Saturday, February 5, 2011

What you do in private, you wear in public!

Ha, ha! I just love this saying that I heard this morning at Weight Watchers. We talked a lot about sayings and mantras to use as anchors this morning and this one in particular really hit home with me. I gained again at the scale this week and I was defeated and started blaming the new program again in my mind. That damn new program. What the hell - I'm eating all this friggin' fruit - what am I doing wrong?! I mean, if you look at my 3-month journal, it looks like everything is great - on paper. But if I really think about it and get honest with myself I have snacked extra and not tracked it. For some reason I still have not completely learned the lesson that this saying alludes to - MY BODY IS RECORDING EVERYTHING I EAT EVEN IF I DON'T WRITE IT DOWN!! It is so logical, but for some reason in the moment I choose to forget this. Or perhaps I'm eating for a different reason than hunger - in response to some feeling I don't want to feel. So maybe to combat this I need to actually feel the feeling and just move on. Give myself the 10 minutes to feel it and then deal with it. Why is that so hard to do sometimes?! I guess I'm a slow learner, but thank God there isn't a grade for all of this. There is no Weight Watcher's police that is going to arrest me because I still haven't learned some of the basics. I think it is really just a re-learning that needs to happen periodically. I rest on my laurels (or my butt, if you will) and get lax and that is when those bad habits start to creep back in. But, I don't have to be perfect - far from it. This is still a journey - and always will be. And boy is this about so much more than weight loss!!! I have to share some words of wisdom and perspective that Zachary, my 9-year-old said to me this morning after I came home and shared that I was up again at the scale. He said, "Mommy, its okay, because this body (and he pointed to me) is so much better than the way it used to be!" Out of the mouths of babes I tell you. Yes, it is, Zach...yes, it is!

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