Ran 6.64 miles outside
Time: 1:15:50; Average Pace: 11'24"
Today's run felt great! I asked Zach to come with me since he just got a bigger bike last night! It is a 13 inch, but normal size wheels (not sure what that means), but here is a pic.

I was supposed to run 6 miles, but I underestimated the distance so we ended up going a little further than that. It was a beautiful morning with low humidity. It took me a little longer than normal because I stopped to help Z cross the street, but those were nice little breaks, actually. About half-way through he asked if we were almost there and that he was hungry (he did not have breakfast- bad move!). Now he knows that he must eat before going on a longer ride like that! He was a pretty good little rider. Most of the route has sidewalks and the ones that don't are through neighborhoods so I feel like it is safe. He loves switching gears! He got a new helmet and water bottle too so he thinks he is all that and a bag of chips (which he is, if I do say so myself!).
My only complaint for this run was my right eye. I've been having trouble with my right eye wearing contacts during this allergy season. I put them in for the run, but after about mile 2 they started blurring every time I blinked. They continued like this for the rest of the run. As soon as I was done I promptly took them out and my eye was all bloodshot. Okay, back to glasses for awhile. I think I will attempt to get new glasses soon - these are almost the right prescription, but a tad off and they have actual glass lenses. I might do better to find some lighter frames. But I got my run in so that is the most important thing.
I'm glad Zach got his new bike - he never would have been able to ride that route comfortably with his old (no gear) bike! It reminds me of when we used to ride/run together when I first started. Bigger kid, bigger bike, longer runs. Still good times!!
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