So, the tales of the new puppy continue! Today's story includes an episode of the oh, so delightful humping activity that usually accompanies a new puppy at some point as well as some other new "skills" that Henry has been learning.
As I was playing a game of fetch with Henry and his big tennis ball, I noticed that his paws are really strong and mentioned how well he does with grabbing my hand/arm with his paws. To this Zachary replied, "yeah, mommy, he always grabs onto my legs really hard too and doesn't let go!" At first I didn't think anything of this until Mike whispers says to me out of Zach's earshot, "he was trying to hump him!" Oh, my gosh. We were cracking up then! Zach has no idea, obviously what this is all about, which makes it funnier! Henry has also gotten quite enamored with his bed and probably Zach's stuffed lion, as well.
Cut to his other new skills. So, this week we actually had cupcakes in the house - thanks to it being the last week of classes and my desire to make some treats for my students' last meeting. I knew I would be criticized big time if I didn't make some for my boys too, so I did. They are so giddy when they actually get baked goods that don't have black beans in them!! Well, yesterday Mike was about to eat one of these delicious treats when the doorbell rang. He left the container open on the counter to go answer the door. He stepped outside for a minute to talk with a contractor (you know where this is going, don't you?) and when he came back in the three cupcakes that were left were gone - wrappers and all! Oh, Henry! Yes, he has discovered that he is big enough to jump up to reach the counter and help himself to dessert! So, we were on the lookout last night and today for the possible consequences of the consumption of that little snack.
So, yes, Henry is developing quite a list of skills. I hate to even guess what will be next, but I'll be sure to share it!!!
OhOhOh NOOOOOOOOOOO! So much for that well behaved, wonderful, never do anything to get in trouble puppy I was envisioning!!! Gave me a good laugh though!