Saturday, June 11, 2011

I Blame the Hat Lady

Sat, June 11
Ran 8 miles outside
Time: 1:30:39; Average Pace: 11'19"

Well, I'll start with the is over! Ha, ha. Okay, so that is my way of saying that this run sucked with a big "S"! We all have 'em, but I pushed through it. I was just very tired - weary tired and hot. I did use my water belt for the first time - I took a sip or two every mile which helped a bit. The belt was okay in terms of comfort, but I'll just have to get used to the extra weight. It is not that heavy, but any additional weight takes some getting used to, I guess. I even had to walk at two different occasions this am - but that is okay. It turns out that I just need to get better sleep on Friday nights. I went to bed a little later (about 11:30pm) and I had a couple helpings of raisinetts as a late night snack. Not a good mixture the night before a longer run.

During the middle of the run...about miles 5 and 6 I finally hit my stride and felt good and then I was in the zone until the end, but the start was rough. I started doubting my committment to the full in Sept. I mean, 26 miles, really?! As I type this I am just wiped out. Perhaps a nap is in order while I get caught up with laundry.

I probably could have predicted that this would be a sub-par run. Not only based on lack of sleep, but also because we had a substitute leader this am at WW. Yes, the "hat lady" was back. Let's just say she is a little bit eccentric...we'll go with that. It is not her fault she isn't Nancy, but she just isn't. Oh, well...moving on...

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