Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Green Light

So, I'm writing this book that chronicles my weight loss journey, right? My original plan was to see if Weight Watchers would publish it given that I talk about the company throughout the book. I contacted the company via the website and asked about this option. After I got an initial generic automatic email response back, I had low expectations that I would hear back from anyone about my particular question. Well, yesterday I actually did! A woman kindly emailed me back and told me that WW does not publish any unsolicited manuscripts and wished me well. She did say that many members who have had success publish on their own. Well, that was all I needed to hear. I learned of a website called from the "My Happiness Project" book that I read recently that is a self-publisher and it looks very cool. I looked at it briefly and it is very reasonable to have them publish a hardcover book for me to keep. They also have selling options through the site, but I'd have to explore that more. In the meantime, I need to keep proofing and editing and have someone else read it and edit it soon as well. I was worried about getting permission from Weight Watchers to use the name in a published document, but I guess I just did!!! It is just fun to know that this is a real option for me and that I don't have to worry about using the WW name. Hooray!


  1. you know their CEO has a blog right? You should start commenting on his blog - maybe he'll start reading your blog :)

    I think it would be interesting to get your take on why you think WW has worked so well for you. It has never worked for me - it is not that I can't lose weight with it, it just drives me crazy. Something about my personality and their system just doesn't mesh for some reason.

    I also find it fascinating how committed people are to their particular brand of losing weight - it is almost like religion or politics. I know I have super strong beliefs about methods that I just think are so so so wrong - surgery, low-carb/atkins. And I can't really figure out why I have such strong feelings about it.

  2. Noor,

    I had no idea that their CEO has a blog...i'll have to look that up! Thanks!

    I also agree about the fascination about various programs. My fellow WW members jokingly call it "the church of Weight Watchers!!" I am obviously passionate about the program for many reasons (which I'll talk about in a minute), but I also have STRONG feelings about certain ones too that I think are wrong. I don't like anything that limits people by type of food. For example, Atkins. I respect those who can do it w/o surgery, but it does seem like for some VERY obese folks, it is a health benefit to have the surgery. I also don't agree with programs that provide food (Jenny Craig). It is really about changing behavior for ever and no one is going to eat some sort of prescribed meals forever!

    Why do I like WW? I like it because it is based on good nutritional guidelines (not deprivation), it is flexible (can incorporate literally ANY food into the program). I don't do well with depriving myself of something - that just encourages me to binge more! I also really like it because of the support of the is so helpful to hear what others do - their struggles and triumphs. I know it sounds cheesy, but it is true! Finally, I like the incorporation of activity into the "program". This is where I have fallen short in the past - let the activity go by the wayside. So, that is it, in a nutshell. There is a bunch more in my book!!! Maybe I'll send you a copy once I get it published!

    Bravo to you for what you are doing to be healthier. I commend you for sticking it with it. It basically comes down to working off more than we put in...less food and more activity.
