Monday, February 21, 2011

Trust the Training

Mon, Feb 21 - Week 3 has begun!
Ran 35 minutes at LifeCenter track
Not sure about distance or pace because my iPod got stuck...ugh!

You know that phrase, trust the process? Is it part of a 12-step program mantra? Not sure where I heard it from a long time ago, but I couldn't get it out of my head this weekend. I kept thinking about it for two reasons, the first in terms of weight loss. Sometimes we can be doing all the "right" things, but it takes a while for it to show up on the scale. BUT, eventually it time. Trust the process. The other reason I kept thinking about it was in terms of training. After my first 5-miler on Saturday, I had a little bit of ankle pain or stiffness really later that day. I was a bit nervous always worrying about injury, etc. But I just kept thinking "trust the process" or trust the training. There is a reason there is s day of rest after the long run day. By Sunday morning after I walked the dog, my ankle was back to normal and totally fine during and after my run today. Trust the process and the training.


  1. Your commitment to training is an inspiration. I had some outpatient surgery a few weeks back and have been cleared to exercise again. Well, as of last week...then I got the flu. UGH. Looking forward to getting back on the yoga mat this week for sure!
