So I've decided this is what I have. This is the diagnosis for what I've had all week long. I get this same feeling right before I am going to sing a solo in church or sing in front of an audience. My heart races, my palms sweat and usually my stomach goes on overdrive. After a few practice runs through the song, and a couple trips to the bathroom I feel a little more prepared. Once I begin the song, I begin to relax and feel more confident and enjoy what I'm doing (unless I have an emotional connection with the song and that is another story all together!)
The difference with this experience is that the "performance anxiety" has lasted for the whole week rather than just before the race. It comes and goes, but it is always at the back of my mind. As soon as I've spent some time thinking about it, planning the weekend, or spending any time on the website I get that feeling again and another trip to the bathroom is needed! Too much information? Hey, I'm just telling it like it is! This is just a normal thing for me. It probably has to do with my body's reaction to stress and the fight or flight syndrome. I don't know - I'm no expert. But hey, I've trained (been through a "run through", if you will), prepared with my lists and plans. I imagine there will continue to be multiple bathroom trips the morning of, but after a few miles in I should be good to go, right?
Wish me luck, but just don't tell me to "break a leg"!
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