So, apparently I found my Olympic event this morning at boot camp - should I ever decide to train, and get accepted into the Olympics that is. As part of our warm-up, we did these "bear crawl" exercises across the gym floor. First, we did the modified one which was we essentially bent down with our legs straight and walked our hands up to the top of where we couldn't reach anymore and then walked our legs up, and so on for the entire length of the gym and then back - backwards. Not that I'm competitive or anything, but I totally schooled the other two ladies with this! I wasn't really trying to, but it was just easy for me, I guess. We have done similar exercises in Bosu class, so maybe that is why it was my "event", but it def was. Then, we did the total bear crawl where you basically just crawl across the floor on your hands and feet (very hard to describe in words). Again, I bested my bootcamp friends (who, by the way are very nice - and just the right amount of "chattiness"). I even heard one of them mention, "Whoa, Lisa, you are a beast at this!!" And it wasn't like I was just beating them by a hair - I was beating them by like a half-court length! It is just so random, because it was totally easy for me and I didn't' think anything of it where it was obviously challenging to others who were at a similar fitness level as me, from what I could tell.
This is so true in life too, isn't it? Sometimes we downplay our strengths rather than celebrate them. It is so much easier to be critical of the things we need to work on and focus on those, rather than appreciate or even be aware of our strengths or areas in which we excel.
So, do you think the bear crawl would be in the summer or winter Olympic games? Just checkin'!
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