Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday, Monday....

Mon, April 25
Ran 45 minutes outside at lunch
Distance: 4 miles; Average Pace: 11'15"

So Monday runs are starting to feel a certain way generally - sucky, with a capital S! It may just be that way because it is the next run after my long run on Saturday, but all I can say is...ugh. My legs hurt, per my normal routine at the beginning of my runs, and I decided when I started out that I was going to go slower today. I would do my run and put in my time, but just not as fast. Plus, I have this thing with my neck that is bothering me. I'll call it a "crook" in my neck, but I can put my hand right on where it hurts on the right side of the back of my neck. I massaged it before my run and during, actually, but it really hurt. It hurts when I turn my neck and I was just really aware of it during the run. I've had this before and what has worked before is a "bean bag thing" warmed up in the microwave. So, that is what I'll be doing tonight...after the grocery store, I mean! I already popped some ibuprofen. I also got a stitch/catch in my hip when I was doing my pre-run stretch.

Falling apart I tell ya!

However, I want to note that 1) I did my run as indicated on my training schedule and 2) I did not walk at all. The show must go on...victory.

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