Sunday, October 17, 2010

I Need a Coach!

So, I've determined I need my own personal coach. I don't mean "life coach", whatever that is. I mean a running coach. I don't really need someone to run with me, but I need someone to help me set new goals and help keep me motivated. I've not been feeling well this weekend so I haven't been running. As a matter of fact I have not run since Wednesday - ugh. As an attempt to act as my own coach, I did sign up for a 5K for next Saturday - if nothing else just to make sure I run this week! My weekly goal for the longest time has been to run 4 times a week, but truth be told, I've been lucky to get 2 in a week the last couple of weeks - either due to being busy, weather changes, or being sick. Part of it is also due to not having a goal to strive for. Maybe it is that 5K's are just not doing it for me anymore. But, do I start training for a 10K? Do I start training for a half marathon? I'm just not sure. And at this time of year, what is realistic? How can I get my butt in gear to run in the mornings? You see, this is why I need a coach. Or maybe just a subscription to a runner's magazine.

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