As you know I am a committed Weight Watchers member fo sho. I am passionate about the program, faithfully go to meetings every week on Saturday at 7:30am and talk about the program all the time. So, naturally when a receptionist mentioned working for Weight Watchers in Nov 2009 after I became a Lifetime member at goal, again, I immediately went online and applied. A week or so later I got an email reply that politely notified me that they were not currently hiring. I was bummed, but realized that it was not meant to be at this time. I began my blog and then my book and life continued.
With the roll-out of the new Points Plus program, things changed. I was notified that there was an Informational meeting scheduled to provide interested folks with info on working for Weight Watchers. I attended and was really excited about what I learned. All of the qualifications the woman highlighted that they were looking for in a leader were strengths that I had and/or things that applied to me! I mean if I can't work as a trainer for the Biggest Loser like Jillian Michaels, or be a designer for the Extreme HomeMakeover, like Tye Pennington, I want to do this!!! How awesome would it be to be able to work for an organization that I really believe in on a personal level and be able to motivate and inspire people to reach their goals?! Hell, I would pay them to be able to do that! Not that I don't like my job, but come on! You can't compete with that!!
So, I went to the next step and had a phone interview the next week. The interview went very well and I was assured that I had the personality for the job, etc. However, my availability was of concern. Oh, crap, my day job. Yeah, there is that. In order to make it work I would have to be able to get to a meeting by 5ish and my hours just don't work with that schedule. The manager called me the next day and we had a really good conversation about how the training is expensive and they don't want to train someone if they don't have a place for them, etc. I get it. I was still heartbroken, though. I would have wanted to do at least one meeting and get my foot in the door. I encouraged her to keep my name on file in case something changed with either my schedule or their meeting schedule. She was disappointed it wouldn't work out now too.
I now realize that this again is not the time for this, even though I want it really bad. This is a hard pill to swallow for me. But, it is not on my time schedule. So, time number 2 of "not yet" from Weight Watchers. But I can wait. After all, third time's the charm, right?!
Third time is a charm--and I can feel that eventually it will all work out...Just keep that positive inspires all!