Sat, April 30
11 miles outside at about 9am
Time: 2:01:15 Average Pace: 11:01
Today was my last long run before the race!!! Ahh!!! Next week I have 6 miler which will be a piece of cake! Today's run was good - it was about 36 degrees when I left this morning and nice and sunny so I wore Capri running pants and a long sleeved shirt. I felt good about my time and even better at the fact that I did NO walking at all!! And there are some pretty decent hills along the route. I finished in a little over 2 hours so I'm pretty confident that I can complete the race in less than 2 1/2 hours - just having to add about 2 more miles.
Overall it was a really good run. My legs felt great from step one which was awesome! At about mile 3 I got what we called when I was little a "side ache". It started on one side and moved to the other. I just pushed my hand into it and it eventually went away. Mile 4-8 felt great. Miles 9 and 10 were the toughest and then the last one is always tolerable just because it is the last one!!
Pretty pysched about the race in a couple of weeks. I just have to remember to not go out too fast. I'm sure my adrenaline will be kicking and I'll want to be sure I keep to my own pace. It is going to be epic.
Awesome! Your training has been great. I'll be there cheering you and a bunch of other friends on.