Thurs, April 28
5:30am - 6:30am - Bootcamp class at LifeCenter
So today was our last Bootcamp class until the summer (sigh). The class will start back up again in early June outside-should be fun!! With it being our last class I felt like Troy tried to make it extra hard, but we took everything he dished out and then some!!
We did some fun drills with the basketball as a warm-up. We had to do get 15 rim shots between the three of us and I was surprisingly good at those! I generally suck at basketball. Then we did a circuit with bosu ball, a circuit that involved seated shoulder exercises, which was really hard, and then a circuit with weights for that involved plank push-ups and sit-ups which was really tough. Then we ended with a good ab/pushup circuit.
Oh, in the middle of our workout - right about 6am, the power went out in the whole place - totally dark. We had severe winds during the night that carried over until the morning. It was funny because once a little bit of light turned back on people kept lifting and we kept going too. By the end of class all the power was back to normal.
It was sad to be done at the end. We gave Troy our thank you card with sweaty hugs! I would have preferred to go at least until after May 15. It is funny how I'm thinking of everything in terms of after the race. But, the other ladies were ready for a break, so it is what it is. I'm really gonna miss that class - it was really motivating to know that other people were going to be there and I loved having a workout already designed for me and a trainer to tell me what to do. I'll have to design my own weight training or cross training regimen now, I suppose!
Now I just have to keep up my habit of coming every Tuesday and Thursday and swimming with maybe a little weight training mixed in. Hey, I've got the swim suit now, so no more excuses!
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