Thursday, April 29, 2010

Personal GPS!!??

Good news or bad news first? Okay, the good news is that I ran today after letting myself off the hook yesterday. I even ran 3.5 miles - yahoo for me. What's the bad news? The bad news is that I got lost running today. Yes. It finally happened. Now, in many ways this is no surprise (especially to my husband). I have no sense of direction at all and was giddy when I received my GPS for my car a couple of Christmases ago. It has gotten me to my destination many times after "recalculating" once or twice (or more). I have actually gotten lost even WITH the GPS in my car, but that is another blog entry for another day.

Back to today. So, I take advantage of the beautiful day and head outside at lunch to get my run in. I decided to make up my own route. It worked really well one other time (famous last words). So, I decide to simply go one particular direction until my half-way point (1.75 miles) and then turn around and backtrack back to the university. Sounds simple enough, one would think. Well, the first part worked out fine. The run actually felt pretty good, saw some pretty homes and kept track of where I was going - names of streets. I should mention that I don't live in the same neighborhood where I work. I commute about 45 minutes south so I don't drive around much where I work at all and am not familiar with the streets. The rationalization continues. As I'm heading back I notice that the street I was on suddenly changed names and I got all confused. I turned around and headed back the other way and then it happened again! Ugghhh! I decided to go against my instincts and run in the total opposite direction. I see a street named "University" up ahead and take it that it is a good sign that I'm getting close to John Carroll. Pretty soon I see an intersection I recognize and the big huge brick classroom building looming ahead. Ahh, home, sweet, work! By this point I had already finished my run and was walking back, wondering just how late I was! I got back at 12:55 and had approximately 5 minutes to shower, dry hair, etc. I am proud to say I was back at my desk ready to rock-n-roll and eating my lean cuisine at 1:07.

All in all, it was a good run even if I took the scenic route.

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