Sat, April 30
11 miles outside at about 9am
Time: 2:01:15 Average Pace: 11:01
Today was my last long run before the race!!! Ahh!!! Next week I have 6 miler which will be a piece of cake! Today's run was good - it was about 36 degrees when I left this morning and nice and sunny so I wore Capri running pants and a long sleeved shirt. I felt good about my time and even better at the fact that I did NO walking at all!! And there are some pretty decent hills along the route. I finished in a little over 2 hours so I'm pretty confident that I can complete the race in less than 2 1/2 hours - just having to add about 2 more miles.
Overall it was a really good run. My legs felt great from step one which was awesome! At about mile 3 I got what we called when I was little a "side ache". It started on one side and moved to the other. I just pushed my hand into it and it eventually went away. Mile 4-8 felt great. Miles 9 and 10 were the toughest and then the last one is always tolerable just because it is the last one!!
Pretty pysched about the race in a couple of weeks. I just have to remember to not go out too fast. I'm sure my adrenaline will be kicking and I'll want to be sure I keep to my own pace. It is going to be epic.
An honest blog about getting fit and staying fit with good nutrition and an active lifestyle. Advice from an average Jane. Hey, Its Just Lisa!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Okay, yes, the honeymoon is over. You know that stage after you get a puppy when everything they do is SO cute and they are SO awesome and good and wonderful? You do? Well, then you might also know that that stage only lasts for a few days or if you are lucky a couple of weeks. Well, we have hit that stage with "Prince Henry Higgins" (Prince because at times he has a very regal look about him and Higgins because of the show "My Fair Lady" and Henry Higgins). I find myself going around the house singing to him, "just you wait, Henery Higgins, just you wait!" Wow, that really fits!
Anywho, so as I was saying, we are now beyond the bones and puppy treats of getting a puppy and into the work of having a dog - a young dog who happens to be a very large puppy! He gets really wound up around 8pm or 8:30pm at night which corresponds with when Zach is going to bed. This usually involves a flailing towel (something to bite) and/or flailing pj's (something to bite), a kid running through the hall screaming (something to bite) and then a kid crying because HE was the something to bite! Zach is still trying to get used to the fact that this new puppy is not going to react the same way as our almost 12-year-old beagle/basset did: just pounce once and bark in the other direction...if we were lucky. No, a puppy who sees an opportunity - any opportunity to play is going to be all-out and ready for action!
Plus, I think that as Henry is settling in he is testing the limits more. If it is not bolted down, he will try to bite or chew it. Even if it is a very large and heavy piece of furniture. And, thanks to Henry, I've unearthed three pairs of shoes and a pair of flip-flops that I didn't even know I had from underneath my nightstand. He has even made it his job to chase his tail like a champ. That one is hilarious to watch! He will chase it, get it in his mouth and pull himself over. Oh, and apparently Henry wants to do bootcamp too. This morning Mike caught him going up the basement stairs with one of my 8 pound dumbbells in his mouth!!! Yikes!!!
So, like I said, the honeymoon is over. But, now the real fun begins!
Anywho, so as I was saying, we are now beyond the bones and puppy treats of getting a puppy and into the work of having a dog - a young dog who happens to be a very large puppy! He gets really wound up around 8pm or 8:30pm at night which corresponds with when Zach is going to bed. This usually involves a flailing towel (something to bite) and/or flailing pj's (something to bite), a kid running through the hall screaming (something to bite) and then a kid crying because HE was the something to bite! Zach is still trying to get used to the fact that this new puppy is not going to react the same way as our almost 12-year-old beagle/basset did: just pounce once and bark in the other direction...if we were lucky. No, a puppy who sees an opportunity - any opportunity to play is going to be all-out and ready for action!
Plus, I think that as Henry is settling in he is testing the limits more. If it is not bolted down, he will try to bite or chew it. Even if it is a very large and heavy piece of furniture. And, thanks to Henry, I've unearthed three pairs of shoes and a pair of flip-flops that I didn't even know I had from underneath my nightstand. He has even made it his job to chase his tail like a champ. That one is hilarious to watch! He will chase it, get it in his mouth and pull himself over. Oh, and apparently Henry wants to do bootcamp too. This morning Mike caught him going up the basement stairs with one of my 8 pound dumbbells in his mouth!!! Yikes!!!
So, like I said, the honeymoon is over. But, now the real fun begins!
Bootcamp Out!
Thurs, April 28
5:30am - 6:30am - Bootcamp class at LifeCenter
So today was our last Bootcamp class until the summer (sigh). The class will start back up again in early June outside-should be fun!! With it being our last class I felt like Troy tried to make it extra hard, but we took everything he dished out and then some!!
We did some fun drills with the basketball as a warm-up. We had to do get 15 rim shots between the three of us and I was surprisingly good at those! I generally suck at basketball. Then we did a circuit with bosu ball, a circuit that involved seated shoulder exercises, which was really hard, and then a circuit with weights for that involved plank push-ups and sit-ups which was really tough. Then we ended with a good ab/pushup circuit.
Oh, in the middle of our workout - right about 6am, the power went out in the whole place - totally dark. We had severe winds during the night that carried over until the morning. It was funny because once a little bit of light turned back on people kept lifting and we kept going too. By the end of class all the power was back to normal.
It was sad to be done at the end. We gave Troy our thank you card with sweaty hugs! I would have preferred to go at least until after May 15. It is funny how I'm thinking of everything in terms of after the race. But, the other ladies were ready for a break, so it is what it is. I'm really gonna miss that class - it was really motivating to know that other people were going to be there and I loved having a workout already designed for me and a trainer to tell me what to do. I'll have to design my own weight training or cross training regimen now, I suppose!
Now I just have to keep up my habit of coming every Tuesday and Thursday and swimming with maybe a little weight training mixed in. Hey, I've got the swim suit now, so no more excuses!
5:30am - 6:30am - Bootcamp class at LifeCenter
So today was our last Bootcamp class until the summer (sigh). The class will start back up again in early June outside-should be fun!! With it being our last class I felt like Troy tried to make it extra hard, but we took everything he dished out and then some!!
We did some fun drills with the basketball as a warm-up. We had to do get 15 rim shots between the three of us and I was surprisingly good at those! I generally suck at basketball. Then we did a circuit with bosu ball, a circuit that involved seated shoulder exercises, which was really hard, and then a circuit with weights for that involved plank push-ups and sit-ups which was really tough. Then we ended with a good ab/pushup circuit.
Oh, in the middle of our workout - right about 6am, the power went out in the whole place - totally dark. We had severe winds during the night that carried over until the morning. It was funny because once a little bit of light turned back on people kept lifting and we kept going too. By the end of class all the power was back to normal.
It was sad to be done at the end. We gave Troy our thank you card with sweaty hugs! I would have preferred to go at least until after May 15. It is funny how I'm thinking of everything in terms of after the race. But, the other ladies were ready for a break, so it is what it is. I'm really gonna miss that class - it was really motivating to know that other people were going to be there and I loved having a workout already designed for me and a trainer to tell me what to do. I'll have to design my own weight training or cross training regimen now, I suppose!
Now I just have to keep up my habit of coming every Tuesday and Thursday and swimming with maybe a little weight training mixed in. Hey, I've got the swim suit now, so no more excuses!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The Crazy Club
Wed, April 27
Ran for 1 hour and 7 minutes outside at 5:30am
Distance: 6.06 miles; Average Pace: 11'12" (which I take issue with since I did the math - it should be like 11'3"!)
Today's run was pretty great all around. I got up after hitting snooze only once at 5am. I was worried that it was going to be raining as thundershowers were predicted, but luckily and thankfully it was clear and about 61 degrees. So off I went!
The run was surprisingly great from the beginning - after about 5 minutes my legs felt great and I was in the groove. It wore running pants - capri style with an iPod pocket in the back, a short sleeved shirt and of course, my stylish vest. It was a beautiful morning. I heard the birds chirp over my iPod and I saw about 5 deer - so close that I could smell them. They didn't know what to make of me and just stared at me as I ran by. I only got spooked once after Paula Abudul's "Cold Hearted Snake" came on my iPod. (Don't judge!) It was still fairly dark out and I was convinced that I saw and heard a snake on the ground, but no, it was in fact a stick and the hissing noises from the song. Yep, I'm a dope!
I was supposed to run 60 minutes today, but my route was a bit longer to get back home so I just did more. Oh, and no walking! My iPod reminded me at the point when I ran "5 minutes past your goal" and that felt great. I'm sure people driving by me running that early looked at me like I was crazy. That is what I would have said too about a runner running that early or in really bad weather a year ago or even a few months ago. But now, I love it! I understand now what the commitment to a training program really means. I understand now what completing these goals/runs means to me on a physical and mental level. I understand what the little wave of a hand to a fellow runner on your path means. Either that or I have now just joined the crazy club too! If so, that is a membership card that I hope I have forever.
Ran for 1 hour and 7 minutes outside at 5:30am
Distance: 6.06 miles; Average Pace: 11'12" (which I take issue with since I did the math - it should be like 11'3"!)
Today's run was pretty great all around. I got up after hitting snooze only once at 5am. I was worried that it was going to be raining as thundershowers were predicted, but luckily and thankfully it was clear and about 61 degrees. So off I went!
The run was surprisingly great from the beginning - after about 5 minutes my legs felt great and I was in the groove. It wore running pants - capri style with an iPod pocket in the back, a short sleeved shirt and of course, my stylish vest. It was a beautiful morning. I heard the birds chirp over my iPod and I saw about 5 deer - so close that I could smell them. They didn't know what to make of me and just stared at me as I ran by. I only got spooked once after Paula Abudul's "Cold Hearted Snake" came on my iPod. (Don't judge!) It was still fairly dark out and I was convinced that I saw and heard a snake on the ground, but no, it was in fact a stick and the hissing noises from the song. Yep, I'm a dope!
I was supposed to run 60 minutes today, but my route was a bit longer to get back home so I just did more. Oh, and no walking! My iPod reminded me at the point when I ran "5 minutes past your goal" and that felt great. I'm sure people driving by me running that early looked at me like I was crazy. That is what I would have said too about a runner running that early or in really bad weather a year ago or even a few months ago. But now, I love it! I understand now what the commitment to a training program really means. I understand now what completing these goals/runs means to me on a physical and mental level. I understand what the little wave of a hand to a fellow runner on your path means. Either that or I have now just joined the crazy club too! If so, that is a membership card that I hope I have forever.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Puppy Tales Premier!
So, it has been really interesting having a puppy in the house again...a large puppy, might I add! Yes, Henry is settling in a bit to his new life as part of the Ramsey pack and it has been interesting for all of us getting used to it. So, I decided to start a new category of blog entries called, "Puppy Tales".
Some of the things that we are getting used to with a puppy as opposed to an older (and deaf) dog are: a dog that responds when you talk, responds to other dogs barking and other noises. Also, a dog who wants to play, chew, bite and chew some more!
As a puppy he has been learning and exploring his new environment - lots of this exploring involves using his mouth! So far, he has had the following in his mouth: a tennis shoe, a dress shoe, a flip-flop, a used tissue, a lego (may or may not have swallowed it), wood from a bed, pj bottoms, a magician costume, golf ball, and just tonight he grabbed the shower curtain and pulled it down, rod and all! And yes, he does have bones and toys to chew!
He really is a good boy, but a puppy is a puppy! Thankfully we are using a dog trainer so we can learn the proper ways/commands to train him. I mean a small untrained dog is just a nuisance, but a large untrained dog could be dangerous. We had our first session with her on Saturday and it turns out that ya know what? We are ones that need training! Henry (and for that matter all dogs) is not a little child dressed in a fur costume. Well, that would be just disturbing on a lot of levels. But, it is only natural for us to want to reat him like a baby person/child, but we are learning that that is just not a good idea.
We are definitely laughing a lot more in our house now that Henry is a member of the pack. For example, he barked and tried to greet a big picture/poster of a dog at Petco. He chases his tail like its his job. He crawls underneath the bed with his back legs sticking out and barks. He turns into "crazy dog" and crashes down the stairway. He is still clumsy and growing into his long legs and huge paws.
Yes, this is going to be quite an adventure. I'm happy to share our Puppy Tales with you!
Some of the things that we are getting used to with a puppy as opposed to an older (and deaf) dog are: a dog that responds when you talk, responds to other dogs barking and other noises. Also, a dog who wants to play, chew, bite and chew some more!
As a puppy he has been learning and exploring his new environment - lots of this exploring involves using his mouth! So far, he has had the following in his mouth: a tennis shoe, a dress shoe, a flip-flop, a used tissue, a lego (may or may not have swallowed it), wood from a bed, pj bottoms, a magician costume, golf ball, and just tonight he grabbed the shower curtain and pulled it down, rod and all! And yes, he does have bones and toys to chew!
He really is a good boy, but a puppy is a puppy! Thankfully we are using a dog trainer so we can learn the proper ways/commands to train him. I mean a small untrained dog is just a nuisance, but a large untrained dog could be dangerous. We had our first session with her on Saturday and it turns out that ya know what? We are ones that need training! Henry (and for that matter all dogs) is not a little child dressed in a fur costume. Well, that would be just disturbing on a lot of levels. But, it is only natural for us to want to reat him like a baby person/child, but we are learning that that is just not a good idea.
We are definitely laughing a lot more in our house now that Henry is a member of the pack. For example, he barked and tried to greet a big picture/poster of a dog at Petco. He chases his tail like its his job. He crawls underneath the bed with his back legs sticking out and barks. He turns into "crazy dog" and crashes down the stairway. He is still clumsy and growing into his long legs and huge paws.
Yes, this is going to be quite an adventure. I'm happy to share our Puppy Tales with you!
500 Rep Workout and then some...
Tues, April 26
5:30am - 6:30am - Bootcamp at Life Center
This was a booty-kicker today! We started out with a warm-up with the medicine ball. We did 50 slams against the wall and then some other things with it. Then we did a few random arms exercises with some weights. Then came the fun part. We did what Troy called the 500 workout. This involved the three of us working as a team to complete 500 reps of things between us. This was the breakdown we had to do:
50 regular pushups
50 plank pushups
100 renegade rows with 15 pounders
100 squat thrusters
100 bicep curls with 12 pounders
100 squat and press ups with 15 pounders
He asked us to set a time goal to accomplish this. We said 20 minutes, but we ended up completing it in just over 16 minutes! Yahoo! I did the following as my contribution:
50 plank pushups (I totally love them)
25 renegade rows
25 squat thrusters
50 bicep curls
50 squat and press ups
Then we did another team circuit - this time with abs. We had to complete 200 ab exercises (100 regular situps and 100 knee-ins) in 5 minutes. We each did 33 of each and completed it in a little over 3 minutes I think.
Then we had to do the 2 miles in total. Ugh. I walked a few laps, obviously, while the other two each ran 1 mile.
After that we did some more arm exercises and were done!
Troy told us that our last class - this Thursday is free! What a nice guy. The ladies and I decided we are going to give him a thank you card and include a tip for him. He has been really great and we want to let him know that!
5:30am - 6:30am - Bootcamp at Life Center
This was a booty-kicker today! We started out with a warm-up with the medicine ball. We did 50 slams against the wall and then some other things with it. Then we did a few random arms exercises with some weights. Then came the fun part. We did what Troy called the 500 workout. This involved the three of us working as a team to complete 500 reps of things between us. This was the breakdown we had to do:
50 regular pushups
50 plank pushups
100 renegade rows with 15 pounders
100 squat thrusters
100 bicep curls with 12 pounders
100 squat and press ups with 15 pounders
He asked us to set a time goal to accomplish this. We said 20 minutes, but we ended up completing it in just over 16 minutes! Yahoo! I did the following as my contribution:
50 plank pushups (I totally love them)
25 renegade rows
25 squat thrusters
50 bicep curls
50 squat and press ups
Then we did another team circuit - this time with abs. We had to complete 200 ab exercises (100 regular situps and 100 knee-ins) in 5 minutes. We each did 33 of each and completed it in a little over 3 minutes I think.
Then we had to do the 2 miles in total. Ugh. I walked a few laps, obviously, while the other two each ran 1 mile.
After that we did some more arm exercises and were done!
Troy told us that our last class - this Thursday is free! What a nice guy. The ladies and I decided we are going to give him a thank you card and include a tip for him. He has been really great and we want to let him know that!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Monday, Monday....
Mon, April 25
Ran 45 minutes outside at lunch
Distance: 4 miles; Average Pace: 11'15"
So Monday runs are starting to feel a certain way generally - sucky, with a capital S! It may just be that way because it is the next run after my long run on Saturday, but all I can say is...ugh. My legs hurt, per my normal routine at the beginning of my runs, and I decided when I started out that I was going to go slower today. I would do my run and put in my time, but just not as fast. Plus, I have this thing with my neck that is bothering me. I'll call it a "crook" in my neck, but I can put my hand right on where it hurts on the right side of the back of my neck. I massaged it before my run and during, actually, but it really hurt. It hurts when I turn my neck and I was just really aware of it during the run. I've had this before and what has worked before is a "bean bag thing" warmed up in the microwave. So, that is what I'll be doing tonight...after the grocery store, I mean! I already popped some ibuprofen. I also got a stitch/catch in my hip when I was doing my pre-run stretch.
Falling apart I tell ya!
However, I want to note that 1) I did my run as indicated on my training schedule and 2) I did not walk at all. The show must go on...victory.
Ran 45 minutes outside at lunch
Distance: 4 miles; Average Pace: 11'15"
So Monday runs are starting to feel a certain way generally - sucky, with a capital S! It may just be that way because it is the next run after my long run on Saturday, but all I can say is...ugh. My legs hurt, per my normal routine at the beginning of my runs, and I decided when I started out that I was going to go slower today. I would do my run and put in my time, but just not as fast. Plus, I have this thing with my neck that is bothering me. I'll call it a "crook" in my neck, but I can put my hand right on where it hurts on the right side of the back of my neck. I massaged it before my run and during, actually, but it really hurt. It hurts when I turn my neck and I was just really aware of it during the run. I've had this before and what has worked before is a "bean bag thing" warmed up in the microwave. So, that is what I'll be doing tonight...after the grocery store, I mean! I already popped some ibuprofen. I also got a stitch/catch in my hip when I was doing my pre-run stretch.
Falling apart I tell ya!
However, I want to note that 1) I did my run as indicated on my training schedule and 2) I did not walk at all. The show must go on...victory.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Run Your Own Race
A friend shared this with me (below) and I thought it was so good I just had to share it too! It made me think about the following...What does "run your own race" mean to you? To me it means being truly who you are without worrying about anyone else. You are you and nobody else. Your goals are yours and belong to only you. So many times I have found myself competing with others - worried about how fast I'm going and trying to beat everyone else. I've learned that competition is good except when it interferes with you actually accomplishing your goals! So what is your roadblock keeping you from being your best? On the track, on the job, at home and everywhere in between. RUN YOUR OWN RACE!!!
Written by Kristin Armstrong (former wife of Lance Armstrong) written in 'Heart of my Heart: 365 Reflections on the Magnitude and Meaning of Motherhood
"You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you." Galatians 5:7-8
'I have a ceramic tile in my office that says, "Run your own race." It is leaning against a photograph of me, smiling huge, after crossing the finish line of a thirty-one mile trail race. If you think I'm one of those crazy talented athletes, think again. I am just like you. I never thought I could do anything like that race. At one point, I couldn't even run three miles. My endurance was built up by experiences over time, not by any special gift.
The "Run your own race" quote is precious to me. Anytime I start to pay too much attention to people around me (particularly in a running race), I lose confidence and lost heart. I get distracted. I go faster than my pace to try to match someone else's, and I don't have what I need to make it to the finish. That thirty-one mile race was different. I looked at it like a journey, not a race. My mind was set on crossing the line, not on my watch, and I had a list of all the reasons why I simply would not give up.
Don't let other people cut in on you and break your stride. Don't try to match anyone else's pace; their goals might not be the same as yours. Stay focused on your own race. Pay attention to where you are and how you are doing; don't waste time and energy looking at everyone else, making incorrect and unproductive comparisons. Our children need to learn this vital lesson as early as possible so they can run the race marked out for them."
Written by Kristin Armstrong (former wife of Lance Armstrong) written in 'Heart of my Heart: 365 Reflections on the Magnitude and Meaning of Motherhood
"You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you." Galatians 5:7-8
'I have a ceramic tile in my office that says, "Run your own race." It is leaning against a photograph of me, smiling huge, after crossing the finish line of a thirty-one mile trail race. If you think I'm one of those crazy talented athletes, think again. I am just like you. I never thought I could do anything like that race. At one point, I couldn't even run three miles. My endurance was built up by experiences over time, not by any special gift.
The "Run your own race" quote is precious to me. Anytime I start to pay too much attention to people around me (particularly in a running race), I lose confidence and lost heart. I get distracted. I go faster than my pace to try to match someone else's, and I don't have what I need to make it to the finish. That thirty-one mile race was different. I looked at it like a journey, not a race. My mind was set on crossing the line, not on my watch, and I had a list of all the reasons why I simply would not give up.
Don't let other people cut in on you and break your stride. Don't try to match anyone else's pace; their goals might not be the same as yours. Stay focused on your own race. Pay attention to where you are and how you are doing; don't waste time and energy looking at everyone else, making incorrect and unproductive comparisons. Our children need to learn this vital lesson as early as possible so they can run the race marked out for them."
No Walking Today!
Sat, April 23
Ran 7 miles outside at about 8:40am
Time: 1:17:21; Average Pace: 11'03"
Today's run was pretty nice. The rain had moved off and it was about 59 degrees with the sun peaking out every now and then. I was actually warm at first, but then I turned into the wind and it felt really good. I wore my new running shorts and a short sleeved tech shirt. These shorts are cool because the iPod pocket is in the inside back. I did my 6 mile route and then just added a loop around the neighborhood to get to 7. I felt good after 2 miles, but then great after 3.
My biggest triumph, however, was that I did not walk at all! That is the first time in a long time that I have done that on an outside run so I was pretty stoked about it, especially considering the hills! I felt good about my time too. Although my average time was 11'03", my pace stayed under 11 minutes until the last mile when it was 11'02". Now that I think about it, that average pace does not really compute. Oh, well - no biggie if the iPod is off a bit - I'm just glad it worked! I had a freak out moment last night when it wouldn't charge or turn on at all no matter what I did. At first I thought that it was a goner...that maybe it realized it was Good Friday and behaved as such (okay, bad joke, but I couldn't help it). But, I'm happy to report that the iPod did not wait three days to be resurrected. I plugged it in this morning and to my delight it charged right up! I may have to get something else sometime, but I really don't think there are other options that both track distance and stuff, play music and talk to you!
So, two more long runs left before the race. This is gonna be great!
Ran 7 miles outside at about 8:40am
Time: 1:17:21; Average Pace: 11'03"
Today's run was pretty nice. The rain had moved off and it was about 59 degrees with the sun peaking out every now and then. I was actually warm at first, but then I turned into the wind and it felt really good. I wore my new running shorts and a short sleeved tech shirt. These shorts are cool because the iPod pocket is in the inside back. I did my 6 mile route and then just added a loop around the neighborhood to get to 7. I felt good after 2 miles, but then great after 3.
My biggest triumph, however, was that I did not walk at all! That is the first time in a long time that I have done that on an outside run so I was pretty stoked about it, especially considering the hills! I felt good about my time too. Although my average time was 11'03", my pace stayed under 11 minutes until the last mile when it was 11'02". Now that I think about it, that average pace does not really compute. Oh, well - no biggie if the iPod is off a bit - I'm just glad it worked! I had a freak out moment last night when it wouldn't charge or turn on at all no matter what I did. At first I thought that it was a goner...that maybe it realized it was Good Friday and behaved as such (okay, bad joke, but I couldn't help it). But, I'm happy to report that the iPod did not wait three days to be resurrected. I plugged it in this morning and to my delight it charged right up! I may have to get something else sometime, but I really don't think there are other options that both track distance and stuff, play music and talk to you!
So, two more long runs left before the race. This is gonna be great!
Friday, April 22, 2011
No day off from Bootcamp!
Thurs, April 21
5:30am - 6:30am - bootcamp at life center
I totally forgot to blog yesterday! I was off of work so I was thrown off a bit. But I did do my class! It was a good workout. We did some partner arm stuff using a towel as resistance. It was okay, but I prefer using weights. Then we did a good circuit...more arms, used the training room a bit and then did a good ab circuit. As I write this today I've pretty much decided to not do my 30 minute run today. Zachary is off today and he needs to clean his room and of course he needs my help! So, we are going to try to make that cardio!!! Tomorrow my long run is 7 and that will happen as planned...
5:30am - 6:30am - bootcamp at life center
I totally forgot to blog yesterday! I was off of work so I was thrown off a bit. But I did do my class! It was a good workout. We did some partner arm stuff using a towel as resistance. It was okay, but I prefer using weights. Then we did a good circuit...more arms, used the training room a bit and then did a good ab circuit. As I write this today I've pretty much decided to not do my 30 minute run today. Zachary is off today and he needs to clean his room and of course he needs my help! So, we are going to try to make that cardio!!! Tomorrow my long run is 7 and that will happen as planned...
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Happy Hump Day!
Wed, April 20
Noon - Ran 60 minutes outside!
Distance: 5.5 miles; Average Pace: 10'55"
Today's run felt great. Again, I hesitated to get up and run in the dark this morning. I knew I had a longer run and I'm just not confident enough yet to go very far in the dark. No matter. I planned a lunch run and got 'er done! I actually showered and everything and was still in time for my 1pm meeting. I started a wee bit earlier than normal...a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!
I've discovered a pattern that is holding true time after time. About the first 20-25 minutes of the run I'm in pain...not in hell, like in the past where I've had to stop, but a couple steps above the hell threshold. It is not comfortable, but I'm confident in the knowledge that it will stop at some magical point after between 20-25 minutes into the run so I'm able to push through okay. Then, the rest of it I'm literally golden. At that point I'm singing with the iPod and just having a good 'ol time. At the end of today's run again, I felt like I could run for a few more miles with no problem. Which is good considering I will have to do exactly that in a few short weeks!!! I've also noticed a difference in the recovery time. I'm not huffing and puffing and sweating like mad after a run like I did back when I first started a few years ago. It is also cooler now, as we are well aware, but still the cool down feels different in that it is not that big of a deal, I guess. I'm still stretching, for sure, both before and after the runs. I think my body is just getting used to it. What is that called: muscle memory?
But, I still don't want to run a lap in an inside track. Don't make me do it, or I might push you too!! :-)
Noon - Ran 60 minutes outside!
Distance: 5.5 miles; Average Pace: 10'55"
Today's run felt great. Again, I hesitated to get up and run in the dark this morning. I knew I had a longer run and I'm just not confident enough yet to go very far in the dark. No matter. I planned a lunch run and got 'er done! I actually showered and everything and was still in time for my 1pm meeting. I started a wee bit earlier than normal...a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!
I've discovered a pattern that is holding true time after time. About the first 20-25 minutes of the run I'm in pain...not in hell, like in the past where I've had to stop, but a couple steps above the hell threshold. It is not comfortable, but I'm confident in the knowledge that it will stop at some magical point after between 20-25 minutes into the run so I'm able to push through okay. Then, the rest of it I'm literally golden. At that point I'm singing with the iPod and just having a good 'ol time. At the end of today's run again, I felt like I could run for a few more miles with no problem. Which is good considering I will have to do exactly that in a few short weeks!!! I've also noticed a difference in the recovery time. I'm not huffing and puffing and sweating like mad after a run like I did back when I first started a few years ago. It is also cooler now, as we are well aware, but still the cool down feels different in that it is not that big of a deal, I guess. I'm still stretching, for sure, both before and after the runs. I think my body is just getting used to it. What is that called: muscle memory?
But, I still don't want to run a lap in an inside track. Don't make me do it, or I might push you too!! :-)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Four-Legged Fine-Tuning
So, we have this new puppy, you may have heard. And it has been so interesting to see our (and by our I mean my hubby's) schedules change to accommodate our new canine friend. He is SUCH a good boy (I'm referring to Henry, the puppy, although my husband is good too - ha, ha), but still a puppy none-the-less (a large one who will grow up to be a big doggie) so things have to be tweaked in order to teach, take care of and nurture said puppy.
We are lucky in that he was already crate trained and house broken so that was awesome! And since he was fostered by a dog trainer for 2 weeks he has a very healthy head start on commands like sit, stay, heel and he walks very well on the leash. Plus, his temperament is very laid-back, loving and sweet so that makes it easy and fun too.
So back to the schedule thing. Maybe I should break down his schedule and label it "before puppy" and "after puppy" so you can see the contrast:
Before puppy:
Stayed up til about 11pm or 12am
Slept in til after I left for work (7:15am)
Went on a couple very short walks w/dog around the pond
Had just coffee all morning
After puppy:
Goes to bed no later than 10:30pm
Is up by like 6am
Goes on at least two long walks around the neighborhood block
Is eating a bagel and egg beaters for breakfast!
So as you might conclude from this contrast, Mike's schedule is actually a lot healthier now than before we had the puppy. I therefore suggest that having a puppy is actually good for your health so I encourage you all to go out and adopt/rescue one today. Do it for your health!
We are lucky in that he was already crate trained and house broken so that was awesome! And since he was fostered by a dog trainer for 2 weeks he has a very healthy head start on commands like sit, stay, heel and he walks very well on the leash. Plus, his temperament is very laid-back, loving and sweet so that makes it easy and fun too.
So back to the schedule thing. Maybe I should break down his schedule and label it "before puppy" and "after puppy" so you can see the contrast:
Before puppy:
Stayed up til about 11pm or 12am
Slept in til after I left for work (7:15am)
Went on a couple very short walks w/dog around the pond
Had just coffee all morning
After puppy:
Goes to bed no later than 10:30pm
Is up by like 6am
Goes on at least two long walks around the neighborhood block
Is eating a bagel and egg beaters for breakfast!
So as you might conclude from this contrast, Mike's schedule is actually a lot healthier now than before we had the puppy. I therefore suggest that having a puppy is actually good for your health so I encourage you all to go out and adopt/rescue one today. Do it for your health!
Tues, April 19
5:30am 6:30am - Bootcamp at Lifecenter
Good workout today in spite of the running that was involved! I did speed-walking instead. It seems like lately I can only run at least 3 miles or more these days, but a few laps around the trap is like torture!! Maybe it is just the track itself - detest it with a passion ever since I did my 81 laps around the other week!
We focused on chest and shoulder exercises this am. We did tons of plank push-ups, which are my fave - seriously! We also the push-up, jump things, renegade rows, etc and ended with abs. We found out we only have three more sessions left so I will have to set my sights on swimming, me thinks after that for the duration of my cross-training days. First, I have to buy a that swim suit shopping (actually, now I kinda do!)
5:30am 6:30am - Bootcamp at Lifecenter
Good workout today in spite of the running that was involved! I did speed-walking instead. It seems like lately I can only run at least 3 miles or more these days, but a few laps around the trap is like torture!! Maybe it is just the track itself - detest it with a passion ever since I did my 81 laps around the other week!
We focused on chest and shoulder exercises this am. We did tons of plank push-ups, which are my fave - seriously! We also the push-up, jump things, renegade rows, etc and ended with abs. We found out we only have three more sessions left so I will have to set my sights on swimming, me thinks after that for the duration of my cross-training days. First, I have to buy a that swim suit shopping (actually, now I kinda do!)
Monday, April 18, 2011
Gotta love those "nooners"!!!
Mon, April 18
Ran for 45 minutes at lunch
Distance: 4.21; Average Pace: 10:42
It was chilly, wet and sprinkling during my run today. Sound familiar?!
I did not get up early to run outside in the dark today. I was tired because I was up a little bit during the night listening to both my husband and our new puppy snore. Not sure who is worse!! So, I packed up my stuff for the lunch run. Even though my training schedule said 45 minutes I was determined to get it in within my lunch hour...and...done!
It was a fairly good run, actually - I was a bit faster than normal. My legs felt crappy til about 2 miles in and were great the rest of the time. Today I honestly felt like running more or longer at the end. Damn that work thing.
Oh, and someone asked me today (one my colleagues who is also a marathoner) if I was running something during the Cleveland race...a 10K or something. He said, "you're a runner, are you running something in May?". I felt like I was beaming as I said, "yes, I'm doing the 1/2!!" It is the first time that I actually told that to someone and actually believed myself in that I was not only registered for the half, but that I was totally going to complete it too! Plus, he called me a!!!!! What a good day!!!
Ran for 45 minutes at lunch
Distance: 4.21; Average Pace: 10:42
It was chilly, wet and sprinkling during my run today. Sound familiar?!
I did not get up early to run outside in the dark today. I was tired because I was up a little bit during the night listening to both my husband and our new puppy snore. Not sure who is worse!! So, I packed up my stuff for the lunch run. Even though my training schedule said 45 minutes I was determined to get it in within my lunch hour...and...done!
It was a fairly good run, actually - I was a bit faster than normal. My legs felt crappy til about 2 miles in and were great the rest of the time. Today I honestly felt like running more or longer at the end. Damn that work thing.
Oh, and someone asked me today (one my colleagues who is also a marathoner) if I was running something during the Cleveland race...a 10K or something. He said, "you're a runner, are you running something in May?". I felt like I was beaming as I said, "yes, I'm doing the 1/2!!" It is the first time that I actually told that to someone and actually believed myself in that I was not only registered for the half, but that I was totally going to complete it too! Plus, he called me a!!!!! What a good day!!!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Wind, Rain and Hills...Oh My!
Sat, April 16
8:52am - Ran 10 miles outside!
Time: 1:51:14; Average Pace: 11'06"
Wow. That pretty much sums up today's run. Well, first I have to thank my friend, Sharon, who re-framed my "oh, it is so windy and it might rain" complaining I was doing this morning before my run. She said, "hey a little bit a breeze will feel good...don't psyche yourself out". That is all I needed to hear. I headed out as soon as I got back from WW. I had a little bit of a time constraint as our new puppy was coming at 11am today!
I wanted to try out possible outfits for the race today. I wore my underarmor shorts with running shorts on top and a t-shirt with the nice fabric (what is that called?) with a windbreaker on top. I also wore a hat in case of rain. It was not raining when I started which was probably good, but it was really windy. After the first mile my hat blew off so I had to chase it! I stuffed in into my pocket. The run was rough for really just the first two miles. Usually it takes me three to get broken in, but today only 2. I only walked twice - once towards the beginning and once on a hill in Hudson Springs. It started sprinkling at mile three and then just kept on for the rest of the run. And, back on went the hat for the duration of the run. At one point I was running up the hill by the high school and I screamed to the air, "Come on, is that all you got?!" as I ran into the rain and the wind and the hill. At that moment my mantra was, "I am a warrior!!" and it worked! I really felt that way. I felt like I could conquer anything - so confident that I could do this - very aware of all my senses at once - just giving into the sweat, the rain, the dirt, and letting my body do what it knew how to do. I know this all sounds pretty hokey, but I really mean it! It felt awesome to complete this. I'm still nervous about the race, but I feel even better that I can do it now.
We had figured out the route last night in the car, as per usual since this was a new distance for me. Here is the route I ran - I'm writing it down for me, but thought I'd share just in case anyone is looking for a good 10 mile route! Across Boston Mills into the neighborhood and my usual route to the bus garage, turn left at the bus garage up to 91. Cross 91 into the Academy. Turn left on Hudson Street to Aurora. Turn left on Aurora all the way to Stow. Turn right on Stow all the way to Hudson Springs. Run the Hudson Springs path and come out again to Stow. Turn right onto Stow and take a left onto Victoria Parkway. Run all the way to Hayden. Left on Hayden to Streetsboro. Run Streetsboro through First and Main back to home.
Only one more mile to add (11 miles) in two weeks before doing the 13.1 in May. No sweat!
"Shooting at the walls of heartache
Bang, bang!
I am the warrior
Well I am the warrior
And heart to heart you'll win
If you survive the warrior, the warrior" Oh, yeah, Patty Smyth, you tell it!
8:52am - Ran 10 miles outside!
Time: 1:51:14; Average Pace: 11'06"
Wow. That pretty much sums up today's run. Well, first I have to thank my friend, Sharon, who re-framed my "oh, it is so windy and it might rain" complaining I was doing this morning before my run. She said, "hey a little bit a breeze will feel good...don't psyche yourself out". That is all I needed to hear. I headed out as soon as I got back from WW. I had a little bit of a time constraint as our new puppy was coming at 11am today!
I wanted to try out possible outfits for the race today. I wore my underarmor shorts with running shorts on top and a t-shirt with the nice fabric (what is that called?) with a windbreaker on top. I also wore a hat in case of rain. It was not raining when I started which was probably good, but it was really windy. After the first mile my hat blew off so I had to chase it! I stuffed in into my pocket. The run was rough for really just the first two miles. Usually it takes me three to get broken in, but today only 2. I only walked twice - once towards the beginning and once on a hill in Hudson Springs. It started sprinkling at mile three and then just kept on for the rest of the run. And, back on went the hat for the duration of the run. At one point I was running up the hill by the high school and I screamed to the air, "Come on, is that all you got?!" as I ran into the rain and the wind and the hill. At that moment my mantra was, "I am a warrior!!" and it worked! I really felt that way. I felt like I could conquer anything - so confident that I could do this - very aware of all my senses at once - just giving into the sweat, the rain, the dirt, and letting my body do what it knew how to do. I know this all sounds pretty hokey, but I really mean it! It felt awesome to complete this. I'm still nervous about the race, but I feel even better that I can do it now.
We had figured out the route last night in the car, as per usual since this was a new distance for me. Here is the route I ran - I'm writing it down for me, but thought I'd share just in case anyone is looking for a good 10 mile route! Across Boston Mills into the neighborhood and my usual route to the bus garage, turn left at the bus garage up to 91. Cross 91 into the Academy. Turn left on Hudson Street to Aurora. Turn left on Aurora all the way to Stow. Turn right on Stow all the way to Hudson Springs. Run the Hudson Springs path and come out again to Stow. Turn right onto Stow and take a left onto Victoria Parkway. Run all the way to Hayden. Left on Hayden to Streetsboro. Run Streetsboro through First and Main back to home.
Only one more mile to add (11 miles) in two weeks before doing the 13.1 in May. No sweat!
"Shooting at the walls of heartache
Bang, bang!
I am the warrior
Well I am the warrior
And heart to heart you'll win
If you survive the warrior, the warrior" Oh, yeah, Patty Smyth, you tell it!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Zach's Food Revolution?
So, there we were having dinner out at Yours Truly the other night when I simply asked Mike if he had heard that Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution show was on again. We had watched it when he was in West Virginia and really enjoyed and were moved by it.
Out of the blue, Zachary (who brings a packed lunch to school daily) starts in. I will paraphrase his rant:
"Mommy, I want to make changes for the lunch program at school. The food is so unhealthy for you. They give you pancakes in a bag! They give you peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on white bread in a bag! I mean how hard would it be for them to take two pieces of wheat bread, put peanut butter on it, with a variety of jelly available and there you go! Also, they need to have more fruit. They should make food that is healthy for you. My friend held up his slice of pizza and the grease drips off. It is disgusting! I want to go in and tell those cafeteria ladies that they need to start making stuff from scratch."
I interrupted him at this point to tell him that the cafeteria ladies were just doing their jobs and that he would have to talk to someone higher up to suggest changes. To which he replied:
"Okay, well I'm going to talk to the principal tomorrow about the changes I want to make. I mean, Mommy, this could change people's lives! Mommy, there is a girl in my class who is...well...bigger...and she eats in the cafeteria every day. This could change her life." (tear)
He said this with such sincerity in his voice and eyes that I just had to give him a kiss and tell him I loved him right then.
We encouraged him to talk to the principal about his idea/suggestions and that he might have to make an appointment during his recess.
Sure enough he went to talk with the principal about this yesterday. He talked with the office staff about his suggestions and they reassured him that they would pass along his ideas to...wait for it..........the Hudson Nutrition Department. (wah, wah, wah, wah - said in the Charlie Brown teacher's voice). For those who don't understand the reference - see my previous blog post called "The Saga of the Hudson Nutrition Dept" from March 10, 2011.
Maybe the 38 cents my family owes them has caused them to feed our children pre-made food in plastic bags. Ha!
So, will Zach be a politician? A nutritionist? A negotiator/advocator? Hard to know, but it certainly is fun to watch him grow and develop with these traits and interests! I continue to be proud and crack up at the same time!
Out of the blue, Zachary (who brings a packed lunch to school daily) starts in. I will paraphrase his rant:
"Mommy, I want to make changes for the lunch program at school. The food is so unhealthy for you. They give you pancakes in a bag! They give you peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on white bread in a bag! I mean how hard would it be for them to take two pieces of wheat bread, put peanut butter on it, with a variety of jelly available and there you go! Also, they need to have more fruit. They should make food that is healthy for you. My friend held up his slice of pizza and the grease drips off. It is disgusting! I want to go in and tell those cafeteria ladies that they need to start making stuff from scratch."
I interrupted him at this point to tell him that the cafeteria ladies were just doing their jobs and that he would have to talk to someone higher up to suggest changes. To which he replied:
"Okay, well I'm going to talk to the principal tomorrow about the changes I want to make. I mean, Mommy, this could change people's lives! Mommy, there is a girl in my class who is...well...bigger...and she eats in the cafeteria every day. This could change her life." (tear)
He said this with such sincerity in his voice and eyes that I just had to give him a kiss and tell him I loved him right then.
We encouraged him to talk to the principal about his idea/suggestions and that he might have to make an appointment during his recess.
Sure enough he went to talk with the principal about this yesterday. He talked with the office staff about his suggestions and they reassured him that they would pass along his ideas to...wait for it..........the Hudson Nutrition Department. (wah, wah, wah, wah - said in the Charlie Brown teacher's voice). For those who don't understand the reference - see my previous blog post called "The Saga of the Hudson Nutrition Dept" from March 10, 2011.
Maybe the 38 cents my family owes them has caused them to feed our children pre-made food in plastic bags. Ha!
So, will Zach be a politician? A nutritionist? A negotiator/advocator? Hard to know, but it certainly is fun to watch him grow and develop with these traits and interests! I continue to be proud and crack up at the same time!
Am I running in the year 2011 or 1911??
Fri, April 15
5:45am - Ran outside for 30 minutes
Distance: 2.78 miles Average Pace: 10'49"
So, yes I ventured out solo in the dark this morning for the first time! It was actually not that bad! The route was pretty lit with streetlights and I felt safe with my little vest and my phone with me. Plus it felt good running a route that I knew well. I kept my iPod on lower than normal just so I could be more aware of my surroundings. I saw a couple of deer really close which was cool I also saw another odd human situation too. When I approached the train bridge I saw some lights coming towards me on the side of the road. I first thought it was bikers, but then realized it was people walking carrying flashlights? No, strike that - they were carrying lanterns. Yeah. I couldn't see that closely, but they looked like they were swinging these lights that totally did not look like flashlights. Perhaps they were like those camping lanterns or something? I think they may have been wearing workout clothes or sweats, but it was just very odd. I said hello with no response back. Kinda creepy. I began to feel like I was in the movie "The Polar Express" since I was right by the railroad bridge and everything when, all of a sudden...ZOOOOOOMMMMMM!!! a train came chugging past, just after I had exited the bridge (right above me)!! Scared the crap out of me! I might have heard it coming if I wasn't so concerned with the lantern people. I was then convinced that I was indeed on the set of Polar Express. Okay, I believe, I believe!!!!
5:45am - Ran outside for 30 minutes
Distance: 2.78 miles Average Pace: 10'49"
So, yes I ventured out solo in the dark this morning for the first time! It was actually not that bad! The route was pretty lit with streetlights and I felt safe with my little vest and my phone with me. Plus it felt good running a route that I knew well. I kept my iPod on lower than normal just so I could be more aware of my surroundings. I saw a couple of deer really close which was cool I also saw another odd human situation too. When I approached the train bridge I saw some lights coming towards me on the side of the road. I first thought it was bikers, but then realized it was people walking carrying flashlights? No, strike that - they were carrying lanterns. Yeah. I couldn't see that closely, but they looked like they were swinging these lights that totally did not look like flashlights. Perhaps they were like those camping lanterns or something? I think they may have been wearing workout clothes or sweats, but it was just very odd. I said hello with no response back. Kinda creepy. I began to feel like I was in the movie "The Polar Express" since I was right by the railroad bridge and everything when, all of a sudden...ZOOOOOOMMMMMM!!! a train came chugging past, just after I had exited the bridge (right above me)!! Scared the crap out of me! I might have heard it coming if I wasn't so concerned with the lantern people. I was then convinced that I was indeed on the set of Polar Express. Okay, I believe, I believe!!!!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Thurs, April 14
Yoga at noon at JCU
So, my bootcamp class was cancelled this morning. I thought about going into LifeCenter to swim instead, but I did not for three reasons...1) because I don't own a one piece and don't relish actual swimming in a two-piece, 2) I remembered I could go to yoga at lunch and 3) I relished the idea of sleeping in til the late hour of 6:30am! So, that is what I did and it was awesome. I'm definitely getting the hang of the various poses and she through some new ones in that were definitely challenging. I usually break a sweat only enough to have to use more deodorant, but the stretching feels just so good. I left my mat in my locker so now I won't be able to forget it!!
Tomorrow - running solo outside in the morning...this should be interesting!
Yoga at noon at JCU
So, my bootcamp class was cancelled this morning. I thought about going into LifeCenter to swim instead, but I did not for three reasons...1) because I don't own a one piece and don't relish actual swimming in a two-piece, 2) I remembered I could go to yoga at lunch and 3) I relished the idea of sleeping in til the late hour of 6:30am! So, that is what I did and it was awesome. I'm definitely getting the hang of the various poses and she through some new ones in that were definitely challenging. I usually break a sweat only enough to have to use more deodorant, but the stretching feels just so good. I left my mat in my locker so now I won't be able to forget it!!
Tomorrow - running solo outside in the morning...this should be interesting!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Good morning world!
Wed, April 13
Ran 5.05 miles outside with Nicki
Time: 55:45; Average Pace: 11'02"
So excited to run outside this morning...and with a friend to boot! I was supposed to run 50 minutes according to my schedule so I did a bit more today - yahoo! This marks my first "dark running" experience which I enjoyed doing with someone else. I'm not sure if I'd be confident enough to do it alone - at least not a route I hadn't run in the daylight first. Also, it is only the third time I've ever run with someone else. I really enjoyed the camaraderie running with her. We talked the whole time which made the time go really fast. I used my iPod just to track, but had one ear bud out so we could chat. I wasn't sure about the whole dark thing. And I'm still not really sure about it. I was sporting my new, and must I say, very attractive, reflective running vest from Target for safety purposes, but I was afraid I would trip and fall or not see a pothole, or whatever. But it worked out okay, especially with a partner. We ran a route that she knew around her house so it was new to me, but good. No injuries to report, happily!
I felt pretty good the entire time. I was not as tuned into my body running with someone else, which is good and bad, I guess. I felt badly because Nicki is faster than me by probably a minute, at least, but she was nice enough to go at my pace. With my calve situation I just don't want to push it right now. So, we went at my old lady pace!! I notice on my iPod tracking thing that I continue to get slower with every mile. I know that is something I should probably work on, but you know, right now, my goal is just to keep adding distance and finish that race on May 15. I figure I can work on that goal after I have this first one under my belt. First, does that mean there will be another?! Hmmmm...
It was cool to be outside. We saw a few deer and heard the birds chirping. We even ran into a few other runners. It is like this whole other world going on before most of the world gets up out of bed in the morning. Such a much better way to greet the morning than under bright florescent lights and bad 70's music playing! I hope to make this a regular thing!
Ran 5.05 miles outside with Nicki
Time: 55:45; Average Pace: 11'02"
So excited to run outside this morning...and with a friend to boot! I was supposed to run 50 minutes according to my schedule so I did a bit more today - yahoo! This marks my first "dark running" experience which I enjoyed doing with someone else. I'm not sure if I'd be confident enough to do it alone - at least not a route I hadn't run in the daylight first. Also, it is only the third time I've ever run with someone else. I really enjoyed the camaraderie running with her. We talked the whole time which made the time go really fast. I used my iPod just to track, but had one ear bud out so we could chat. I wasn't sure about the whole dark thing. And I'm still not really sure about it. I was sporting my new, and must I say, very attractive, reflective running vest from Target for safety purposes, but I was afraid I would trip and fall or not see a pothole, or whatever. But it worked out okay, especially with a partner. We ran a route that she knew around her house so it was new to me, but good. No injuries to report, happily!
I felt pretty good the entire time. I was not as tuned into my body running with someone else, which is good and bad, I guess. I felt badly because Nicki is faster than me by probably a minute, at least, but she was nice enough to go at my pace. With my calve situation I just don't want to push it right now. So, we went at my old lady pace!! I notice on my iPod tracking thing that I continue to get slower with every mile. I know that is something I should probably work on, but you know, right now, my goal is just to keep adding distance and finish that race on May 15. I figure I can work on that goal after I have this first one under my belt. First, does that mean there will be another?! Hmmmm...
It was cool to be outside. We saw a few deer and heard the birds chirping. We even ran into a few other runners. It is like this whole other world going on before most of the world gets up out of bed in the morning. Such a much better way to greet the morning than under bright florescent lights and bad 70's music playing! I hope to make this a regular thing!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Looking for Bob and Jillian!!
Tues, April 12
5:30am - 6:30am - Bootcamp class at Life Center
Today was an awesome workout! There were only two of us. We warmed up doing random things back and forth the gym (butt kicks, high knees, etc) interspersed with step-ups. Then we moved to the new training room (think Biggest Loser) and spent the majority of the rest of our time in there. We used some new stuff which was cool and fun. We did four (4) sets of each of the following for a minute each- alternating between the two of us:
Kettle Bell shoulder raises
Squats with a 45 pound bar on our shoulders (yikes!)
Lawn Mower back raises (name??) with a 20 pounder - 30 seconds each arm, ugh
Pull ups with these strappy things - arm killer
Wall sit holding a kettle bell out in front of us (not sure of weight)
Rope slams (yes, def Biggest Loser!)
Then we left the training room and went over to what I call the "meathead area" - the lifting area where a lot of the guys hang out. They were in full yell mode so I was a little intimidated and wondered if I had to yell out too. Well, no. We did a bunch of sets of more arm stuff there and then went over to use the ab machines. Ugh and Ugh!
Great workout - not sure if I was inspired by the Biggest Loser-esque feel, or because I didn't run yesterday or what, but it felt great! Looking forward to yoga at lunch.
5:30am - 6:30am - Bootcamp class at Life Center
Today was an awesome workout! There were only two of us. We warmed up doing random things back and forth the gym (butt kicks, high knees, etc) interspersed with step-ups. Then we moved to the new training room (think Biggest Loser) and spent the majority of the rest of our time in there. We used some new stuff which was cool and fun. We did four (4) sets of each of the following for a minute each- alternating between the two of us:
Kettle Bell shoulder raises
Squats with a 45 pound bar on our shoulders (yikes!)
Lawn Mower back raises (name??) with a 20 pounder - 30 seconds each arm, ugh
Pull ups with these strappy things - arm killer
Wall sit holding a kettle bell out in front of us (not sure of weight)
Rope slams (yes, def Biggest Loser!)
Then we left the training room and went over to what I call the "meathead area" - the lifting area where a lot of the guys hang out. They were in full yell mode so I was a little intimidated and wondered if I had to yell out too. Well, no. We did a bunch of sets of more arm stuff there and then went over to use the ab machines. Ugh and Ugh!
Great workout - not sure if I was inspired by the Biggest Loser-esque feel, or because I didn't run yesterday or what, but it felt great! Looking forward to yoga at lunch.
Monday, April 11, 2011
It's Not the Heat, its the Humidity!!
Mon, April 11
Nothing - absolutely zip!
I was supposed to run 40 minutes today, but I did not do it. I was so friggin' hot last night that I ended up tossing and turning from like 2am on and slept terribly. There was no way I was getting up to run at 5am. I even bought a reflective vest from Target this weekend just to be ready for a safe, early run. Ugh. So, I packed up my running stuff like a good little soldier with the hopes, but not the best of intentions, to run at lunch. It wasn't really raining at noon, but I was just so tired. For once, it was not my muscles, but just my entire body. So then, plan C was to run as soon as I got home right before dinner. It had stopped raining again. I had every opportunity to do it, but I just didn't. And yes, I've been beating myself up about it all night.
It is that all or nothing thinking that creeps in sometimes. Heaven forbid that I'm not perfect with my training plan. Because it turns out, I'm just not perfect after all. I have to remind myself that one missed run does not negate all the training I've done to date and will continue to do until May 15. Just like one botched or poorly planned/chosen meal out of 21 in a week - it is not a big deal or the end of the world. What matters most is moving forward and keeping on track. I'm going to get a good night's sleep tonight and jump right back into my routine for bootcamp in the morning.
What do you have "stinkin' thinkin'" about that you need to call yourself on??!! Do it and keep moving forward!
Nothing - absolutely zip!
I was supposed to run 40 minutes today, but I did not do it. I was so friggin' hot last night that I ended up tossing and turning from like 2am on and slept terribly. There was no way I was getting up to run at 5am. I even bought a reflective vest from Target this weekend just to be ready for a safe, early run. Ugh. So, I packed up my running stuff like a good little soldier with the hopes, but not the best of intentions, to run at lunch. It wasn't really raining at noon, but I was just so tired. For once, it was not my muscles, but just my entire body. So then, plan C was to run as soon as I got home right before dinner. It had stopped raining again. I had every opportunity to do it, but I just didn't. And yes, I've been beating myself up about it all night.
It is that all or nothing thinking that creeps in sometimes. Heaven forbid that I'm not perfect with my training plan. Because it turns out, I'm just not perfect after all. I have to remind myself that one missed run does not negate all the training I've done to date and will continue to do until May 15. Just like one botched or poorly planned/chosen meal out of 21 in a week - it is not a big deal or the end of the world. What matters most is moving forward and keeping on track. I'm going to get a good night's sleep tonight and jump right back into my routine for bootcamp in the morning.
What do you have "stinkin' thinkin'" about that you need to call yourself on??!! Do it and keep moving forward!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Puppy Power!!

We met our new doggie today! We found him posted earlier this week on and arranged to drive up to North Ridgeville to meet him this morning. I was kinda nervous to meet him, but ready to love another furry thing besides my husband, so off we went.
He was found as a stray and has been fostered by a dog trainer for the last couple of weeks and it really showed! He was such a love-bug and a good boy. The trainer showed us how she has been working with him and he has learned a lot in a short amount of time! He is house-broken, crate trained and ready to please. He also has been socialized with the trainers other dogs and plays really well with them. He is about 4 1/2 to 5 months old and already 40 pounds! He is a mastiff/lab mix so he will be at least 80 pounds!! But what a cutie pie! He is light brown, kind of a brindle color with sweet brown eyes and gigantic webbed feet (he might be a swimmer!)
It really was not a hard decision to make; we all feel in love with him almost instantly. We made a list of the need to purchase items to prepare for his arrival next Saturday. The dog trainer will deliver him to us and provide an hour of training for us then - which is all included in the adoption fee. I am really impressed with the dog rescue organization (F.I.D.O.). The woman was really nice, did a thorough background check on us and they provide this training service for us in order to help the dog with his transition. They also recommended that we continue to have one or two more training sessions with her just to keep him on track. She even said I could train him to run with me. A running buddy!! They have been calling him Brando (for the last couple of weeks only), but they confirmed that it would be okay to change his name. So Mission One during lunch at Subway was to come up with a name so the trainer could start using it with him this week. After much discussion, we choose the name, "Henry". It just seemed to fit him, plus we wanted to stick with an "H" name in honor of our Homer Dog.
I'm excited for next Saturday so we can begin this next phase of our life with a puppy and all the adventures that will inevitably occur. Heck I might even have to start a new blog just for that!!
Outside Again!!
Sat, April 9
Ran 6.27 miles OUTSIDE today!
Time: 1 hour and 9 min; Average Pace: 11'09"
Today's run was super, actually! I was uber excited not to go to LifeCenter after my Weight Watchers meeting - as I have done for the past cajillion Saturdays in a row now. Now, don't get me wrong I love Life Center bigtime...the staff is awesome, especially my good friend, Karin, my good friend, Wendy and my Mom, who by the by is employee of the month this month!!
Yes, I love it, but I'm frankly tired of running around the track and by no means will I ever go near a treadmill. So, I ran the 6 mile route that I mapped out last night as soon as I got home. Truth be told I wasn't sure how I'd do as there are some hills on the route (for the locals - across Boston Mills into the neighborhood, the back way down to Owen Brown, up Aurora Road to N. Hayden, down Hayden all the way to Ravenna, up Ravenna to Rt 91, through First and Main and back under the railroad bridge to home). They aren't major ones by any stretch, but more hills than on a flat track!!
The first three miles were the hardest. I only stopped to walk one time for about 30 seconds right before completing mile 3 on Hayden. There was a gradual hill there that I just had to take a break on. But then I cruised for the last half of the run. That always happens. I'm not sure if it is because I'm just more warmed up by then, or maybe I like the music better?? I don't know. I'm definitely slower then. My iPod gives me a reading of how fast I am going for each mile and I was the exact same for 3, 4 and 5 - 11'09", which was about 30 seconds slower than my first two. I just always feel during the later half.
Maybe I was just excited to be done and happy because as soon as I got home and showered I was going to go meet a potential new doggie candidate!!! More on that in my next post!!!
Ran 6.27 miles OUTSIDE today!
Time: 1 hour and 9 min; Average Pace: 11'09"
Today's run was super, actually! I was uber excited not to go to LifeCenter after my Weight Watchers meeting - as I have done for the past cajillion Saturdays in a row now. Now, don't get me wrong I love Life Center bigtime...the staff is awesome, especially my good friend, Karin, my good friend, Wendy and my Mom, who by the by is employee of the month this month!!
Yes, I love it, but I'm frankly tired of running around the track and by no means will I ever go near a treadmill. So, I ran the 6 mile route that I mapped out last night as soon as I got home. Truth be told I wasn't sure how I'd do as there are some hills on the route (for the locals - across Boston Mills into the neighborhood, the back way down to Owen Brown, up Aurora Road to N. Hayden, down Hayden all the way to Ravenna, up Ravenna to Rt 91, through First and Main and back under the railroad bridge to home). They aren't major ones by any stretch, but more hills than on a flat track!!
The first three miles were the hardest. I only stopped to walk one time for about 30 seconds right before completing mile 3 on Hayden. There was a gradual hill there that I just had to take a break on. But then I cruised for the last half of the run. That always happens. I'm not sure if it is because I'm just more warmed up by then, or maybe I like the music better?? I don't know. I'm definitely slower then. My iPod gives me a reading of how fast I am going for each mile and I was the exact same for 3, 4 and 5 - 11'09", which was about 30 seconds slower than my first two. I just always feel during the later half.
Maybe I was just excited to be done and happy because as soon as I got home and showered I was going to go meet a potential new doggie candidate!!! More on that in my next post!!!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Beat the Snooze Button Again!
Fri, April 8
Ran for 30 minutes at indoor track at Life Center
Distance: 2.78 miles; Average Pace: 10'48"
Yikes! Well, I did it. That is about all I can report about the success of this run. My alarm went off at 5am as usual. I shut it off, went to the bathroom, reset it for 6:30am and got back in bed. I told myself I should rest up cause I have my long run tomorrow (6 miles). I lasted back in bed for about 30 seconds before I drug myself back out, got dressed and went! I'm very happy that I did even though the run sucked eggs for a majority of it. The first two miles were pretty much a pain-fest. The third one was less so, but still no picnic. I'm a little discouraged and getting worried about this. My plan is to continue to follow my training program unless I am maimed or dead. I may be slow, but I will accomplish this goal! Besides, there is always ibuprofen waiting for me after every run! Yes!
Ran for 30 minutes at indoor track at Life Center
Distance: 2.78 miles; Average Pace: 10'48"
Yikes! Well, I did it. That is about all I can report about the success of this run. My alarm went off at 5am as usual. I shut it off, went to the bathroom, reset it for 6:30am and got back in bed. I told myself I should rest up cause I have my long run tomorrow (6 miles). I lasted back in bed for about 30 seconds before I drug myself back out, got dressed and went! I'm very happy that I did even though the run sucked eggs for a majority of it. The first two miles were pretty much a pain-fest. The third one was less so, but still no picnic. I'm a little discouraged and getting worried about this. My plan is to continue to follow my training program unless I am maimed or dead. I may be slow, but I will accomplish this goal! Besides, there is always ibuprofen waiting for me after every run! Yes!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Friends Don't Let Friends Text and Walk
So I've been told that all runners fall at some time in their running careers. It is inevitable. They stumble on the sidewalk, a stone, or some other type of impediment that jumps right in their path. Well, yep, it has finally happened to me too. Little did I know that my falling experience as a runner would actually not involve running at all...
Let me 'splain...
Last week I was hurrying out of one meeting and running late to the next, per usual. Luckily, I had my trusty NEW phone on me so I could alert my admin assistant that I was running late to an interview with a graduate assistant candidate. I had just messaged her about it and was about to put the phone, in its pretty little pink case, back in my coat pocket when it happened. Down I went. Oh, I should mention that I was also holding a ceramic mug that I had received as a gift literally about 5 minutes before said fall occurred. It all happened so fast; my whole life flashed before me (okay, not really, but that just seemed like a cool thing to include right about here in the could have happened! I'll make sure it gets in the movie script).
Anyway, what did happen was that the mug broke into like 10 pieces, cutting my hand a bit, and the palms of my hands that braced my fall got scraped up and were bleeding. But, the worst of the worst, the coup de gras of tragedies,if you will, my NEW phone in the cute pink case went flying...right out of its case and skidded face down on the pavement. Did I mention that it was a new Droid that was a Christmas present from my dear hubby? UGGHHHH!
Thankfully, no one was around to witness this scene, that I know of, so I was relieved about that. I braced myself as I picked up my phone and was faced with a crack that spidered all down the front. Oh crap, crap, crap, crap and crap!! (except that is so not what I said). A few expletives later, I pulled myself together and was grateful that I didn't break anything...other than the aforementioned mug and phone. My knee hit the pavement, but not hard enough to break the skin or rip my pants or anything. Phewwwww!!
So, word to the wise, don't walk and text! Your phone could be at risk!
Epilogue: By the by - my phone still works (even the touch screen) in spite of the beautiful spider crack that runs the whole way down the front. My hubby has offered to replace the screen for like $30, but so far I have declined his offer. I figure a cracked one gives me street cred.
So I've been told that all runners fall at some time in their running careers. It is inevitable. They stumble on the sidewalk, a stone, or some other type of impediment that jumps right in their path. Well, yep, it has finally happened to me too. Little did I know that my falling experience as a runner would actually not involve running at all...
Let me 'splain...
Last week I was hurrying out of one meeting and running late to the next, per usual. Luckily, I had my trusty NEW phone on me so I could alert my admin assistant that I was running late to an interview with a graduate assistant candidate. I had just messaged her about it and was about to put the phone, in its pretty little pink case, back in my coat pocket when it happened. Down I went. Oh, I should mention that I was also holding a ceramic mug that I had received as a gift literally about 5 minutes before said fall occurred. It all happened so fast; my whole life flashed before me (okay, not really, but that just seemed like a cool thing to include right about here in the could have happened! I'll make sure it gets in the movie script).
Anyway, what did happen was that the mug broke into like 10 pieces, cutting my hand a bit, and the palms of my hands that braced my fall got scraped up and were bleeding. But, the worst of the worst, the coup de gras of tragedies,if you will, my NEW phone in the cute pink case went flying...right out of its case and skidded face down on the pavement. Did I mention that it was a new Droid that was a Christmas present from my dear hubby? UGGHHHH!
Thankfully, no one was around to witness this scene, that I know of, so I was relieved about that. I braced myself as I picked up my phone and was faced with a crack that spidered all down the front. Oh crap, crap, crap, crap and crap!! (except that is so not what I said). A few expletives later, I pulled myself together and was grateful that I didn't break anything...other than the aforementioned mug and phone. My knee hit the pavement, but not hard enough to break the skin or rip my pants or anything. Phewwwww!!
So, word to the wise, don't walk and text! Your phone could be at risk!
Epilogue: By the by - my phone still works (even the touch screen) in spite of the beautiful spider crack that runs the whole way down the front. My hubby has offered to replace the screen for like $30, but so far I have declined his offer. I figure a cracked one gives me street cred.
Charlie Sheen is not the only one who wants to win!
Thurs, April 7
5:30am - 6:30am Bootcamp class
Today's class was not that challenging, but part of that I'm thankful for. After Troy discovered that even squats were painful for me he encouraged me to do calve raises whenever the other woman had to do jumping stuff or squats. So that was helpful. We worked on shoulders today mostly. We did not do any lunge circuits (again, thankfully!). I used 8 and 10 pounders depending on the exercise. I especially enjoyed the last thing we did. The other woman had to do a certain arm exercise for one minute while I did calve raises. Then we switched and she did squats or whatever while I had to either meet or beat the number of arm exercises she did in a minute. Okay, that is all I need is a little competition. I totally beat her on all of them except for the sit-ups (she did 39 and I did 32 - crap). It was really fun. I can definitely do more when I'm competing against someone. I just want to win. Is that so wrong?! Maybe I'll ask Charlie Sheen.
5:30am - 6:30am Bootcamp class
Today's class was not that challenging, but part of that I'm thankful for. After Troy discovered that even squats were painful for me he encouraged me to do calve raises whenever the other woman had to do jumping stuff or squats. So that was helpful. We worked on shoulders today mostly. We did not do any lunge circuits (again, thankfully!). I used 8 and 10 pounders depending on the exercise. I especially enjoyed the last thing we did. The other woman had to do a certain arm exercise for one minute while I did calve raises. Then we switched and she did squats or whatever while I had to either meet or beat the number of arm exercises she did in a minute. Okay, that is all I need is a little competition. I totally beat her on all of them except for the sit-ups (she did 39 and I did 32 - crap). It was really fun. I can definitely do more when I'm competing against someone. I just want to win. Is that so wrong?! Maybe I'll ask Charlie Sheen.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Do the Math Part 2
In an effort to keep myself motivated for training, I thought I would record my training, "by the numbers", if you will, now that another month has passed since the first recording. Last Saturday I completed week 8 so this report covers weeks 5 - 8.
In weeks 5 - 8 I have:
Worked out 24 times (6 days a week, but missed one workout on the schedule to prevent injury, plus added one additional yoga class)
Done 7 Bootcamp classes at Life Center
Done 1 Bosu/Step class at Life Center
Done 2 Yoga classes at John Carroll
Run a total of 64.13 miles
Add this running total to the one from the first four weeks (56.74) and it totals: 120.87
No wonder I'm tired and sore!!
In weeks 5 - 8 I have:
Worked out 24 times (6 days a week, but missed one workout on the schedule to prevent injury, plus added one additional yoga class)
Done 7 Bootcamp classes at Life Center
Done 1 Bosu/Step class at Life Center
Done 2 Yoga classes at John Carroll
Run a total of 64.13 miles
Add this running total to the one from the first four weeks (56.74) and it totals: 120.87
No wonder I'm tired and sore!!
Never Give Up!
Wed, April 6
50 min - running for 30 and walking for 20 at the indoor track at LifeCenter
Distance: 4 miles; Average Pace: 12'32"
Well, I was not sure what today would bring with my leg/calve situation. My training schedule said 50 minutes of running, but I just wasn't sure I'd be able to do it after Monday's experience. But, I went. I ran 10 minutes and gave up and started walking. It just hurt too much to keep going. I felt really defeated, but decided I would at least walk for the rest of the time. Hey, I was already there - I had gotten up to do this, I was doing it! I didn't cry, but I felt close to it. So, I walked. I told myself that I wanted to try to run a bit more...maybe with 10 minutes left to go or something. After 20 minutes more minutes went by and I only had 20 minutes to go I decided that I had had enough and I was going to run. I just kept thinking to myself. "I refuse to accept this", "I refuse to accept this", "I refuse to accept this". I was saying this mantra to the pain, the feeling of defeat, whatever. I just refused to give up and walk. Not that walking is bad, but for me at this point it would mean giving up. I have worked too hard to not give this training 110% of my effort. And guess what?! It didn't hurt as bad as the first mile! I mean I was sore, but I worked it out. Maybe there is something "mental" about this after all.
Then on the way to work I heard this inspiring story on the radio of a 92-year-old woman who completed a marathon in just over 9 hours. 92. Seriously? Wow. She lost her husband of 69 years in 2008 and had to quit training, had health issues in 2009 and had to quit, but completed it in 2010. I can totally do this.
50 min - running for 30 and walking for 20 at the indoor track at LifeCenter
Distance: 4 miles; Average Pace: 12'32"
Well, I was not sure what today would bring with my leg/calve situation. My training schedule said 50 minutes of running, but I just wasn't sure I'd be able to do it after Monday's experience. But, I went. I ran 10 minutes and gave up and started walking. It just hurt too much to keep going. I felt really defeated, but decided I would at least walk for the rest of the time. Hey, I was already there - I had gotten up to do this, I was doing it! I didn't cry, but I felt close to it. So, I walked. I told myself that I wanted to try to run a bit more...maybe with 10 minutes left to go or something. After 20 minutes more minutes went by and I only had 20 minutes to go I decided that I had had enough and I was going to run. I just kept thinking to myself. "I refuse to accept this", "I refuse to accept this", "I refuse to accept this". I was saying this mantra to the pain, the feeling of defeat, whatever. I just refused to give up and walk. Not that walking is bad, but for me at this point it would mean giving up. I have worked too hard to not give this training 110% of my effort. And guess what?! It didn't hurt as bad as the first mile! I mean I was sore, but I worked it out. Maybe there is something "mental" about this after all.
Then on the way to work I heard this inspiring story on the radio of a 92-year-old woman who completed a marathon in just over 9 hours. 92. Seriously? Wow. She lost her husband of 69 years in 2008 and had to quit training, had health issues in 2009 and had to quit, but completed it in 2010. I can totally do this.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Oh, Yoga....
Tues, April 5
Yoga at noon at JCU
So I did my second yoga class ever today and really loved it! First, the music was much better (no Madonna) had some cool drums (think African) and some songs in different languages and it just seemed more yoga-esque to me. I also found it easier to keep pace with the teacher now that I'm learning the names of the different poses, etc. And my whole entire body felt so good afterwards. Really good stretches. Today we even did crunches, planks and push-ups - yoga style, but good!
Then at the end when the instructor turns the lights off I had a moment. The John Denver song, "Sunshine on My Shoulders" came on and all I could do was think about my Homer dog. I have no idea why it hit me just then, but it did. I guess my stream of consciousness went from gee, I love that song to...what a shame that he I miss my Homer dog laying in the sunshine. There was no need for kleenex, I just let myself have a little moment during the song and then I was fine. I think that must be how it works. You have those moments every now and then...they get less and less, until finally you can just think of them fondly without crying.
Meanwhile, my calves still hurt and I'm not sure that I'm up for running tomorrow. Not sure if I should wait until Friday or try it. I'll just see how it goes, I guess...supposed to be 50 minutes...we'll see what happens.
Yoga at noon at JCU
So I did my second yoga class ever today and really loved it! First, the music was much better (no Madonna) had some cool drums (think African) and some songs in different languages and it just seemed more yoga-esque to me. I also found it easier to keep pace with the teacher now that I'm learning the names of the different poses, etc. And my whole entire body felt so good afterwards. Really good stretches. Today we even did crunches, planks and push-ups - yoga style, but good!
Then at the end when the instructor turns the lights off I had a moment. The John Denver song, "Sunshine on My Shoulders" came on and all I could do was think about my Homer dog. I have no idea why it hit me just then, but it did. I guess my stream of consciousness went from gee, I love that song to...what a shame that he I miss my Homer dog laying in the sunshine. There was no need for kleenex, I just let myself have a little moment during the song and then I was fine. I think that must be how it works. You have those moments every now and then...they get less and less, until finally you can just think of them fondly without crying.
Meanwhile, my calves still hurt and I'm not sure that I'm up for running tomorrow. Not sure if I should wait until Friday or try it. I'll just see how it goes, I guess...supposed to be 50 minutes...we'll see what happens.
Left, Right, Left...
Tues, April 5
5:30am - 6:30am, Bootcamp
So I modified the class again today. I did everything except no jumping stuff. Still got a good workout and worked up a good sweat. We did mostly chest and back exercises and I used the 10 pounders so that was good! Doing lunges across the gym was a little difficult on the calves. We ended with an ab/push-up circuit. Lots of planks. Then I did some calve raises and a good stretch on the calve-stretcher thing machine.
Not sure about running tomorrow...we shall see...
5:30am - 6:30am, Bootcamp
So I modified the class again today. I did everything except no jumping stuff. Still got a good workout and worked up a good sweat. We did mostly chest and back exercises and I used the 10 pounders so that was good! Doing lunges across the gym was a little difficult on the calves. We ended with an ab/push-up circuit. Lots of planks. Then I did some calve raises and a good stretch on the calve-stretcher thing machine.
Not sure about running tomorrow...we shall see...
Monday, April 4, 2011
Hitting the Wall
Mon, April 4
Ran/Mostly walked for 42 minutes around the indoor track at JCU during lunch
Distance: 3 miles; Pace: 14'08"
Well, the calves beat me today. I slept in and planned to either run outside or at the indoor track (ugh) during lunch instead. Since it was thundering and lightening, I opted for the indoor track. I mean it was only 40 minutes, how bad could it be, right? Bad. I only got 5 minutes in when my calves were killing me. I mean, bad. Usually I can talk myself out of it and push through, and I'm okay, but it just didn't feel right at all and I decided that listening to my body is probably a good thing at this juncture. I don't want to risk major injury and jeopardize my race next month. So, I decided to walk. I walked for 40 minutes and then added a few just so I could get to 3 miles. I felt good that I did it, but truth be told, I felt like a big failure. This is the first time in all of my training that I've had to walk. One acquaintance of mine who is a marathon runner tried to tell me a week ago, that it is all in my head; that this running thing is all mental. While I can understand how you can psych yourself out and have a positive or negative experience during your run, I also know that this problem is not is in my friggin' legs. I stretched before I ran today, but could only afford about 5 minutes since it was during lunch.
Maybe it was just too much after the long run on Saturday. I'm hoping that is it. I'm just trying to be so diligent about following my training schedule. I mean, I agree with this "listen to your body" stuff, but I also know that my mind can also provide excuses too that let my body off the hook. They just need to be in better sync with each other...gotta work on that.
Ran/Mostly walked for 42 minutes around the indoor track at JCU during lunch
Distance: 3 miles; Pace: 14'08"
Well, the calves beat me today. I slept in and planned to either run outside or at the indoor track (ugh) during lunch instead. Since it was thundering and lightening, I opted for the indoor track. I mean it was only 40 minutes, how bad could it be, right? Bad. I only got 5 minutes in when my calves were killing me. I mean, bad. Usually I can talk myself out of it and push through, and I'm okay, but it just didn't feel right at all and I decided that listening to my body is probably a good thing at this juncture. I don't want to risk major injury and jeopardize my race next month. So, I decided to walk. I walked for 40 minutes and then added a few just so I could get to 3 miles. I felt good that I did it, but truth be told, I felt like a big failure. This is the first time in all of my training that I've had to walk. One acquaintance of mine who is a marathon runner tried to tell me a week ago, that it is all in my head; that this running thing is all mental. While I can understand how you can psych yourself out and have a positive or negative experience during your run, I also know that this problem is not is in my friggin' legs. I stretched before I ran today, but could only afford about 5 minutes since it was during lunch.
Maybe it was just too much after the long run on Saturday. I'm hoping that is it. I'm just trying to be so diligent about following my training schedule. I mean, I agree with this "listen to your body" stuff, but I also know that my mind can also provide excuses too that let my body off the hook. They just need to be in better sync with each other...gotta work on that.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Running is a Contact Sport!
Sat, April 2
8:45am, Ran 9 miles at in door track at Life Center
Time: 1:38:56; Pace: 10'59"
So overall today's run felt pretty good. I did two things to minimize my sore calve situation. I decided to stretch for 15 minutes before the run rather than my normal 5 minutes (thanks Sharon!) and then I iced (well with frozen veg) for 15 minutes after. At the beginning it was rough - probably until I got about 3 miles in it was tough on the old calves. Then between mile 4 and 6 I was in the zone and kinda on autopilot. Mile 7 and 8 was tough and mile 9 was the end so that always feels hard, but doable - end is in sight!
Now to explain the title of this blog entry. After a really rough week emotionally, I was in no mood to deal with people just standing in the middle of the track. Not today people. So for the last three miles I decided I was going to take no more Mrs. Nice Gal. I started singing, pretty loudly with my iPod, hoping this would not only motivate me to keep going, but also let people know I was coming and thereby strongly encouraging them to get the hell out of the way. Well, it did work for some. A few people were startled I think by this crazy sight, but they did move, so score. However, huge-workout-bag lady was not that lucky. This woman with a bag that maybe held a week's worth of work out clothes was standing on the track, by the edge talking with another woman who was off the track (I like her). Even though she might have thought she was out of the way, her gianormous bag was sticking into the middle of the track. At first I just went around them, singing my happy tunes, but after a few trips around unsuccessfully getting my message across, I finally made up my mind to take matters in my own hands, literally. I sorta felt like Kathy Bates in the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes", when she calls herself "Nowanda" or something like that after having a confrontation with some bitchy ladies over a parking space. I accidentally/on purpose bumped/pushed into her giant bag and said "oh, excuse me" as I flew by. I vaguely heard her mutter, "oh, I'm so sorry, pardon me" as I went by. Yes! Score! I might have had an evil grin on my face for at least one lap of the 81 laps I ran today. Was it mean? Maybe, but ya know what? Everyone has their limits and I had hit mine...again.
Oh, and I might have been the cause of a crash of a stack of aerobic steps that I heard crash down behind me as I happen to be running by the ladies who were in the middle of the track waiting to put their steps away. But I'll never tell. I'll let you decide. ;-)
8:45am, Ran 9 miles at in door track at Life Center
Time: 1:38:56; Pace: 10'59"
So overall today's run felt pretty good. I did two things to minimize my sore calve situation. I decided to stretch for 15 minutes before the run rather than my normal 5 minutes (thanks Sharon!) and then I iced (well with frozen veg) for 15 minutes after. At the beginning it was rough - probably until I got about 3 miles in it was tough on the old calves. Then between mile 4 and 6 I was in the zone and kinda on autopilot. Mile 7 and 8 was tough and mile 9 was the end so that always feels hard, but doable - end is in sight!
Now to explain the title of this blog entry. After a really rough week emotionally, I was in no mood to deal with people just standing in the middle of the track. Not today people. So for the last three miles I decided I was going to take no more Mrs. Nice Gal. I started singing, pretty loudly with my iPod, hoping this would not only motivate me to keep going, but also let people know I was coming and thereby strongly encouraging them to get the hell out of the way. Well, it did work for some. A few people were startled I think by this crazy sight, but they did move, so score. However, huge-workout-bag lady was not that lucky. This woman with a bag that maybe held a week's worth of work out clothes was standing on the track, by the edge talking with another woman who was off the track (I like her). Even though she might have thought she was out of the way, her gianormous bag was sticking into the middle of the track. At first I just went around them, singing my happy tunes, but after a few trips around unsuccessfully getting my message across, I finally made up my mind to take matters in my own hands, literally. I sorta felt like Kathy Bates in the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes", when she calls herself "Nowanda" or something like that after having a confrontation with some bitchy ladies over a parking space. I accidentally/on purpose bumped/pushed into her giant bag and said "oh, excuse me" as I flew by. I vaguely heard her mutter, "oh, I'm so sorry, pardon me" as I went by. Yes! Score! I might have had an evil grin on my face for at least one lap of the 81 laps I ran today. Was it mean? Maybe, but ya know what? Everyone has their limits and I had hit mine...again.
Oh, and I might have been the cause of a crash of a stack of aerobic steps that I heard crash down behind me as I happen to be running by the ladies who were in the middle of the track waiting to put their steps away. But I'll never tell. I'll let you decide. ;-)
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