Thursday, April 28, 2011


Okay, yes, the honeymoon is over. You know that stage after you get a puppy when everything they do is SO cute and they are SO awesome and good and wonderful? You do? Well, then you might also know that that stage only lasts for a few days or if you are lucky a couple of weeks. Well, we have hit that stage with "Prince Henry Higgins" (Prince because at times he has a very regal look about him and Higgins because of the show "My Fair Lady" and Henry Higgins). I find myself going around the house singing to him, "just you wait, Henery Higgins, just you wait!" Wow, that really fits!

Anywho, so as I was saying, we are now beyond the bones and puppy treats of getting a puppy and into the work of having a dog - a young dog who happens to be a very large puppy! He gets really wound up around 8pm or 8:30pm at night which corresponds with when Zach is going to bed. This usually involves a flailing towel (something to bite) and/or flailing pj's (something to bite), a kid running through the hall screaming (something to bite) and then a kid crying because HE was the something to bite! Zach is still trying to get used to the fact that this new puppy is not going to react the same way as our almost 12-year-old beagle/basset did: just pounce once and bark in the other direction...if we were lucky. No, a puppy who sees an opportunity - any opportunity to play is going to be all-out and ready for action!

Plus, I think that as Henry is settling in he is testing the limits more. If it is not bolted down, he will try to bite or chew it. Even if it is a very large and heavy piece of furniture. And, thanks to Henry, I've unearthed three pairs of shoes and a pair of flip-flops that I didn't even know I had from underneath my nightstand. He has even made it his job to chase his tail like a champ. That one is hilarious to watch! He will chase it, get it in his mouth and pull himself over. Oh, and apparently Henry wants to do bootcamp too. This morning Mike caught him going up the basement stairs with one of my 8 pound dumbbells in his mouth!!! Yikes!!!

So, like I said, the honeymoon is over. But, now the real fun begins!

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