Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Amazing Race!

I had a great race experience yesterday! I ran my second 5K and it was the "Run for the Orphans". It began at Seton School, but mostly the route was throughout Hudson Spring Park trails. It was cold (real feel of about 33 degrees). I was dressed appropriately, however, with leggings, long-sleeved underarmour shirt, fleece jacket, windbreaker, hat and gloves. I was really keyed up and nervous before the race. I had gotten up early to go to my Weight Watchers meeting first and get my regular breakfast and coffee. Luckily I ran into a former high school friend at registration. It helped calm my nerves to talk with her a little bit. A few minutes before the race began my parents showed up which was also fun and very supportive. Mike had to take Zach to soccer so they couldn't be there that morning so the 'rents filled in!

The race was tough. The course was SO hilly, but I was proud of myself because I DID NOT stop and walk at all and that was my goal! I did not want to walk!!! I know some people do this, but for me I would feel that it would be cheating. So, my time ended up at 31:17 and I was okay with that, especially because of the hilly terrain. I beat my time for my first 5K in October which was 32:18 and that was on a flat road race. Totally different! I also achieved a personal best on my mile for the first mile of the race yesterday at 9:03. That was pretty cool.

I didn't win anything in this race (like I did in the first one - first place FSA/ONLY FSA!!) I came in 82 out of 141 runners...not too shabby for a non-athlete like me!! I felt like I wanted to throw up as I came across the finish line. But, I didn't. Then, I felt good...good that I accomplished something...good that I competed and improved...good that I ran the entire time...and if I'm totally honest, good that I wasn't last - not by a long shot!!! The organizers of the race caught videos of the runners at the start and at the finish which they put on youtube which was a nice surprise.

I need to look at the calendar to find the next race. It is just great to have something to train towards. Very cool. I "heart" running!!!

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