Thurs, May 12
Yoga at lunch - cross training
Today it was really hot in the fitness studio! It was a good class, but a little bit sticky. In about the middle of the class I wondered if it was just me, because I noticed one of those big fans in the front of the room, but the instructor did not make any moves to turn it on. Finally, I whispered to her, "does the fan work?" So then she put it on and it was just enough to get the air circulating. By the end of the class I was nice and cooled down. Since this class is going to be meeting all summer, I think I might need to get some like wipe things to freshen up after yoga. I'm wondering if Bath and Body sells a product like that in all their various scents. A shower is not needed - I don't sweat like that for yoga, but it definitely requires a little more than additional deodorant.
I have two more days before the race...tomorrow is supposed to be a rest day and Sat is supposed to be a 15-20 minute run. I may do the run tomorrow morning instead and yoga at noon - just to keep me relaxing (well, an attempt to get me to relax!). Then Sat will be a rest day, Zach's race and the final preparation day!!!
Baby wipes are great for freshening up!