Friday, June 10, 2011

Do I look fat in these pants?

So, I'm trying again with the white pants. No, not THE white pants from last summer that I cursed and threw away (see the blog entry "Curse of the White Pants" as a reference). I found a cute pair of beach-like white pants that were really cute at the thrift store, of course. I wore them today to work. Yes, it is pretty casual, but hey, it is Friday and you never know when you will have a "beach emergency" Cleveland...well...

They looked okay as I gave them a once over after getting dressed this morning. Still not extremely flattering I daresay, but they are very light, cute and quite comfortable. I'll check them out in the restroom today and make my final assessment of them at the end of the day. Will they make the cut? I'll keep you posted!

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