Sat, June 11
Ran 8 miles outside
Time: 1:30:39; Average Pace: 11'19"
Well, I'll start with the is over! Ha, ha. Okay, so that is my way of saying that this run sucked with a big "S"! We all have 'em, but I pushed through it. I was just very tired - weary tired and hot. I did use my water belt for the first time - I took a sip or two every mile which helped a bit. The belt was okay in terms of comfort, but I'll just have to get used to the extra weight. It is not that heavy, but any additional weight takes some getting used to, I guess. I even had to walk at two different occasions this am - but that is okay. It turns out that I just need to get better sleep on Friday nights. I went to bed a little later (about 11:30pm) and I had a couple helpings of raisinetts as a late night snack. Not a good mixture the night before a longer run.
During the middle of the run...about miles 5 and 6 I finally hit my stride and felt good and then I was in the zone until the end, but the start was rough. I started doubting my committment to the full in Sept. I mean, 26 miles, really?! As I type this I am just wiped out. Perhaps a nap is in order while I get caught up with laundry.
I probably could have predicted that this would be a sub-par run. Not only based on lack of sleep, but also because we had a substitute leader this am at WW. Yes, the "hat lady" was back. Let's just say she is a little bit eccentric...we'll go with that. It is not her fault she isn't Nancy, but she just isn't. Oh, well...moving on...
An honest blog about getting fit and staying fit with good nutrition and an active lifestyle. Advice from an average Jane. Hey, Its Just Lisa!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Yoga Double Feature!
Fri, June 10
Yoga at Noon
So I was supposed to run 30 minutes today according to my training schedule. That did not happen. Let the excuses start...I was tired this morning so I didn't get up in time. I brought my stuff to work for plan B, but was foiled by the downpour at noon. However, I remembered that there was a power yoga class at noon with a different instructor. So, I decided to go to that instead.
So, there I was putting my running clothes on and going to yoga. I had short shorts on and what turned out to be a skin tight underarmor shirt that I had bought from the thriftstore and was wearing for the first time today. Turns out that not all mediums are really mediums. I mean the girls were locked and loaded! I looked sorta goofy in shorts too, but hey, no glasses! I was just hoping that no one would be in back of me...lets just say these short shorts could reveal too much of me in the downward facing dog pose!
But thankfully it all worked out fine. I got over my awkwardness after I realized that no one really cared about my wardrobe misfortunes! It was an awesome class too...this woman knows her stuff, has tons of energy and of course, I sweat like crazy! Next up: long run tomorrow!
Yoga at Noon
So I was supposed to run 30 minutes today according to my training schedule. That did not happen. Let the excuses start...I was tired this morning so I didn't get up in time. I brought my stuff to work for plan B, but was foiled by the downpour at noon. However, I remembered that there was a power yoga class at noon with a different instructor. So, I decided to go to that instead.
So, there I was putting my running clothes on and going to yoga. I had short shorts on and what turned out to be a skin tight underarmor shirt that I had bought from the thriftstore and was wearing for the first time today. Turns out that not all mediums are really mediums. I mean the girls were locked and loaded! I looked sorta goofy in shorts too, but hey, no glasses! I was just hoping that no one would be in back of me...lets just say these short shorts could reveal too much of me in the downward facing dog pose!
But thankfully it all worked out fine. I got over my awkwardness after I realized that no one really cared about my wardrobe misfortunes! It was an awesome class too...this woman knows her stuff, has tons of energy and of course, I sweat like crazy! Next up: long run tomorrow!
Do I look fat in these pants?
So, I'm trying again with the white pants. No, not THE white pants from last summer that I cursed and threw away (see the blog entry "Curse of the White Pants" as a reference). I found a cute pair of beach-like white pants that were really cute at the thrift store, of course. I wore them today to work. Yes, it is pretty casual, but hey, it is Friday and you never know when you will have a "beach emergency" Cleveland...well...
They looked okay as I gave them a once over after getting dressed this morning. Still not extremely flattering I daresay, but they are very light, cute and quite comfortable. I'll check them out in the restroom today and make my final assessment of them at the end of the day. Will they make the cut? I'll keep you posted!
They looked okay as I gave them a once over after getting dressed this morning. Still not extremely flattering I daresay, but they are very light, cute and quite comfortable. I'll check them out in the restroom today and make my final assessment of them at the end of the day. Will they make the cut? I'll keep you posted!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Thurs, June 9
Yoga at lunch
So, I'm learning more about the actual terms used in yoga. The one that our teacher uses a lot is "chaturanga". She also sometimes adds "high to low". This pose really strengthens core and arm muscles. You basically go from a high push-up to a low pushup and then back into downward facing dog. You can see how this is supposed to be done here.
It is so interesting learning more about yoga. I'm so glad that I'm doing it. I do feel generally more stretched out and I think it will definitely help me with my running training. I wore my contacts today, but I tried to keep my eyes closed as much as possible. We also tried a new pose today called camel...she showed us three different ways to do it - definitely challenging!
I did not look exactly like this today, but I'll get there!
Yoga at lunch
So, I'm learning more about the actual terms used in yoga. The one that our teacher uses a lot is "chaturanga". She also sometimes adds "high to low". This pose really strengthens core and arm muscles. You basically go from a high push-up to a low pushup and then back into downward facing dog. You can see how this is supposed to be done here.
It is so interesting learning more about yoga. I'm so glad that I'm doing it. I do feel generally more stretched out and I think it will definitely help me with my running training. I wore my contacts today, but I tried to keep my eyes closed as much as possible. We also tried a new pose today called camel...she showed us three different ways to do it - definitely challenging!

I did not look exactly like this today, but I'll get there!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Sweat Management!
Wed, June 8
Ran 50 minutes outside
Distance: 4.52; Average Pace: 11'04"
So, its hot today! It was 69 degrees this morning at 6am and extremely humid. I'm glad I ran then because I think it is going to be in the 90's today. Yikes! The run was pretty good even in spite of the humidity. I ran in my glasses again. I think I'm going to try to wear my contacts again tomorrow, but I may bring my glasses to work just in case.
As I've shared before I'm a sweaty girl and the summer and humidity just increases the sweat quotient for me. So I've decided I need to develop some strategies for sweat management. Thankfully I am no longer the "angry runner" as I was running on the indoor track so I don't need anger management classes anymore. Phew! But, sweat management is an entirely different issue altogether. So, here are my strategies to manage the mess that is my sweaty body.
1. I've decided that I've run my last run without water. I bought a water belt and there it sits on my dining room table. Perfect place for it, don't you think? I'm going to actually try it on on Friday and see how it works! Yes, I realize this strategy does not directly deal with the management of the sweat, however it can help replenish and hydrate my body during the run!
2. Although I do wear a headband, it really only helps keep my hair out of my sweaty face (and also keeps my glasses on nicely). What I think I need to invest in is actual "sweat bands" for my head and maybe wrists? You know those thick, terry-cloth-esque looking things? I always think about my dad in his younger days using them to play tennis. Yes, that was in the 1970's but whatever. People still sweat today and I demand a management system! The other reason why an actual sweat band would help is because I no longer can use my cotton t-shirts to mop up my brow, as I am now wearing tech shirts most of the time (to avoid the chafing issue). So, that is the plan, Stan. I'm going to be looking so sweet in my headband, sweatband, wristband and glasses. Oh yeah, I expect to be called by Runner's World any day to set up a photo op so I can be the poster child for a new sub-culture of women runners - the sweaty girls! Never let them see you sweat?! Nope, that is poppycock for this chick! Sweat early and often I say!
Ran 50 minutes outside
Distance: 4.52; Average Pace: 11'04"
So, its hot today! It was 69 degrees this morning at 6am and extremely humid. I'm glad I ran then because I think it is going to be in the 90's today. Yikes! The run was pretty good even in spite of the humidity. I ran in my glasses again. I think I'm going to try to wear my contacts again tomorrow, but I may bring my glasses to work just in case.
As I've shared before I'm a sweaty girl and the summer and humidity just increases the sweat quotient for me. So I've decided I need to develop some strategies for sweat management. Thankfully I am no longer the "angry runner" as I was running on the indoor track so I don't need anger management classes anymore. Phew! But, sweat management is an entirely different issue altogether. So, here are my strategies to manage the mess that is my sweaty body.
1. I've decided that I've run my last run without water. I bought a water belt and there it sits on my dining room table. Perfect place for it, don't you think? I'm going to actually try it on on Friday and see how it works! Yes, I realize this strategy does not directly deal with the management of the sweat, however it can help replenish and hydrate my body during the run!
2. Although I do wear a headband, it really only helps keep my hair out of my sweaty face (and also keeps my glasses on nicely). What I think I need to invest in is actual "sweat bands" for my head and maybe wrists? You know those thick, terry-cloth-esque looking things? I always think about my dad in his younger days using them to play tennis. Yes, that was in the 1970's but whatever. People still sweat today and I demand a management system! The other reason why an actual sweat band would help is because I no longer can use my cotton t-shirts to mop up my brow, as I am now wearing tech shirts most of the time (to avoid the chafing issue). So, that is the plan, Stan. I'm going to be looking so sweet in my headband, sweatband, wristband and glasses. Oh yeah, I expect to be called by Runner's World any day to set up a photo op so I can be the poster child for a new sub-culture of women runners - the sweaty girls! Never let them see you sweat?! Nope, that is poppycock for this chick! Sweat early and often I say!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Tues, June 7
Yoga at lunch
Today's class was really tough - in a good way! The progression of poses was really tough so it was a good challenge. I sweat like crazy! It is warmer in the fitness studio now that we have nicer weather outside. My baby wipes seem to work okay to freshen up, however, as by the time class is over I've cooled down quite a bit. It is a bit different than cardio stuff. But, it is really good strength training. I'm hoping to keep using yoga as my cross-training activity. Perhaps I'll switch it up every now and then, but I'm finding it hard (at least today again) to get up at 5am to go workout at Life Center. Funny, I was very motivated all during the winter, but that is probably because I had signed up for the bootcamp class. I want to be very careful this time, however, not to overtrain, so I'm not gonna push it.
In other news, I talked to one of my "marathon heros" at work today about doing the Akron full. He was really encouraging and gave me hints about getting ginger candies to have around mile 18 - he said it keeps you thirsty and prevents nausea. Gulp. Didn't know that could/would be a problem! He told me that the later half of the Akron course is pretty hilly so I should work in some hill workouts. I need to find some good hill areas around me and plan out a course. I also asked him about whether or not I should join that running group. He said that if I'm already pretty motivated to do my long runs not to waste the money. That is kind of what I thought so I think I'll forgo that. It is so nice to know people that I consider experts so I can quiz them and get advice from them. He has only run about 58 marathons!!! Yikes!!
Yoga at lunch
Today's class was really tough - in a good way! The progression of poses was really tough so it was a good challenge. I sweat like crazy! It is warmer in the fitness studio now that we have nicer weather outside. My baby wipes seem to work okay to freshen up, however, as by the time class is over I've cooled down quite a bit. It is a bit different than cardio stuff. But, it is really good strength training. I'm hoping to keep using yoga as my cross-training activity. Perhaps I'll switch it up every now and then, but I'm finding it hard (at least today again) to get up at 5am to go workout at Life Center. Funny, I was very motivated all during the winter, but that is probably because I had signed up for the bootcamp class. I want to be very careful this time, however, not to overtrain, so I'm not gonna push it.
In other news, I talked to one of my "marathon heros" at work today about doing the Akron full. He was really encouraging and gave me hints about getting ginger candies to have around mile 18 - he said it keeps you thirsty and prevents nausea. Gulp. Didn't know that could/would be a problem! He told me that the later half of the Akron course is pretty hilly so I should work in some hill workouts. I need to find some good hill areas around me and plan out a course. I also asked him about whether or not I should join that running group. He said that if I'm already pretty motivated to do my long runs not to waste the money. That is kind of what I thought so I think I'll forgo that. It is so nice to know people that I consider experts so I can quiz them and get advice from them. He has only run about 58 marathons!!! Yikes!!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Get 'er done!
Mon, June 6
Ran for 45 minutes
Distance: 3.99 miles; Average Pace: 11'17"
Good run this am! I was actually able to start at 6am and still get to work by 8:30am. It really helps that I am pretty low maintenance (not what my husband says, however) with short hair and very little make-up. I don't have time for that crap. I saw a bunny, a few bikes and a couple runners. I ran with my glasses on again, but it wasn't that bad. For the most part my headband holds them on my face in spite of my crazy sweating. The funniest part is that they fogged up a bit here and there. I felt like I was running a lot faster than 11 min/mile, but whatever. Monday runs are always a gamble. I just am glad I got my butt out of bed and got 'er done this morning before getting too hot out. I SO prefer getting it done first thing in the day too. Get that metabolism going and then I can concentrate on the rest of the day.
I learned yesterday that the new series of bootcamp started today. I am not going to do it this time. For one thing it is Mon, Wed, Fri which does not work for me since my cross-training days are T, TH. So, now I just have to determine if I'm going to just stick to yoga on T, TH or if I'll make up my own strength training workout to do in the am and then add yoga in when I can (read: all the time!). I think I'll probably pick the later. I feel like I'm missing my core workouts!! I need some planks in my life!!!
Have an awesome Monday!
Ran for 45 minutes
Distance: 3.99 miles; Average Pace: 11'17"
Good run this am! I was actually able to start at 6am and still get to work by 8:30am. It really helps that I am pretty low maintenance (not what my husband says, however) with short hair and very little make-up. I don't have time for that crap. I saw a bunny, a few bikes and a couple runners. I ran with my glasses on again, but it wasn't that bad. For the most part my headband holds them on my face in spite of my crazy sweating. The funniest part is that they fogged up a bit here and there. I felt like I was running a lot faster than 11 min/mile, but whatever. Monday runs are always a gamble. I just am glad I got my butt out of bed and got 'er done this morning before getting too hot out. I SO prefer getting it done first thing in the day too. Get that metabolism going and then I can concentrate on the rest of the day.
I learned yesterday that the new series of bootcamp started today. I am not going to do it this time. For one thing it is Mon, Wed, Fri which does not work for me since my cross-training days are T, TH. So, now I just have to determine if I'm going to just stick to yoga on T, TH or if I'll make up my own strength training workout to do in the am and then add yoga in when I can (read: all the time!). I think I'll probably pick the later. I feel like I'm missing my core workouts!! I need some planks in my life!!!
Have an awesome Monday!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
The Army Crawl
So in honor of Memorial Day last week, our dog Henry has decided to join the military. He has perfected what we like to call his "army crawl" very well and now feels that he can enter the armed forces with confidence. He passed the "squeezing under the bed" test the first day he arrived at our house a few weeks ago. Since then he has undertaken the "squeeze under the desk" move and a few others. However, his completed mission today really puts him at a higher level of soldier. He attempted and succeeded the "under the stairs squeeze". Let me explain. He disappeared downstairs to the basement and was quiet for a minute (probably making sure he was camouflaged). I look down the basement stairs to find this...

Now this picture is taken outside after I pulled it from the trashcan. First of all, I didn't even recognize what this was/or used to be. I would bet my life that it didn't even come from our house. When I showed it to Mike, he said, "oh, yeah, he probably got it from under the stairs". Well, that would make sense - if we had access to under the stairs. Ever since we refinished the basement, all we have is an access panel that you literally have to push (with opposable thumbs) to open. So, I was very puzzled and still doubted if this "thing" indeed came from our house. So I went down to inspect. Henry came with me and proceeded to chomp on the spoils of his attack - that and to try to hide the evidence.

As I looked over the situation I then realized that dog performed the ever tricky "under the stairs squeeze" here. Color me impressed.

Seriously. Did I mention that this 6 month old puppy is a mastiff/lab mix and probably at least 50 pounds by now? He also is very tall with long deer-like legs. He obviously thinks he is a little dog. Either that, or he just really takes this military training stuff seriously.
Now that he pretty much has perfected his army crawl technique with any type of furniture, I think he will proceed to the ever entertaining bug hunt tactic. Yes, we have the occasional ant or stink bug that dares to cross the soldier's path only to be promptly squashed by a very large webbed foot. Better yet he will play with his victim, throwing it up in the air with his mouth until it stops moving or he gets bored.
I can only imagine what the next army "drill" will be with our trooper. I'll be sure to let you know!

Now this picture is taken outside after I pulled it from the trashcan. First of all, I didn't even recognize what this was/or used to be. I would bet my life that it didn't even come from our house. When I showed it to Mike, he said, "oh, yeah, he probably got it from under the stairs". Well, that would make sense - if we had access to under the stairs. Ever since we refinished the basement, all we have is an access panel that you literally have to push (with opposable thumbs) to open. So, I was very puzzled and still doubted if this "thing" indeed came from our house. So I went down to inspect. Henry came with me and proceeded to chomp on the spoils of his attack - that and to try to hide the evidence.

As I looked over the situation I then realized that dog performed the ever tricky "under the stairs squeeze" here. Color me impressed.

Seriously. Did I mention that this 6 month old puppy is a mastiff/lab mix and probably at least 50 pounds by now? He also is very tall with long deer-like legs. He obviously thinks he is a little dog. Either that, or he just really takes this military training stuff seriously.
Now that he pretty much has perfected his army crawl technique with any type of furniture, I think he will proceed to the ever entertaining bug hunt tactic. Yes, we have the occasional ant or stink bug that dares to cross the soldier's path only to be promptly squashed by a very large webbed foot. Better yet he will play with his victim, throwing it up in the air with his mouth until it stops moving or he gets bored.
I can only imagine what the next army "drill" will be with our trooper. I'll be sure to let you know!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Bigger Kid - Bigger Bike!
Sat, June 3
Ran 6.64 miles outside
Time: 1:15:50; Average Pace: 11'24"
Today's run felt great! I asked Zach to come with me since he just got a bigger bike last night! It is a 13 inch, but normal size wheels (not sure what that means), but here is a pic.
I was supposed to run 6 miles, but I underestimated the distance so we ended up going a little further than that. It was a beautiful morning with low humidity. It took me a little longer than normal because I stopped to help Z cross the street, but those were nice little breaks, actually. About half-way through he asked if we were almost there and that he was hungry (he did not have breakfast- bad move!). Now he knows that he must eat before going on a longer ride like that! He was a pretty good little rider. Most of the route has sidewalks and the ones that don't are through neighborhoods so I feel like it is safe. He loves switching gears! He got a new helmet and water bottle too so he thinks he is all that and a bag of chips (which he is, if I do say so myself!).
My only complaint for this run was my right eye. I've been having trouble with my right eye wearing contacts during this allergy season. I put them in for the run, but after about mile 2 they started blurring every time I blinked. They continued like this for the rest of the run. As soon as I was done I promptly took them out and my eye was all bloodshot. Okay, back to glasses for awhile. I think I will attempt to get new glasses soon - these are almost the right prescription, but a tad off and they have actual glass lenses. I might do better to find some lighter frames. But I got my run in so that is the most important thing.
I'm glad Zach got his new bike - he never would have been able to ride that route comfortably with his old (no gear) bike! It reminds me of when we used to ride/run together when I first started. Bigger kid, bigger bike, longer runs. Still good times!!
Ran 6.64 miles outside
Time: 1:15:50; Average Pace: 11'24"
Today's run felt great! I asked Zach to come with me since he just got a bigger bike last night! It is a 13 inch, but normal size wheels (not sure what that means), but here is a pic.

I was supposed to run 6 miles, but I underestimated the distance so we ended up going a little further than that. It was a beautiful morning with low humidity. It took me a little longer than normal because I stopped to help Z cross the street, but those were nice little breaks, actually. About half-way through he asked if we were almost there and that he was hungry (he did not have breakfast- bad move!). Now he knows that he must eat before going on a longer ride like that! He was a pretty good little rider. Most of the route has sidewalks and the ones that don't are through neighborhoods so I feel like it is safe. He loves switching gears! He got a new helmet and water bottle too so he thinks he is all that and a bag of chips (which he is, if I do say so myself!).
My only complaint for this run was my right eye. I've been having trouble with my right eye wearing contacts during this allergy season. I put them in for the run, but after about mile 2 they started blurring every time I blinked. They continued like this for the rest of the run. As soon as I was done I promptly took them out and my eye was all bloodshot. Okay, back to glasses for awhile. I think I will attempt to get new glasses soon - these are almost the right prescription, but a tad off and they have actual glass lenses. I might do better to find some lighter frames. But I got my run in so that is the most important thing.
I'm glad Zach got his new bike - he never would have been able to ride that route comfortably with his old (no gear) bike! It reminds me of when we used to ride/run together when I first started. Bigger kid, bigger bike, longer runs. Still good times!!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Peach "Cobbler"
I tried a new yummy treat last night and wanted to share...very simple sweet treat perfect for this time of year:
1 peach
1/4 cup grape nuts cereal
2 heaping teaspoons of fat free cool whip
I sliced and chunked up the peach, leaving the skin on and put it in a microwave safe bowl. Then I sprinkled about 1/4 cup of grape nuts cereal on the peach chunks. I microwaved it for 1 minute on high. Topped it with the cool whip and ate it all gone. So good! Yeah, I like peaches just like Henry, but I prefer then with out the pits!
1 peach
1/4 cup grape nuts cereal
2 heaping teaspoons of fat free cool whip
I sliced and chunked up the peach, leaving the skin on and put it in a microwave safe bowl. Then I sprinkled about 1/4 cup of grape nuts cereal on the peach chunks. I microwaved it for 1 minute on high. Topped it with the cool whip and ate it all gone. So good! Yeah, I like peaches just like Henry, but I prefer then with out the pits!
Blind Yoga
Thursday, June 2
Yoga at lunch
So, the training program said "rest" today, but since I did that on Tuesday I decided that Yoga was in order today. As always, so glad I did.
The challenge today, however, was that although I can make running work with my glasses on (yep, still sporting them cause of those pesky allergies. Allegra seems to be working great, but just giving my eyes a rest for this week), the same cannot be said of yoga. I mean beginning with the first down-dog pose they were slipping of my face. Since there was no duct tape or any other device at the ready to keep them plastered to my head, off they came. I gently placed them on the block next to my mat. I hardly ever use the block anyways, so it served as a good little shelf. I wasn't sure how this would work without my glasses. I mean, truly the only thing I can do without my glasses is,...well...sleep! I'm pretty blind without corrective lenses. However, as it turns out I don't really need to see to do yoga. I mean, that should figure. Most of the time I have my eyes closed anyways. I think it actually helped me to not have my "eyes on" during class. I had to rely more on feel, listen well for instructions, get more into my body for the poses, and most importantly for this little competitive girl - stop looking at everybody else! Just another little learning lesson for Lisa.
Yoga at lunch
So, the training program said "rest" today, but since I did that on Tuesday I decided that Yoga was in order today. As always, so glad I did.
The challenge today, however, was that although I can make running work with my glasses on (yep, still sporting them cause of those pesky allergies. Allegra seems to be working great, but just giving my eyes a rest for this week), the same cannot be said of yoga. I mean beginning with the first down-dog pose they were slipping of my face. Since there was no duct tape or any other device at the ready to keep them plastered to my head, off they came. I gently placed them on the block next to my mat. I hardly ever use the block anyways, so it served as a good little shelf. I wasn't sure how this would work without my glasses. I mean, truly the only thing I can do without my glasses is,...well...sleep! I'm pretty blind without corrective lenses. However, as it turns out I don't really need to see to do yoga. I mean, that should figure. Most of the time I have my eyes closed anyways. I think it actually helped me to not have my "eyes on" during class. I had to rely more on feel, listen well for instructions, get more into my body for the poses, and most importantly for this little competitive girl - stop looking at everybody else! Just another little learning lesson for Lisa.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Oh yeah, running with glasses!
Wed, June 1
Ran 50 minutes at lunch outside
Distance: 4.43 miles; Average Pace: 11"18'
Today I realized that I can actually stretch after I have already started running (duh). I know it is better to stretch warm muscles, but I never want to start out walking 5 minutes...but I know I should. This time I stretched a tad before starting and then about 1/2 to a 3/4 of a mile in I stretched again (those damn calves) and it felt much better for the rest of the run. And it only took a few seconds. This will definitely become a habit.
Couple other things I learned during this run:
1. I will actually have to remember to use my glide next time. Maybe I should put an extra in my locker. I forgot to throw in my under armour shorts today and have the road chafe to prove it!!! Yikes.
2. I can be startled enough to scream bloody murder when a little black dog darts at my feet barking! I wish I could have seen myself - looked a fool, I'm sure! He was harmless, but scared me, but good. I could have taken him, though.
3. The wind is my friend. It was a about 75 degrees, but really nice with a breeze.
4. My stretching revelation (see above).
5. Running with glasses can be done just fine. I have used this as an excuse not to run in the past, but no more. Allergies you will not be the victor!
Oh and how about this for a comic mental image for your, sweaty, wearing my glasses, my shorty running shorts and my "runner mom" head band and waddling back to the locker room because of the chafe rash. Yes, please laugh - it was quite a site!!
Ran 50 minutes at lunch outside
Distance: 4.43 miles; Average Pace: 11"18'
Today I realized that I can actually stretch after I have already started running (duh). I know it is better to stretch warm muscles, but I never want to start out walking 5 minutes...but I know I should. This time I stretched a tad before starting and then about 1/2 to a 3/4 of a mile in I stretched again (those damn calves) and it felt much better for the rest of the run. And it only took a few seconds. This will definitely become a habit.
Couple other things I learned during this run:
1. I will actually have to remember to use my glide next time. Maybe I should put an extra in my locker. I forgot to throw in my under armour shorts today and have the road chafe to prove it!!! Yikes.
2. I can be startled enough to scream bloody murder when a little black dog darts at my feet barking! I wish I could have seen myself - looked a fool, I'm sure! He was harmless, but scared me, but good. I could have taken him, though.
3. The wind is my friend. It was a about 75 degrees, but really nice with a breeze.
4. My stretching revelation (see above).
5. Running with glasses can be done just fine. I have used this as an excuse not to run in the past, but no more. Allergies you will not be the victor!
Oh and how about this for a comic mental image for your, sweaty, wearing my glasses, my shorty running shorts and my "runner mom" head band and waddling back to the locker room because of the chafe rash. Yes, please laugh - it was quite a site!!
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