunch or something you need for work? Or left the house forgetting to do make coffee, wear the same color socks or God, forbid, brush your teeth??!! Let's face it. We have all had those days when you just forget. And it drives me nuts when that happens. I feel naked without my rings and grumpy that I had to pay for coffee that is sub-par, when I could have had the good fresh beans free from home. But, I digress...

I've found that it makes it easier to remember for me to do something routine like that by taking steps to ensure I remember by doing certain things ahead of setting the coffee pot the night before, laying out clothes the night before, etc. It doesn't always work, but it gives me a fighting chance.

For the last few weeks I have been trying to move my work out time to early mornings in order to make sure to get it in, especially with the training starting soon. I realized this morning that for me working out early in the morning really just needs to become a habit - like brushing my teeth. I very seldom forget to brush my teeth because it has just become a habit; part of my routine. I would feel off (and gross, I might add) if I forgot to do it one day and would probably find my way to a drugstore to purchase a spare toothbrush and toothpaste to take care of business. The same thing can happen for working out, I think. I want it to become such a part of my daily routine that I really miss it during the day if I don't do it. I am half-way there, at this point, I think. I definitely have a more productive day when I have done it and feel a bit off when I haven't. I have strategies in place to help make it a routine -like having the workout clothes out and ready in the bathroom, and having the water bottle ready to go. And most importantly, I'm trying to commit to going to bed by 10:30pm at the latest so I can get up at 5am! So far, so good this week - 3 days up and one more to go!!

Now, does anybody have some floss??!!

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