Thurs, March 31
5:30am - 6:30am - Bootcamp class
Well, today sucked. Not because of the workout, but because I just felt like shit today after being at the vet last night (see my blog post from yesterday). My eyes were all swollen when I looked in the mirror at 5am, but I thought I might feel better if I got a workout in and stuck to my schedule. I confessed to Troy and my class that I missed on Tuesday because of my hurting calves and that I was looking to do something else for cross training, however, since I loved bootcamp and was committed to it that I would continue, but just modify it so I don't do running or other jumping stuff. I did that today and it worked pretty well. We did lots of abs and arms so I felt like I got a good workout in still.
I maintained my composure and kept my mind off of Homer during the workout, but almost as soon as I got in the car the waterworks started again. That is the strange thing about grief - it hits at random times. One of the things that gets me the most is how much this is affecting Mike (again, see my blog post from last night that he wrote). So, Mike and I decided to take personal days today. We are giving ourselves permission to be sad and go through this grief process together. Breathe in. Breathe out.
An honest blog about getting fit and staying fit with good nutrition and an active lifestyle. Advice from an average Jane. Hey, Its Just Lisa!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Difficult Decisions

My husband wrote this tonight after we put our dog is beautiful and I could not have said it better...he said I could post it to my blog as well the note on his facebook page...
yet another way to look at "life after losing", I guess...
Good for nothing bag of bones...He will be missed!
As if decisions are not difficult enough on a daily basis today I had to make the ultimate decision to put my dog Homer down. I will tell you a little bit about Homer or 'Homo' as Zachary used to call him when he couldn't say his r's. We found Homer in 2004 just around Christmas time, what a pistol he was, a little rough around the edges. Somehow he won us over and we adopted him. After a bit of time with his new family he settled in pretty well. I don't think I could have asked for a better mutt. I would not change a thing about him.
There are a lot of good memories that we have - getting chased by the geese around the pond, stealing a loaf of bread and stashing it under the bed, and getting into Grandma's bag of Life-Savers and hiding them around the house. He was a loyal employee of mine and had been comming to work with me for the past three years. Always on time, even early on most days. His favorite time of day at work was lunch in the summertime, eating on the deck and rolling in the grass soaking up the sunshine.
Fast forward to the present...
Homer was getting older, we never knew his exact age. The vet seemed to think he was older maybe 12 years. Thinking back on the past year I can now see the subtle changes that were happening. He stopped standing up at the edge of my bed to wake us up in the morning, panting a lot due to pain from arthritis along with some bladder issues. Well the time arrived, I knew it would sometime. What a difficult process trying to determine whats best for him no matter how it makes you feel.
The moment...
I was with Homer when he was given the injection. We were nose to nose, I had his head in my hands, and he was looking straight into my eyes. As corny as it may sound I think he knew what was going on. He was very calm and stared at me without even as much as a look at anyone else in the room. He had a look in his eyess that was so trusting - "I understand, I forgive you, I love you, I will be alright now". Then he was at peace. I stayed with him for a while afterward to reflect on his life with us. It was an experience that I will never forget.
Coming Home...
Afterward we drove around for a bit as none of us wanted to go right home. We went and had a quiet dinner. Coming home was tough, I didn't think it would hit me so hard. Everywhere you looked there was Homer, the dog dish, the living room doors closed, the smudge marks on the doors from his nose. Hell even pulling into the garage and seeing the towel I used to wipe his paws after rainy day walks. Tomorrow will be a tough day at work as there will not be four paws under my desk.
The Guilt...
No matter how much you know that it is the right thing to do the guilt is horrible. Did I do enough? Did I fail him in some way? Should I have waited? I did the right thing. Any other choice would have been for my benefit and not his. This was not my first dog but it was the first time I had ever had to do this.
Would I do it again? Is it worth the heartache? YES! I would do it again. We are Dog People. It will be tough as the next doggie has some pretty big paws to fill!
Homer D. Ramsey
?? - 3/30/2010
Not too bright but loved by all!
Barking calves!
Wed, March 30
5:30am - Ran 50 minutes on the indoor track at Life Center
Distance - 4.75 miles; Pace - 10'32"
Not gonna lie, my calves hurt the entire run again this morning. So much for yoga being the miracle cure! I know, I know, it has only been one session! It was motivational to see Nicole there this morning - the woman I met who is also running the 1/2 in May. Having her there helped me push myself around that track to get it done. I noticed after about 25 minutes in I felt better, but it was tough getting started. Okay, today at lunch I VOW to look up some good exercises for calves. I ran into Troy and only 1 woman showed up for Bootcamp yesteday...ugh, the guilt! I told him I didn't come because I had fallen and was sore. That is just the partial truth, but I didn't have lots of time to go into it. I did say I would be there tomorrow, so I will - and may just modify some of the exercises.
I have to hand it to the peeps who train for full marathons...if this is work, I cannot imagine their training programs!! Whew!
5:30am - Ran 50 minutes on the indoor track at Life Center
Distance - 4.75 miles; Pace - 10'32"
Not gonna lie, my calves hurt the entire run again this morning. So much for yoga being the miracle cure! I know, I know, it has only been one session! It was motivational to see Nicole there this morning - the woman I met who is also running the 1/2 in May. Having her there helped me push myself around that track to get it done. I noticed after about 25 minutes in I felt better, but it was tough getting started. Okay, today at lunch I VOW to look up some good exercises for calves. I ran into Troy and only 1 woman showed up for Bootcamp yesteday...ugh, the guilt! I told him I didn't come because I had fallen and was sore. That is just the partial truth, but I didn't have lots of time to go into it. I did say I would be there tomorrow, so I will - and may just modify some of the exercises.
I have to hand it to the peeps who train for full marathons...if this is work, I cannot imagine their training programs!! Whew!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Cross-Train Change-Up
Tues,March 29
Yoga at JCU - lunchtime
So I decided to take some advice and change up my cross-training day workout today. I did not go to boot camp, but decided on yoga instead at lunch. It was the first time I had ever done a real yoga class and I enjoyed it. It was called "Power Yoga" and it wasn't really what I expected. I learned a lot of cool poses, so that was cool, but what I was surprised by was the music that played during it. It was like some Madonna and other upbeat stuff for most of the class and I guess I was expecting calm, and serene music - similar to what plays when you are getting a massage. It kind of annoyed me actually because it was not really relaxing at all, but work! However, I really did enjoy the stretches and how good they felt. For the rest of the day my body felt really loose and relaxed. Good. While I felt really good about doing it and I want to keep yoga in my routine during the week, I also felt like it really was not a good substitute for cross-training. I mean I did not sweat really at all and that is saying a lot for me (the dude in front of me, however was soaked!!).
I think what I will do is keep doing bootcamp, but just modify it if needed (not too much legs or jumping). All of the arms and other strength training is really good. But yoga is awesome. I hope to keep doing it twice a week at lunch. I didn't really get the peaceful, mediation feel from it today (maybe because of the music or the instructor's style, but the stretching definitely rocks!
Yoga at JCU - lunchtime
So I decided to take some advice and change up my cross-training day workout today. I did not go to boot camp, but decided on yoga instead at lunch. It was the first time I had ever done a real yoga class and I enjoyed it. It was called "Power Yoga" and it wasn't really what I expected. I learned a lot of cool poses, so that was cool, but what I was surprised by was the music that played during it. It was like some Madonna and other upbeat stuff for most of the class and I guess I was expecting calm, and serene music - similar to what plays when you are getting a massage. It kind of annoyed me actually because it was not really relaxing at all, but work! However, I really did enjoy the stretches and how good they felt. For the rest of the day my body felt really loose and relaxed. Good. While I felt really good about doing it and I want to keep yoga in my routine during the week, I also felt like it really was not a good substitute for cross-training. I mean I did not sweat really at all and that is saying a lot for me (the dude in front of me, however was soaked!!).
I think what I will do is keep doing bootcamp, but just modify it if needed (not too much legs or jumping). All of the arms and other strength training is really good. But yoga is awesome. I hope to keep doing it twice a week at lunch. I didn't really get the peaceful, mediation feel from it today (maybe because of the music or the instructor's style, but the stretching definitely rocks!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Runners with Horns??
Mon, March 28 - Beginning week 8
9:30am - ran 40 minutes on the indoor track at Life Center
Distance: 3.87 miles; Pace: 10'23"
I was able to go to the gym a bit later today bit today as I had the morning off. So it is not surprising that there was quite a different crowd at the gym today at 9:30am than I normally see at 5:30am! There were quite a few walkers, and a lot of traffic in between group exercise classes to deal with.
Now, I know I have commented on walkers before...walkers with coffee, walkers on cell phones, but today I want to address the oblivious walker. And again, my disclaimer holds true...I think runners and walkers can co-exist as long as we observe some basic rules. For example, when a runner is coming up behind you, make sure to make some room for he/she to pass. This is usually not a problem, but today it really was! There were a number of twosomes walking (and talking) together and they were completely oblivious to the fact that I was coming up behind them. I guess the fact that I had passed them about 15 other times didn't register. I actually had to "man-handle" one older gentleman in order to basically stop myself from running into him by steadying myself with my hands on his shoulders. Another couple never quite got it and I had to just guess which side to pass on each time around. Further there were a number of ladies from the group exercise class who just stood in the middle of the track on their way to get hand weights or other equipment. They had absolutely no idea (or acted that way) that I was coming apparently. I mean am I that stealthy of a runner that I can sneak up on people without them knowing?? It's not even like these people are even wearing iPods. I mean do I have to buy a horn to wear and honk as I'm coming up on unsuspecting lifecenter goers? Maybe a bell like on a bicycle? Oh I know, maybe I should attach a whistle to my headband that makes a noise similar to those that warn deer of approaching traffic to avoid collisions. I mean, what is it going to take?! I've got it! Maybe I should just call or text the walkers on their phones to let them know I'm coming up behind them! Today I actually saw a "lifter" talking on the phone while lifting, simultaneously. Seriously? I have a message for him..."dude, leave ur phone in ur lockr"!!
9:30am - ran 40 minutes on the indoor track at Life Center
Distance: 3.87 miles; Pace: 10'23"
I was able to go to the gym a bit later today bit today as I had the morning off. So it is not surprising that there was quite a different crowd at the gym today at 9:30am than I normally see at 5:30am! There were quite a few walkers, and a lot of traffic in between group exercise classes to deal with.
Now, I know I have commented on walkers before...walkers with coffee, walkers on cell phones, but today I want to address the oblivious walker. And again, my disclaimer holds true...I think runners and walkers can co-exist as long as we observe some basic rules. For example, when a runner is coming up behind you, make sure to make some room for he/she to pass. This is usually not a problem, but today it really was! There were a number of twosomes walking (and talking) together and they were completely oblivious to the fact that I was coming up behind them. I guess the fact that I had passed them about 15 other times didn't register. I actually had to "man-handle" one older gentleman in order to basically stop myself from running into him by steadying myself with my hands on his shoulders. Another couple never quite got it and I had to just guess which side to pass on each time around. Further there were a number of ladies from the group exercise class who just stood in the middle of the track on their way to get hand weights or other equipment. They had absolutely no idea (or acted that way) that I was coming apparently. I mean am I that stealthy of a runner that I can sneak up on people without them knowing?? It's not even like these people are even wearing iPods. I mean do I have to buy a horn to wear and honk as I'm coming up on unsuspecting lifecenter goers? Maybe a bell like on a bicycle? Oh I know, maybe I should attach a whistle to my headband that makes a noise similar to those that warn deer of approaching traffic to avoid collisions. I mean, what is it going to take?! I've got it! Maybe I should just call or text the walkers on their phones to let them know I'm coming up behind them! Today I actually saw a "lifter" talking on the phone while lifting, simultaneously. Seriously? I have a message for him..."dude, leave ur phone in ur lockr"!!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
The Magic of H2O!
Saturday, March 26
Ran 8 miles at the indoor track at LifeCenter
Time: 1:28:11; Pace: 11'01"/mile
Yes, I did it! And my legs were not dying! I think I figured out a big part of my problem. I deliberately made an effort to hydrate more all day yesterday and that seemed to have made a big difference. I mean, I'm sore, but not sore like before. After about 4 miles in I started to feel really good. And actually the last two miles were actually fun! The song "Centerfold" by the J. Geils Band came on during the last two miles and that is my jam. I was kinda rockin' it out. Singing out loud, clapping, oh yeah, all of that madness. No one even seemed to notice or look at me funny (unless they were laughing behind my back). And even if they were I didn't care because I felt on top of the world at that moment. Physically I felt great and mentally I felt so good about breaking another distance barrier. So, excuse me, I think I'm gonna go grab a drink of water!
Ran 8 miles at the indoor track at LifeCenter
Time: 1:28:11; Pace: 11'01"/mile
Yes, I did it! And my legs were not dying! I think I figured out a big part of my problem. I deliberately made an effort to hydrate more all day yesterday and that seemed to have made a big difference. I mean, I'm sore, but not sore like before. After about 4 miles in I started to feel really good. And actually the last two miles were actually fun! The song "Centerfold" by the J. Geils Band came on during the last two miles and that is my jam. I was kinda rockin' it out. Singing out loud, clapping, oh yeah, all of that madness. No one even seemed to notice or look at me funny (unless they were laughing behind my back). And even if they were I didn't care because I felt on top of the world at that moment. Physically I felt great and mentally I felt so good about breaking another distance barrier. So, excuse me, I think I'm gonna go grab a drink of water!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Executive Decision
Fri, March 25
No workout!
So I made an executive decision to override my workout schedule today which called for 30-40 minutes of running today. I just need to rest my legs and hydrate so I can be ready to run my 8 miles tomorrow. So, that is that and I'm happy with my decision. Guilt, be gone!!!
No workout!
So I made an executive decision to override my workout schedule today which called for 30-40 minutes of running today. I just need to rest my legs and hydrate so I can be ready to run my 8 miles tomorrow. So, that is that and I'm happy with my decision. Guilt, be gone!!!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Bosu Bummer
Thurs, March 24
6:30pm - 7:30pm, Bosu class, in theory
So because of spring break in Hudson this week, my Bootcamp class for this morning was cancelled. So, my plan for cross training for today was the evening Bosu class that I used to go to all the time. However, I got there tonight and discovered that the class was no longer ever. The teacher moved to Columbus with her husband and family! Ugh! In the Bosu time slot there was a step class so I decided to stay for it. It was okay. I mostly made it low impact to take care of my legs, but I still felt like it was an okay workout. It was fun and different...and not running. So that's a win!!
6:30pm - 7:30pm, Bosu class, in theory
So because of spring break in Hudson this week, my Bootcamp class for this morning was cancelled. So, my plan for cross training for today was the evening Bosu class that I used to go to all the time. However, I got there tonight and discovered that the class was no longer ever. The teacher moved to Columbus with her husband and family! Ugh! In the Bosu time slot there was a step class so I decided to stay for it. It was okay. I mostly made it low impact to take care of my legs, but I still felt like it was an okay workout. It was fun and different...and not running. So that's a win!!
From Autopilot to Awareness
Okay, a quiz for you...
1. Have you ever eaten a meal or snack while watching tv?
2. Have you ever eaten a meal or snack while reading a book or magazine?
3. Have you ever eaten a meal or snack while driving in the car?
4. Have you ever eaten a meal or snack while on the computer?
If you answered "yes" to one or more of these questions (I would venture to guess it would be all of us!) this blog entry is especially for you!
I have recently finished reading the book "Women, God and Food: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything" by Geneen Roth, recommended to me by a friend and have really learned a lot from it. I'm still processing much of the book as there is a lot there, but the one thing I have decided to put into practice in my life now is a couple of her eating guidelines.
She includes 7 eating guidelines in the book, but the ones that intrigued me the most focus on eliminating distractions while you eat. She specifically addresses eating in the car (gulp), while reading (ugh), or watching tv (uh-oh). I have had a habit for many months now to eat my breakfast in the car on the way to work and eating my lunch while perusing facebook or something else on the computer at my desk. Let's not even talk about how my "snackie" button is pushed simultaneously with the television remote. Now, usually I make pretty smart and healthy choices for these meals that fit into the WW points system and all, but I can't say that I really enjoy them and am ever fully present while eating and driving or eating while on the computer or watching tv. Nor can I say definitely that I am really aware of my hunger level during those times. I just eat until the food is gone. Hmm...
Today I decided to make the change and see what happens. I took 10 minutes to heat up my oatmeal and blueberries and eat them at the kitchen table this morning. Nice. I did not even read the newspaper that was tempting me on the table. Not only did I relax, but I actually had a conversation with my son to boot. To underscore how much of a habit it has become for me to eat b-fast on the run, Zach actually said to me, "Mommy, are you staying home today?". Seeing me eating breakfast at the table was so out of the ordinary for him that it made him stop to think. Wow. Message sent.
Then today for lunch I decided to just listen to music on my computer while eating my lunch. I actually took about 20 minutes to enjoy my turkey samich with blue cheese rather than shove it in while playing scrabble. Now, yes, the food I consumed was the same, but I felt different about my lunch. I was aware of the taste, more aware of my hunger level and plus I enjoyed it more.
I can already foresee that my greatest challenge for this will be the watching tv part. But, I can re-learn a new habit, right? I think what I'm' going to try is if I want a snack in the evening I will have to eat it at the kitchen table. This could be interesting. Wish me luck! I challenge you to become more aware in your eating experiences! Food is good - we should enjoy it!
1. Have you ever eaten a meal or snack while watching tv?
2. Have you ever eaten a meal or snack while reading a book or magazine?
3. Have you ever eaten a meal or snack while driving in the car?
4. Have you ever eaten a meal or snack while on the computer?
If you answered "yes" to one or more of these questions (I would venture to guess it would be all of us!) this blog entry is especially for you!
I have recently finished reading the book "Women, God and Food: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything" by Geneen Roth, recommended to me by a friend and have really learned a lot from it. I'm still processing much of the book as there is a lot there, but the one thing I have decided to put into practice in my life now is a couple of her eating guidelines.
She includes 7 eating guidelines in the book, but the ones that intrigued me the most focus on eliminating distractions while you eat. She specifically addresses eating in the car (gulp), while reading (ugh), or watching tv (uh-oh). I have had a habit for many months now to eat my breakfast in the car on the way to work and eating my lunch while perusing facebook or something else on the computer at my desk. Let's not even talk about how my "snackie" button is pushed simultaneously with the television remote. Now, usually I make pretty smart and healthy choices for these meals that fit into the WW points system and all, but I can't say that I really enjoy them and am ever fully present while eating and driving or eating while on the computer or watching tv. Nor can I say definitely that I am really aware of my hunger level during those times. I just eat until the food is gone. Hmm...
Today I decided to make the change and see what happens. I took 10 minutes to heat up my oatmeal and blueberries and eat them at the kitchen table this morning. Nice. I did not even read the newspaper that was tempting me on the table. Not only did I relax, but I actually had a conversation with my son to boot. To underscore how much of a habit it has become for me to eat b-fast on the run, Zach actually said to me, "Mommy, are you staying home today?". Seeing me eating breakfast at the table was so out of the ordinary for him that it made him stop to think. Wow. Message sent.
Then today for lunch I decided to just listen to music on my computer while eating my lunch. I actually took about 20 minutes to enjoy my turkey samich with blue cheese rather than shove it in while playing scrabble. Now, yes, the food I consumed was the same, but I felt different about my lunch. I was aware of the taste, more aware of my hunger level and plus I enjoyed it more.
I can already foresee that my greatest challenge for this will be the watching tv part. But, I can re-learn a new habit, right? I think what I'm' going to try is if I want a snack in the evening I will have to eat it at the kitchen table. This could be interesting. Wish me luck! I challenge you to become more aware in your eating experiences! Food is good - we should enjoy it!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Another reason to stock up on frozen veggies...
Wed, March 23
7:45pm - Ran 45 minutes at the indoor track at Life Center
Distance: 4.17; Pace: 10'49"
After sleeping in this morning I'm happy to say that I finally did get my run in tonight. The timing works okay because my Bootcamp class tomorrow is cancelled so I'm planning to go to Bosu class tomorrow night anyway so that will work out.
My legs were achy again tonight, but I pushed through. I came home and iced them with bags of frozen vegetables for awhile and that helped a bit. I've been having some challenging food issues lately so I'm going to be a little more deliberate about making sure I get enough water in and I am going to track carefully 12 hours before and 12 hours after my long run on Saturday in order to diagnose this problem once and for all. I just want to enjoy running again and right now it is just a chore to check off my list.
7:45pm - Ran 45 minutes at the indoor track at Life Center
Distance: 4.17; Pace: 10'49"
After sleeping in this morning I'm happy to say that I finally did get my run in tonight. The timing works okay because my Bootcamp class tomorrow is cancelled so I'm planning to go to Bosu class tomorrow night anyway so that will work out.
My legs were achy again tonight, but I pushed through. I came home and iced them with bags of frozen vegetables for awhile and that helped a bit. I've been having some challenging food issues lately so I'm going to be a little more deliberate about making sure I get enough water in and I am going to track carefully 12 hours before and 12 hours after my long run on Saturday in order to diagnose this problem once and for all. I just want to enjoy running again and right now it is just a chore to check off my list.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Tues, March 22
5:30am - 6:30am
Bootcamp class at Life Center
Today was tough, but good. We started with a running warm-up. I almost hit Troy for that one! Then, we did a plethora of arm exercises. Lateral raises were Troy's fave - we did those three-ways. We also did hammer curls, shoulder raises, bicep curls, and a bunch of others that I don't remember. Of course we had our circuit across the gym which was a killer too because we did it with weights. We finished with an ab/arm circuit that was pretty long...planks, dips, etc....
Oh, I wanted to smack one of the cross training dudes today. As we were running he started clapping and saying, "great job, keep going". Really? We were running like 4 laps! I like encouragement, but not like was condescending. Whatever dude...just do your own thing and I'll do mine. I didn't say anything, but just rolled my eyes. Message sent.
I'm tired today, but ready to face the day. Power through, power through...
5:30am - 6:30am
Bootcamp class at Life Center
Today was tough, but good. We started with a running warm-up. I almost hit Troy for that one! Then, we did a plethora of arm exercises. Lateral raises were Troy's fave - we did those three-ways. We also did hammer curls, shoulder raises, bicep curls, and a bunch of others that I don't remember. Of course we had our circuit across the gym which was a killer too because we did it with weights. We finished with an ab/arm circuit that was pretty long...planks, dips, etc....
Oh, I wanted to smack one of the cross training dudes today. As we were running he started clapping and saying, "great job, keep going". Really? We were running like 4 laps! I like encouragement, but not like was condescending. Whatever dude...just do your own thing and I'll do mine. I didn't say anything, but just rolled my eyes. Message sent.
I'm tired today, but ready to face the day. Power through, power through...
Monday, March 21, 2011
The Versatile my blog the new black?
So I was bestowed the "Versatile Blogger Award" yesterday by my high school friend, partner in pyrotechnics (sorry, private joke), and favorite blogger, Robin Daugherty Suttell. Well, slap me and call me Susan, I've never received a "major award", either with the leg lamp or without, so I'm tickled to pieces!
Now, I know what the word versatile means - I mean, I can use it in a sentence.
Example: "That black scarf is SO versatile - it must go with just about anything. But is it flammable?" (sorry, that one was just for Robin.) So, is my blog the new black?
I just had to look up the word to be sure. defines versatile as "capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to another of various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc.: a versatile writer." Well, how appropo! I get it!
THANK YOU ROBIN DAUGHERTY SUTTELL!!! You still crack me up!!!! And thank you for reading and most of all for having your own blog - after all that is what inspired me to start mine!
Well, apparently this award comes with just a few requirements. They are as follows:
- Thank the person who gave you the award (Done - see directly above).
- Share 7 things about yourself.
- Pass the award to up to 10 versatile bloggers.
- Let those bloggers know that you gave them the award.
Okay, share 7 things about myself. Here goes:
1. I'm severely star struck. Like paralyzingly so. I once "stalked" a former American Idol cast-off who was getting interviewed at John Carroll, but could not actually go up and talk to him. I just walked past him and tried to wave like an 8-year-old. He was in the top 12 afterall! The sad part is that I have tons of stories like this seeing as I work in STUDENT ACTIVITIES and have to bring in acts and talent all the time!!!
2. As a kid I wanted to play "Annie" on Broadway really bad. I saw the show in New York City as a little girl, and actually waited by the stage door to get Sarah Jessica Parker's (yes, ladies THE SJP)autograph (guess the star struck-ness hadn't kicked in yet). Today if I saw her I would faint dead away. No question.
3. As a kid I also was madly in love with Magnum P.I. Not really Tom Selleck, the actor who played the character in the late 1980's drama, but the actual character of Magnum P.I. who played a private detective. I went through a long phase of wanting to be a private detective myself. I even had business cards. Seriously. You can't make this crap up!
4. My first major in college was broadcasting - for a semester. I later changed to something a lot more practical - psychology (ha!). I totally wanted to have my own talk show. Okay, I still do. But there is that bit about the celebrities...hmmmm.
5. I'm extremely competitive, but pretend not to be. I'm not sure why, but let the record show that whether I'm playing cards, scrabble, Candy Land, or having an argument about something as important as who played who on an old sitcom..I want to win. *Not in the Charlie-Sheen-crackhead-winning way, however. Let's be clear about that.
6. One of my day dream jobs is to own and run a bed and breakfast someday. Either that or a coffeeshop/bookstore place. Basically, I just want to socialize with people and feed them. And there is just nothing wrong with that!
7. My dream vacation is to do a winery tour in Europe...maybe visit my husband's ancestor's home in Italy, drink some wine, talk to locals, drink some wine, eat some great pasta, drink some get the picture.
And now for the bloggers to whom I would like to bestow this fantastic major award. I am going to list only two although I know of a few others who just might not want the spotlight just yet, but are equally versatile and worthy! (you know who you are!) So, here they are!
The Metheran Life:
The Scale, Stickers and Stories:
Congrats, ladies, and happy reading and writing to all!!
Now, I know what the word versatile means - I mean, I can use it in a sentence.
Example: "That black scarf is SO versatile - it must go with just about anything. But is it flammable?" (sorry, that one was just for Robin.) So, is my blog the new black?
I just had to look up the word to be sure. defines versatile as "capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to another of various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc.: a versatile writer." Well, how appropo! I get it!
THANK YOU ROBIN DAUGHERTY SUTTELL!!! You still crack me up!!!! And thank you for reading and most of all for having your own blog - after all that is what inspired me to start mine!
Well, apparently this award comes with just a few requirements. They are as follows:
- Thank the person who gave you the award (Done - see directly above).
- Share 7 things about yourself.
- Pass the award to up to 10 versatile bloggers.
- Let those bloggers know that you gave them the award.
Okay, share 7 things about myself. Here goes:
1. I'm severely star struck. Like paralyzingly so. I once "stalked" a former American Idol cast-off who was getting interviewed at John Carroll, but could not actually go up and talk to him. I just walked past him and tried to wave like an 8-year-old. He was in the top 12 afterall! The sad part is that I have tons of stories like this seeing as I work in STUDENT ACTIVITIES and have to bring in acts and talent all the time!!!
2. As a kid I wanted to play "Annie" on Broadway really bad. I saw the show in New York City as a little girl, and actually waited by the stage door to get Sarah Jessica Parker's (yes, ladies THE SJP)autograph (guess the star struck-ness hadn't kicked in yet). Today if I saw her I would faint dead away. No question.
3. As a kid I also was madly in love with Magnum P.I. Not really Tom Selleck, the actor who played the character in the late 1980's drama, but the actual character of Magnum P.I. who played a private detective. I went through a long phase of wanting to be a private detective myself. I even had business cards. Seriously. You can't make this crap up!
4. My first major in college was broadcasting - for a semester. I later changed to something a lot more practical - psychology (ha!). I totally wanted to have my own talk show. Okay, I still do. But there is that bit about the celebrities...hmmmm.
5. I'm extremely competitive, but pretend not to be. I'm not sure why, but let the record show that whether I'm playing cards, scrabble, Candy Land, or having an argument about something as important as who played who on an old sitcom..I want to win. *Not in the Charlie-Sheen-crackhead-winning way, however. Let's be clear about that.
6. One of my day dream jobs is to own and run a bed and breakfast someday. Either that or a coffeeshop/bookstore place. Basically, I just want to socialize with people and feed them. And there is just nothing wrong with that!
7. My dream vacation is to do a winery tour in Europe...maybe visit my husband's ancestor's home in Italy, drink some wine, talk to locals, drink some wine, eat some great pasta, drink some get the picture.
And now for the bloggers to whom I would like to bestow this fantastic major award. I am going to list only two although I know of a few others who just might not want the spotlight just yet, but are equally versatile and worthy! (you know who you are!) So, here they are!
The Metheran Life:
The Scale, Stickers and Stories:
Congrats, ladies, and happy reading and writing to all!!
Week 7!
Mon, March 21
Ran for 40 minutes at indoor track at Life Center
Distance: 3.73; Pace: 10'46"
So my run was really tough again today. My legs (specifically my calves) are sore almost immediately after I start running. I am slowing down quite a bit as you can see by my pace, but I did finish without walking. Ugh. I stretched for about 5 minutes after and they feel okay now - just a little tight. I need to research and/or ask my runner friends about what I should do to combat this. Stretching, more water, different food? I'm just not sure. But, I need to fix this and quick as I have an 8 miler coming up this Saturday!
Ran for 40 minutes at indoor track at Life Center
Distance: 3.73; Pace: 10'46"
So my run was really tough again today. My legs (specifically my calves) are sore almost immediately after I start running. I am slowing down quite a bit as you can see by my pace, but I did finish without walking. Ugh. I stretched for about 5 minutes after and they feel okay now - just a little tight. I need to research and/or ask my runner friends about what I should do to combat this. Stretching, more water, different food? I'm just not sure. But, I need to fix this and quick as I have an 8 miler coming up this Saturday!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
My Little Trainer
Sat, March 19
11:30am - Ran 5 miles on the indoor track at Life Center
Time: 54'13"; Pace: 10'49" (so slow!!)
So plans changed today, but we made the best of it! Since I ran later in the day yesterday, my plan was to run later in the day today, before dinner. However, since my hubby was busy helping my parents with a project this morning, Zach and I were on our own. Zach asked me about climbing the rock wall at Life Center so I called to at like 11:15am and found out the supervised wall climb time was from 10am - 12noon. Ugh. I wasn't sure how the run would be since my legs were still sore from yesterday, but I wanted Z to have some climb time so...we quickly changed and went!
As it turned out he had time to climb only once, but got all the way to the top and then hung out and watched some other kids. Meanwhile I was in hell on the track. My legs felt so sore and weak throughout. I kept telling myself the endorphins would kick in anytime, but no such luck. I was determined to push through, but I wasn't enjoying any of it to be truthful.
Thankfully, I had my little trainer there with me. I had about 15 minutes more to go and I asked (okay begged) Zach to run with me. I told him I was really struggling and I needed help for the last 15 minutes. That's all he needed. He started running along side me and told me that when we got to the last 400 meters he wanted me to really start running. I told him that I already was running, but he wouldn't have it. He said, "No, I want you to step it up a bit - really push it, Mom." Man, who needs Jillian Michaels when I have my little trainer!!
So, when the iPod voice announced 400 meters to go, Zach encouraged me (read: yelled at me) to push it...and I did! We both ran faster for the rest of the run. It really helped me to have him run with me and then push me to go faster. I'm not sure I could have finished without him!
After my stretching, he told me he wanted me to do the plank for 2 minutes. What?! I usually do it for 1 minute, take a break and then do it for another minute. But again, he wasn't having my excuses. So, down I went in the plank position and don't you know I held it for 2 minutes while he timed me!!
We ended up having a great time, even though the workout sucked eggs. So, I treated my little trainer to lunch at Panera. Hey, its the least I can do since he works for free!!
11:30am - Ran 5 miles on the indoor track at Life Center
Time: 54'13"; Pace: 10'49" (so slow!!)
So plans changed today, but we made the best of it! Since I ran later in the day yesterday, my plan was to run later in the day today, before dinner. However, since my hubby was busy helping my parents with a project this morning, Zach and I were on our own. Zach asked me about climbing the rock wall at Life Center so I called to at like 11:15am and found out the supervised wall climb time was from 10am - 12noon. Ugh. I wasn't sure how the run would be since my legs were still sore from yesterday, but I wanted Z to have some climb time so...we quickly changed and went!
As it turned out he had time to climb only once, but got all the way to the top and then hung out and watched some other kids. Meanwhile I was in hell on the track. My legs felt so sore and weak throughout. I kept telling myself the endorphins would kick in anytime, but no such luck. I was determined to push through, but I wasn't enjoying any of it to be truthful.
Thankfully, I had my little trainer there with me. I had about 15 minutes more to go and I asked (okay begged) Zach to run with me. I told him I was really struggling and I needed help for the last 15 minutes. That's all he needed. He started running along side me and told me that when we got to the last 400 meters he wanted me to really start running. I told him that I already was running, but he wouldn't have it. He said, "No, I want you to step it up a bit - really push it, Mom." Man, who needs Jillian Michaels when I have my little trainer!!
So, when the iPod voice announced 400 meters to go, Zach encouraged me (read: yelled at me) to push it...and I did! We both ran faster for the rest of the run. It really helped me to have him run with me and then push me to go faster. I'm not sure I could have finished without him!
After my stretching, he told me he wanted me to do the plank for 2 minutes. What?! I usually do it for 1 minute, take a break and then do it for another minute. But again, he wasn't having my excuses. So, down I went in the plank position and don't you know I held it for 2 minutes while he timed me!!
We ended up having a great time, even though the workout sucked eggs. So, I treated my little trainer to lunch at Panera. Hey, its the least I can do since he works for free!!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Kept on track...but outside!!
Fri, March 18
Ran OUTSIDE for 35 minutes!
Distance: 3.41 miles; Pace: 10'17"
So, this morning for some reason I was just really tired and I woke up with a headache. I just didn't want to go run at all. So I climbed back in bed and reset my alarm. I knew I couldn't get my run in at lunch because I had a lunch meeting today. I sorta gave up at that point...just faced the fact that I would have to miss a workout. I had even written the word "skipped" by today's workout on the training schedule on my fridge. However, thanks to my friend Lyn, who reminded me about running outside after work, I got re-motivated to do just that...and I did! Gotta love daylight savings time! It was a beautiful early evening and it felt really freeing to be outside again.
I ran my old 3 mile route and then just added some more on at the end. The run itself felt good - again I can feel that I'm stronger than before. The hills (they aren't huge by any stretch) were not bad at all where before they were tougher. I hope to continue to go outside so I can get used to it again...the opposite of the flat track. The inside track is great for getting it done, but there is just no substitute for outside.
So, I feel good that I was able to stay "on track", if you will, and my training program has not been compromised!! So, I erased the "skipped" and replaced it with a checkmark. Thanks, Lyn!!!
Ran OUTSIDE for 35 minutes!
Distance: 3.41 miles; Pace: 10'17"
So, this morning for some reason I was just really tired and I woke up with a headache. I just didn't want to go run at all. So I climbed back in bed and reset my alarm. I knew I couldn't get my run in at lunch because I had a lunch meeting today. I sorta gave up at that point...just faced the fact that I would have to miss a workout. I had even written the word "skipped" by today's workout on the training schedule on my fridge. However, thanks to my friend Lyn, who reminded me about running outside after work, I got re-motivated to do just that...and I did! Gotta love daylight savings time! It was a beautiful early evening and it felt really freeing to be outside again.
I ran my old 3 mile route and then just added some more on at the end. The run itself felt good - again I can feel that I'm stronger than before. The hills (they aren't huge by any stretch) were not bad at all where before they were tougher. I hope to continue to go outside so I can get used to it again...the opposite of the flat track. The inside track is great for getting it done, but there is just no substitute for outside.
So, I feel good that I was able to stay "on track", if you will, and my training program has not been compromised!! So, I erased the "skipped" and replaced it with a checkmark. Thanks, Lyn!!!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Early morning excitement
Thurs, March 17
5:30am - 6:30am, Bootcamp class at LifeCenter
At the very beginning of our class there was this huge noise and sparks! One of the overhead lights in the gym had burnt out right over our heads! Hey, that is a lot of excitement for 5:30am! Usually the only sounds we hear are the really bad and old music remixes on the "radio" that they play (think: Hotel California and the like).
Today we focused on chest and back. Lots of pushups, renegade rows, etc. This time we did a circuit using a bar with the circle weights on the end...not sure what they are called. As per usual we increased our reps for the third time through. They were pretty tough. Then we used it to do lunges across the gym which was very tough...I'd prefer using the Bosu ball, actually!
Our warm up included some running so I gave Troy the evil eye for that one. I was glad that we didn't use our deltoids much as my tetanus shot from Tuesday morning has still made my arm sore. I'm starting to wonder if I should be getting more cardio into these workouts, but the strength training is really good...gotta have a good balance right?
5:30am - 6:30am, Bootcamp class at LifeCenter
At the very beginning of our class there was this huge noise and sparks! One of the overhead lights in the gym had burnt out right over our heads! Hey, that is a lot of excitement for 5:30am! Usually the only sounds we hear are the really bad and old music remixes on the "radio" that they play (think: Hotel California and the like).
Today we focused on chest and back. Lots of pushups, renegade rows, etc. This time we did a circuit using a bar with the circle weights on the end...not sure what they are called. As per usual we increased our reps for the third time through. They were pretty tough. Then we used it to do lunges across the gym which was very tough...I'd prefer using the Bosu ball, actually!
Our warm up included some running so I gave Troy the evil eye for that one. I was glad that we didn't use our deltoids much as my tetanus shot from Tuesday morning has still made my arm sore. I'm starting to wonder if I should be getting more cardio into these workouts, but the strength training is really good...gotta have a good balance right?
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The Warm Up
Warm-up. So, why do they call it that? Is it because we are supposed to be wearing cute little color-coordinated "warm-up" clothes circa 1985 when we work out? I always picture the character Chrissy Snow from the old TV show, Three's Company, when I think of warm-ups. Weirdly enough, Eva Longoria seems to rock her little sweat suits rather well on Desperate Housewives. Curious. But, I digress.
I've noticed a trend lately about warming-up. Whether I'm getting ready to run or do boot camp class, the very beginning is the hardest. I guess this could probably be because we are actually "warming-up" our muscles and that takes more effort right out of the gate. Or maybe, at least for me, it is because I'm usually not totally awake yet that early! Not sure. It doesn't matter what the warm-up activity is. It equally sucks - maybe even if it was bear crawls! Usually, after about 10 minutes or so I'm in the groove and feeling good about the workout and life goes on.
But, I got to thinking about this whole warm-up thing. I think this same thing happens in life. Any new situation, new task, new relationship, new anything I struggle with at first. I feel stretched, not really into it, doubting why I even showed up to begin with. However, if I stick with it long enough I usually get more comfortable, learn some new things, or make a new friend. It is just human nature, I suppose. If we gave up trying new things before the tough "warm-up" is over, we would miss out on so much. So true, so true. It just struck me as an ah-ha for the day and I thought I'd share. Now, put on some leg warmers and let me see some jumping jacks!!!
I've noticed a trend lately about warming-up. Whether I'm getting ready to run or do boot camp class, the very beginning is the hardest. I guess this could probably be because we are actually "warming-up" our muscles and that takes more effort right out of the gate. Or maybe, at least for me, it is because I'm usually not totally awake yet that early! Not sure. It doesn't matter what the warm-up activity is. It equally sucks - maybe even if it was bear crawls! Usually, after about 10 minutes or so I'm in the groove and feeling good about the workout and life goes on.
But, I got to thinking about this whole warm-up thing. I think this same thing happens in life. Any new situation, new task, new relationship, new anything I struggle with at first. I feel stretched, not really into it, doubting why I even showed up to begin with. However, if I stick with it long enough I usually get more comfortable, learn some new things, or make a new friend. It is just human nature, I suppose. If we gave up trying new things before the tough "warm-up" is over, we would miss out on so much. So true, so true. It just struck me as an ah-ha for the day and I thought I'd share. Now, put on some leg warmers and let me see some jumping jacks!!!
Time for You
Wed, March 16
Ran 45 minutes at indoor track at Life Center plus
Distance: 4.33; Pace: 10'25"
Good run today. I completely did not want to get up, however. I hit the snooze button once and then remembered when the alarm went off again at 5:10am that I had an 8am meeting and I had to get moving. It felt good once I was awake and brushing my teeth. I have a really busy day at work today with barely any breaks so I was glad I took the time for myself this morning. That is what I kept telling myself at the beginning of the run to keep myself motivated. Taking time for ourselves is so important to keep us focused. Only then can we devote the time to do the things we need to do and take care of others in our lives.
What will you do to take time for you today?
Ran 45 minutes at indoor track at Life Center plus
Distance: 4.33; Pace: 10'25"
Good run today. I completely did not want to get up, however. I hit the snooze button once and then remembered when the alarm went off again at 5:10am that I had an 8am meeting and I had to get moving. It felt good once I was awake and brushing my teeth. I have a really busy day at work today with barely any breaks so I was glad I took the time for myself this morning. That is what I kept telling myself at the beginning of the run to keep myself motivated. Taking time for ourselves is so important to keep us focused. Only then can we devote the time to do the things we need to do and take care of others in our lives.
What will you do to take time for you today?
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Resisting the snooze button!!
Tues, March 15
5:30am - 6:30am - Bootcamp class at LifeCenter
Today's class was a pretty good arm workout. We did a bunch of shoulder and arm exercises with the weights (hammer curls, lateral raises, bicept curls, and a mix of these), lots of dips on the steps and used the fisio (sp?) ball so we worked our core too. Then of course we did the mandatory lunges mixed with weights workout across the gym back and forth and finished with ab work on the ball. Planks on the ball were pretty hard, but I felt it big time. The hardest part about today's workout was just not pushing the snooze button when it went off at 5am. But victory was mine!
5:30am - 6:30am - Bootcamp class at LifeCenter
Today's class was a pretty good arm workout. We did a bunch of shoulder and arm exercises with the weights (hammer curls, lateral raises, bicept curls, and a mix of these), lots of dips on the steps and used the fisio (sp?) ball so we worked our core too. Then of course we did the mandatory lunges mixed with weights workout across the gym back and forth and finished with ab work on the ball. Planks on the ball were pretty hard, but I felt it big time. The hardest part about today's workout was just not pushing the snooze button when it went off at 5am. But victory was mine!
Monday, March 14, 2011
A Promise Made is a Promise Kept
Mon, March 14
noon, 35 minutes at the indoor track at JCU
Distance: 3.41; Pace 10'16"
I just could not manage to get my butt out of bed at 5am today so I packed up my stuff to run at lunch. I almost didn't go, but I did and I'm glad. I SO hate that track, but I just did it. Not only because I wanted to stick to my training schedule, but because I feel much better now! Ahh...
It is interesting how 3 miles doesn't seem like that big a deal anymore. Don't get me wrong I still feel like I did something...especially during the first legs always hurt on that stupid track. But after I got in the groove, the headphones got settled in and I broke a bit of a sweat, then I'm good to go. That is the first and last of the track expeditions for the week, however. From now on...5am it is!!
noon, 35 minutes at the indoor track at JCU
Distance: 3.41; Pace 10'16"
I just could not manage to get my butt out of bed at 5am today so I packed up my stuff to run at lunch. I almost didn't go, but I did and I'm glad. I SO hate that track, but I just did it. Not only because I wanted to stick to my training schedule, but because I feel much better now! Ahh...
It is interesting how 3 miles doesn't seem like that big a deal anymore. Don't get me wrong I still feel like I did something...especially during the first legs always hurt on that stupid track. But after I got in the groove, the headphones got settled in and I broke a bit of a sweat, then I'm good to go. That is the first and last of the track expeditions for the week, however. From now on...5am it is!!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Half way there!
Sat, March 12
Ran 7 miles on the inside Life Center track
Time: 1 hour 15 minutes 13 sec; Pace: 10'44"
Whew! Made it through my longest run to date! Yahoo! I felt in the zone big time today. After about 3 miles in I felt like I was running on autopilot. Then somewhere between mile 3 and 4, the Dixie Chicks song came on the iPod, "Not Ready to Make Nice" and I started getting tears in my eyes. Not sure entirely why, but it was a good thing - it propelled me forward. The hardest part was between mile 6 and 7, but I did it. No walking, no stopping. Today's run was a good internal run...with the iPod I was really focused inward and was able to just think and process....good stuff.
My knees really felt it afterwards, but I walked for about 3 laps and then stretched for about 10 minutes before heading home.
With every mile I add I can feel my confidence building. I think I might actually be able to do this, come May 15!! Cool.
Ran 7 miles on the inside Life Center track
Time: 1 hour 15 minutes 13 sec; Pace: 10'44"
Whew! Made it through my longest run to date! Yahoo! I felt in the zone big time today. After about 3 miles in I felt like I was running on autopilot. Then somewhere between mile 3 and 4, the Dixie Chicks song came on the iPod, "Not Ready to Make Nice" and I started getting tears in my eyes. Not sure entirely why, but it was a good thing - it propelled me forward. The hardest part was between mile 6 and 7, but I did it. No walking, no stopping. Today's run was a good internal run...with the iPod I was really focused inward and was able to just think and process....good stuff.
My knees really felt it afterwards, but I walked for about 3 laps and then stretched for about 10 minutes before heading home.
With every mile I add I can feel my confidence building. I think I might actually be able to do this, come May 15!! Cool.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
The Saga of the Hudson Nutrition Department
Disclaimer: First of all, this entry really has nothing to do with exercise or weight loss...except that it does have the word "nutrition" in the title - stretching, but this story must be told! (ha, ha). I've been wanting to blog about this for awhile and finally after this past Tuesday I am ready! At the risk of sounding incredibly cheap, getting in trouble, and possibly offending anyone involved with the Hudson Schools (or all of the above) goes...
It is Tuesday night. It is around 7:20pm. The Ramsey home phone rings. No one moves to answer it. (This is not that unusual as no one usually moves to the answer that phone. The connection is filled with static and you usually can't hear the person on the other end, but then again no one usually calls us anyways. We should really just get rid of our land line altogether, but I won't because of emergency purposes, etc, but I digress...) No one usually calls us on that phone...except for on Tuesday nights at around 7:20pm.
Usually someone will yell through the house, "Don't answer it. It's just the Hudson Nutrition Department!" Even Zachary will yell it. We are all trained. We have been getting this same phone call for about 2 1/2 to 3 years now. Every Tuesday at around 7:20pm.
The recording says, "This is the Hudson Nutrition Department calling regarding the balance in your (insert grade here) third graders school account." That part of it I have memorized. Usually I've already deleted it before they finish the rest, but I think the rest of it goes something like this..."There is a balance in the account that needs to be paid. Please call (insert phone number) with any questions." Then it definitely says, "This message will now repeat" and we get to hear, or not hear, the message again.
Now, what is this all about? Glad you asked - funny story. When Zach was in 1st grade (he is now in third) and was just learning about this having lunch at school thing, he must have had one day when he decided (on his own - just for the record) to buy milk. Now also I need to note that we have always packed his lunch and never once far. But as kids will be kids, he apparently wanted to have some chocolate milk or something. But the darling had no money. But what he did have was some puppy dog eyes and a nice cafeteria lady who agreed to give him the milk for free! Well, at least this is what Zach told us later. Honey, there is no such thing as a free lunch or free chocolate milk.
Enter the first phone call from the Hudson Nutrition Department - probably later that month. "...First graders account..." Back then they used to tell us the amount we owed - literally under $1. Okay, so life got busy and we never did call to pay off this great debt and I honestly figured they would just chalk it up as a loss - new kid with the new lunch deal...whatever...It was not like we arranged for our 6 year old to have any sort of account with anyone and as I mentioned before he was a steady "packer".
Well, no. We continually got phone calls during the rest of that year. Every Tuesday at around 7:20pm. Summer was quiet, but we all anticipated what would happen when school started up again in August. Sure enough, every Tuesday we got the same message except this time it was "in your second grader's account". We were all cracking up at this point. How long will this go on, we wondered? This is ridiculous! Will this go on through high school? Will Zach's transcripts be held up because of the .50 cents he owes to the Hudson Nutrition Department? Wait, will there be interest?! We can hear it now..."in your twelfth graders owe 1 million dollars or he cannot graduate...!!"
So, that is the story. Right now I am way too entertained (and stubborn) about this whole thing to make any attempt to pay them. Maybe one of these days, before Zach graduates, I will actually call and arrange to pay and get the monkey off our back once and for all. Hmmm...I wonder if they'll take a check?!
It is Tuesday night. It is around 7:20pm. The Ramsey home phone rings. No one moves to answer it. (This is not that unusual as no one usually moves to the answer that phone. The connection is filled with static and you usually can't hear the person on the other end, but then again no one usually calls us anyways. We should really just get rid of our land line altogether, but I won't because of emergency purposes, etc, but I digress...) No one usually calls us on that phone...except for on Tuesday nights at around 7:20pm.
Usually someone will yell through the house, "Don't answer it. It's just the Hudson Nutrition Department!" Even Zachary will yell it. We are all trained. We have been getting this same phone call for about 2 1/2 to 3 years now. Every Tuesday at around 7:20pm.
The recording says, "This is the Hudson Nutrition Department calling regarding the balance in your (insert grade here) third graders school account." That part of it I have memorized. Usually I've already deleted it before they finish the rest, but I think the rest of it goes something like this..."There is a balance in the account that needs to be paid. Please call (insert phone number) with any questions." Then it definitely says, "This message will now repeat" and we get to hear, or not hear, the message again.
Now, what is this all about? Glad you asked - funny story. When Zach was in 1st grade (he is now in third) and was just learning about this having lunch at school thing, he must have had one day when he decided (on his own - just for the record) to buy milk. Now also I need to note that we have always packed his lunch and never once far. But as kids will be kids, he apparently wanted to have some chocolate milk or something. But the darling had no money. But what he did have was some puppy dog eyes and a nice cafeteria lady who agreed to give him the milk for free! Well, at least this is what Zach told us later. Honey, there is no such thing as a free lunch or free chocolate milk.
Enter the first phone call from the Hudson Nutrition Department - probably later that month. "...First graders account..." Back then they used to tell us the amount we owed - literally under $1. Okay, so life got busy and we never did call to pay off this great debt and I honestly figured they would just chalk it up as a loss - new kid with the new lunch deal...whatever...It was not like we arranged for our 6 year old to have any sort of account with anyone and as I mentioned before he was a steady "packer".
Well, no. We continually got phone calls during the rest of that year. Every Tuesday at around 7:20pm. Summer was quiet, but we all anticipated what would happen when school started up again in August. Sure enough, every Tuesday we got the same message except this time it was "in your second grader's account". We were all cracking up at this point. How long will this go on, we wondered? This is ridiculous! Will this go on through high school? Will Zach's transcripts be held up because of the .50 cents he owes to the Hudson Nutrition Department? Wait, will there be interest?! We can hear it now..."in your twelfth graders owe 1 million dollars or he cannot graduate...!!"
So, that is the story. Right now I am way too entertained (and stubborn) about this whole thing to make any attempt to pay them. Maybe one of these days, before Zach graduates, I will actually call and arrange to pay and get the monkey off our back once and for all. Hmmm...I wonder if they'll take a check?!
Everybody Grab a Partner!
Thurs, March 10
5:30am - 6:30am - Bootcamp at LifeCenter
Today was really fun because there were four of us so we did mostly partner workouts! This is how we broke it down:
First we did a new thing for our warm-up. Have you seen those big rope things on the Biggest Loser? They sorta look like ropes for like boat anchors. Well, I've never seen them in action...until today! They look easy and I'm always yelling at the tv like, "come on, move it, move it!" Well, I can tell you first hand, they are hard! You lift them up and down as high as you can and as fast as you can. The other set of partners did a jumping activity (boy I love those).
Then we did our first partner combo thing. The first exercise was a circuit of three different exercises that added up to 300. The first one was one person was in a wheel barrow position (heeeyyy!) and the other held that persons feet - on their shoulders. The standing person did a squat and then the wheel barrow person did a pushup. We did a total of 100 of these between us. This was probably the hardest one of the day.
The next 100 combo involved one person in a wheel barrow position and the other held their feet, just at waist level. The person on the ground had to touch a cone with one hand, so kinda like a modified plank push-up thing. We each did 50 of these.
Finally we did partner pull-ups. Each of us took turns pulling the other one up from a laying down position and then back down. We each did 50 of those.
Our next circuit was a "mirror exercise". Using dumbbells each of us took turns being the trainer and the other person had to do whatever exercise they picked for 15 reps. We focused on arms, backs and shoulders and we did this for like 10 minutes and then the other person was the trainer.
Next, we did a cool race thing. We had six stations to get through, that spanned the whole gym, and we had to get through all six in like 2 min and 30 sec. We did it and then of course we had to do it again and beat our time - and we did!
Finally, we did a circuit ab workout that was killer. Now, why am I being so detailed in my descriptions of these workouts? Well, I'll tell you...I'm not sure there will be Boot camp classes this summer and I want to start writing them down so I can recreate them on my own if I need to. See, there is a method to my madness, afterall!
Great workout - fun and different. Now to rest until my 7 mile run on Saturday!
5:30am - 6:30am - Bootcamp at LifeCenter
Today was really fun because there were four of us so we did mostly partner workouts! This is how we broke it down:
First we did a new thing for our warm-up. Have you seen those big rope things on the Biggest Loser? They sorta look like ropes for like boat anchors. Well, I've never seen them in action...until today! They look easy and I'm always yelling at the tv like, "come on, move it, move it!" Well, I can tell you first hand, they are hard! You lift them up and down as high as you can and as fast as you can. The other set of partners did a jumping activity (boy I love those).
Then we did our first partner combo thing. The first exercise was a circuit of three different exercises that added up to 300. The first one was one person was in a wheel barrow position (heeeyyy!) and the other held that persons feet - on their shoulders. The standing person did a squat and then the wheel barrow person did a pushup. We did a total of 100 of these between us. This was probably the hardest one of the day.
The next 100 combo involved one person in a wheel barrow position and the other held their feet, just at waist level. The person on the ground had to touch a cone with one hand, so kinda like a modified plank push-up thing. We each did 50 of these.
Finally we did partner pull-ups. Each of us took turns pulling the other one up from a laying down position and then back down. We each did 50 of those.
Our next circuit was a "mirror exercise". Using dumbbells each of us took turns being the trainer and the other person had to do whatever exercise they picked for 15 reps. We focused on arms, backs and shoulders and we did this for like 10 minutes and then the other person was the trainer.
Next, we did a cool race thing. We had six stations to get through, that spanned the whole gym, and we had to get through all six in like 2 min and 30 sec. We did it and then of course we had to do it again and beat our time - and we did!
Finally, we did a circuit ab workout that was killer. Now, why am I being so detailed in my descriptions of these workouts? Well, I'll tell you...I'm not sure there will be Boot camp classes this summer and I want to start writing them down so I can recreate them on my own if I need to. See, there is a method to my madness, afterall!
Great workout - fun and different. Now to rest until my 7 mile run on Saturday!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Just Another Day at the Track
Wed, March 9
About 6:45am
Ran at the inside track at Life Center
4 miles; Time: 42:11; Pace: 10'30"
Good run today. I was able go in a little bit later since I had a doctor's appointment this am. This was good because I was especially tired last night and was looking forward to the extra sleep. I was supposed to only run 40 minutes, but then I decided to make it a full four miles so it was a little bit longer. My lower back was worked hard at Bootcamp yesterday so it is a little sore today. I didn't let it bother me, however. Bootcamp tomorrow and then I have a "rest" day on Friday to prepare for the big 7 on Saturday!! I was hoping maybe I could run outside, but it is going to be rainy so back inside I go!
About 6:45am
Ran at the inside track at Life Center
4 miles; Time: 42:11; Pace: 10'30"
Good run today. I was able go in a little bit later since I had a doctor's appointment this am. This was good because I was especially tired last night and was looking forward to the extra sleep. I was supposed to only run 40 minutes, but then I decided to make it a full four miles so it was a little bit longer. My lower back was worked hard at Bootcamp yesterday so it is a little sore today. I didn't let it bother me, however. Bootcamp tomorrow and then I have a "rest" day on Friday to prepare for the big 7 on Saturday!! I was hoping maybe I could run outside, but it is going to be rainy so back inside I go!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Busta move with the Bosu
Tues, March 8
5:30am - 6:30am, Bootcamp class at LifeCenter
Today was tough! I knew when our warm-up involved running a lap after every activity (e.g. 60 seconds of jumping jacks and then run a lap, etc) that it was going to be a doozie. Troy knows that Tues and Thurs are my "non-running" days so he was laughing before he gave the instructions because he knew what my reaction was going to be. Ugh! But, we pushed on. We did a lot with the Bosu ball a lot. Countless sets of squat jumps, lifts with squats with the Bosu, and then lunging across the gym...with the Bosu. Catching a theme here? Of course this was all interspersed with push-ups, dips, and other fun things - and finally a killer ab set.
What made it extra hard was that we didn't really have lots of breaks in between - we just went right into the next exercise. I've noticed that Troy does that more when we have a fuller class. I like it that way! It is a real challenge then.
By the way our dude was back today!!! He admitted that he was too sore to come last Thursday. Lame! After we made fun of him, we assured him that it would get better if he continues to keep coming. Too funny!! He says he'll be back on Thursday, but we'll see!
5:30am - 6:30am, Bootcamp class at LifeCenter
Today was tough! I knew when our warm-up involved running a lap after every activity (e.g. 60 seconds of jumping jacks and then run a lap, etc) that it was going to be a doozie. Troy knows that Tues and Thurs are my "non-running" days so he was laughing before he gave the instructions because he knew what my reaction was going to be. Ugh! But, we pushed on. We did a lot with the Bosu ball a lot. Countless sets of squat jumps, lifts with squats with the Bosu, and then lunging across the gym...with the Bosu. Catching a theme here? Of course this was all interspersed with push-ups, dips, and other fun things - and finally a killer ab set.
What made it extra hard was that we didn't really have lots of breaks in between - we just went right into the next exercise. I've noticed that Troy does that more when we have a fuller class. I like it that way! It is a real challenge then.
By the way our dude was back today!!! He admitted that he was too sore to come last Thursday. Lame! After we made fun of him, we assured him that it would get better if he continues to keep coming. Too funny!! He says he'll be back on Thursday, but we'll see!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Acknowledging the Binge
Okay, so we've all done it, right? Even those of us who seem to have a good handle on our eating habits most of the time, can have a moment where the wheels fall off and we eat something we didn't really didn't want to. Oh, we thought we did - in the moment. But after the fact, not so much. Let's see, what are the eating mistakes we can make. We can either eat too much, plain and simple - that old portion control thing. Or we can eat too much of the wrong thing. Or we can eat when we are really not hungry - ya know, that emotional eating thing.
And if you are like me, after you have these moments, you just want to forget about it, move past it and start over - back on program or back on target with the next meal, right? Right! Now, that is all well and good. We definitely should not be berating ourselves for making these choices. It is good to move past it. However, I'm here to propose that we do something additional when this happens. Acknowledge the binge. Now, what exactly do I mean by this? I'm referring to not simply ignoring it. After you are in a better place than in the middle of it, I ask you to consider it... analyze it and try to figure out what made you grab that food to begin with. What were you feeling? What were you trying to not feel? Had you starved yourself and you were just desperate? Did you feel like you are being deprived? What was at the heart of what you were feeling before you binged? The way I figure it, I am better off it I can learn something from this situation and get some good from it. Plus, if I'm able to pick it apart, perhaps I will deal with that situation differently if, or really when, it happens again.
Now this advice is just for us Weight Watcher peeps: I even advocate calculating the points of the binge and recording it. You might be surprised at the number of points you really consumed. It could be way more than you thought or way less. But either way, it is the truth - the truth that your body already knows whether you write it down or not.
So yeah, acknowledge your binge - own it so it does not own you!
And if you are like me, after you have these moments, you just want to forget about it, move past it and start over - back on program or back on target with the next meal, right? Right! Now, that is all well and good. We definitely should not be berating ourselves for making these choices. It is good to move past it. However, I'm here to propose that we do something additional when this happens. Acknowledge the binge. Now, what exactly do I mean by this? I'm referring to not simply ignoring it. After you are in a better place than in the middle of it, I ask you to consider it... analyze it and try to figure out what made you grab that food to begin with. What were you feeling? What were you trying to not feel? Had you starved yourself and you were just desperate? Did you feel like you are being deprived? What was at the heart of what you were feeling before you binged? The way I figure it, I am better off it I can learn something from this situation and get some good from it. Plus, if I'm able to pick it apart, perhaps I will deal with that situation differently if, or really when, it happens again.
Now this advice is just for us Weight Watcher peeps: I even advocate calculating the points of the binge and recording it. You might be surprised at the number of points you really consumed. It could be way more than you thought or way less. But either way, it is the truth - the truth that your body already knows whether you write it down or not.
So yeah, acknowledge your binge - own it so it does not own you!
Making it Count
Mon, March 7
5:45am, Ran 35 minutes at the indoor track at Life Center
Distance: 3.46; Pace: 10'08"
So, here begins week 5 - yahoo! I felt pretty good this morning. My legs felt better and I just had a good all around run - especially for a Monday! Towards the end when I had about 5 minutes left I remembered some advice a woman has is training for her second marathon this May had said. "Make it Count," she said. "You've already committed the time to your run. The time is going to pass no matter what you do, so you might as well make it count." Remembering that made me pick up the pace a bit and make the last 5 minutes count rather than just let them happen. So, here's to making your Monday count - whatever that means to you!
5:45am, Ran 35 minutes at the indoor track at Life Center
Distance: 3.46; Pace: 10'08"
So, here begins week 5 - yahoo! I felt pretty good this morning. My legs felt better and I just had a good all around run - especially for a Monday! Towards the end when I had about 5 minutes left I remembered some advice a woman has is training for her second marathon this May had said. "Make it Count," she said. "You've already committed the time to your run. The time is going to pass no matter what you do, so you might as well make it count." Remembering that made me pick up the pace a bit and make the last 5 minutes count rather than just let them happen. So, here's to making your Monday count - whatever that means to you!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Do the Math - Part 1
So, I finished Week 4 of my training today and after a month in I was kinda wondering how much I've done so far so I decided to figure it out...
Since Feb 7 I have:
1. Worked out 23 times (6 days a week and missed only one).
2. Done 6 bootcamp classes.
3. Done 60 minutes of "Insanity" workout.
4. Done 60 minutes of a race spinning class.
5. Run 3.88 miles outside.
6. Run 52.86 miles inside.
7. Run a total of 56.74 miles altogether.
Since Feb 7 I have:
1. Worked out 23 times (6 days a week and missed only one).
2. Done 6 bootcamp classes.
3. Done 60 minutes of "Insanity" workout.
4. Done 60 minutes of a race spinning class.
5. Run 3.88 miles outside.
6. Run 52.86 miles inside.
7. Run a total of 56.74 miles altogether.
Moving forward...
Sat, March 5
Ran 60 minutes (about 6 miles, I think) at the Indoor track at LifeCenter
No iPod, so no stats!
So, lesson learned today...remember to charge your iPod on Friday night so it is ready for the long run the next morning. It was almost out of juice, but I thought it might still last for an hour so I brought it with me...but it wouldn't connect with the sensor for some reason. I went into panic mode for a hot minute, but then I just said "F that" (sorry, but that is literally what I said...I'm kind of a mad runner) and threw it over by my stuff at the gym and ran on. I was nervous to run that far (new distance for me today) without my iPod to distract/motivate and track me. Luckily, it actually wasn't that bad. I decided to run for 60 minutes since I'm usually at around a 10-minute per mile pace. I actually chatted with a few people along the way so that was fun. Plus I could hear the music from the two classes that were going on during my addition to the spinning class music. There is enough activity to distract me on Saturday mornings, so a run sans music was doable. A weekday morning at 5:30am would have been a different story, however!!
My legs were sore during the run, but I pushed through and now they are okay. I ate a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter from Panera and a cup of coffee, pre-run...about an hour before. After the run I just had water and banana. I never want to eat that much right away after a run...mostly just want to drink water.
So now I'm just looking forward to tomorrow's rest!!
Ran 60 minutes (about 6 miles, I think) at the Indoor track at LifeCenter
No iPod, so no stats!
So, lesson learned today...remember to charge your iPod on Friday night so it is ready for the long run the next morning. It was almost out of juice, but I thought it might still last for an hour so I brought it with me...but it wouldn't connect with the sensor for some reason. I went into panic mode for a hot minute, but then I just said "F that" (sorry, but that is literally what I said...I'm kind of a mad runner) and threw it over by my stuff at the gym and ran on. I was nervous to run that far (new distance for me today) without my iPod to distract/motivate and track me. Luckily, it actually wasn't that bad. I decided to run for 60 minutes since I'm usually at around a 10-minute per mile pace. I actually chatted with a few people along the way so that was fun. Plus I could hear the music from the two classes that were going on during my addition to the spinning class music. There is enough activity to distract me on Saturday mornings, so a run sans music was doable. A weekday morning at 5:30am would have been a different story, however!!
My legs were sore during the run, but I pushed through and now they are okay. I ate a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter from Panera and a cup of coffee, pre-run...about an hour before. After the run I just had water and banana. I never want to eat that much right away after a run...mostly just want to drink water.
So now I'm just looking forward to tomorrow's rest!!
Friday, March 4, 2011
The Intimidation Factor
I went to Vertical Runner to buy two new pairs of shoes last night. I got to talking with the woman who was helping me and I found out she had run 11 miles earlier that day. I asked her if she was training for something and she mentioned some short race this weekend, but then added, "but I do have a 50K in April. I guess I need to get on that. I probably should run 20 tomorrow...or actually 25."
I just looked at her and blinked. Color me impressed/intimidated. All I could really say is "that is really awesome". I suddenly felt like the nerdy kid talking to the popular girl. Clearly I was totally out of her league. What was I even doing in a running store anyways??!! She was very nice and helpful. My feelings of being intimidated and feeling out of place were clearly mine and I own that. I later found out that she had only been running for 10 years (she was probably in her mid to late 40's I would guess) and she has worked her way up to where she is now. She assured me that it was just a "different kind of running." So I finally relaxed a bit, but I still felt uneasy in the store and was anxious to bug out. This is so weird. It is like I didn't feel like I deserved to shop there...that it is only for hard-core runners. Like, is there a store just for the beginners? That is where I need to be!
I just looked at her and blinked. Color me impressed/intimidated. All I could really say is "that is really awesome". I suddenly felt like the nerdy kid talking to the popular girl. Clearly I was totally out of her league. What was I even doing in a running store anyways??!! She was very nice and helpful. My feelings of being intimidated and feeling out of place were clearly mine and I own that. I later found out that she had only been running for 10 years (she was probably in her mid to late 40's I would guess) and she has worked her way up to where she is now. She assured me that it was just a "different kind of running." So I finally relaxed a bit, but I still felt uneasy in the store and was anxious to bug out. This is so weird. It is like I didn't feel like I deserved to shop there...that it is only for hard-core runners. Like, is there a store just for the beginners? That is where I need to be!
Sore Legs
Fri, March 4
5:50am, Ran at indoor track at Life Center
30 Minutes; Distance: 2.96 miles; Pace: 10'09"
So I tried out my new shoes this morning, but my legs were still tired. Not sure what to do about this. I'm stretching well after my two lap warm-up and stretching for like 5 minutes after the run. I want to find out more about replenishing electrolytes and what to use for that. I've heard chocolate milk is good for recovery, but not sure. I'll have to do some research. Meanwhile, tomorrow is 6 - gotta get mentally prepared for that!!!
5:50am, Ran at indoor track at Life Center
30 Minutes; Distance: 2.96 miles; Pace: 10'09"
So I tried out my new shoes this morning, but my legs were still tired. Not sure what to do about this. I'm stretching well after my two lap warm-up and stretching for like 5 minutes after the run. I want to find out more about replenishing electrolytes and what to use for that. I've heard chocolate milk is good for recovery, but not sure. I'll have to do some research. Meanwhile, tomorrow is 6 - gotta get mentally prepared for that!!!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Called Out and My Rant
Okay, so I had to call out some of the guys at the fitness club this morning. There is a group of them that do their own version of bootcamp as a cross training exercise the same time we do our bootcamp on Tues and Thurs mornings. Occasionally they will say "hello" or acknowledge us in some way - we have a good camaraderie, generally.
Today, however, I had to call them out. One of them yelled out to us in the middle of doing renegade row pushups "great job, girls". After I finished the exercise I shook my finger at them and said, "wait a minute, we are women, not girls!!" I had heard them say this multiple times on prior workouts and today I finally had to same something. Now, you might think I'm overreacting or something, but I feel really strongly about not being called a "girl". It drives me insane! It is bad enough that my college students refer to each other as "girls and boys" all of the time, but I certainly will not be referred to as that without a confrontation. Now I'm fine with the term "ladies" or even "gals" under the right circumstances, but never "girl"...unless of course I use it to talk about my g-friends.
Here are 10 of my reasons why I should not be called or referred to as a girl:
1. I am over the age of 18.
2. I don't wear pig-tails or bows of any type.
3. I don't shop in the "girls' department" at a clothing store.
4. I do not sleep with stuffed animals.
5. I have been in a committed relationship for more than 5 years.
6. I have given birth.
7. I have a full-time job.
8. I run a house-hold.
9. I have two academic degrees.
10. It is just plain offensive!!!
Today, however, I had to call them out. One of them yelled out to us in the middle of doing renegade row pushups "great job, girls". After I finished the exercise I shook my finger at them and said, "wait a minute, we are women, not girls!!" I had heard them say this multiple times on prior workouts and today I finally had to same something. Now, you might think I'm overreacting or something, but I feel really strongly about not being called a "girl". It drives me insane! It is bad enough that my college students refer to each other as "girls and boys" all of the time, but I certainly will not be referred to as that without a confrontation. Now I'm fine with the term "ladies" or even "gals" under the right circumstances, but never "girl"...unless of course I use it to talk about my g-friends.
Here are 10 of my reasons why I should not be called or referred to as a girl:
1. I am over the age of 18.
2. I don't wear pig-tails or bows of any type.
3. I don't shop in the "girls' department" at a clothing store.
4. I do not sleep with stuffed animals.
5. I have been in a committed relationship for more than 5 years.
6. I have given birth.
7. I have a full-time job.
8. I run a house-hold.
9. I have two academic degrees.
10. It is just plain offensive!!!
And then there were two...
Thurs, March 3
5:30am - 6:30am
Bootcamp class at Life Center
Well, I think we might have scarred away the dude. He didn't show up today after telling us he would be there (chicken!). He just couldn't hack it, I guess (ha, ha!) Plus one of the other ladies couldn't come today, so it was just me and one other.
Today was chest and back day and it was a fair workout...not as good as Tuesday, however. I did go up on weights to 10's rather than 8's so that was good! I also discovered that my area of weakness is jumping. For example, I detest jumping rope and I'm not very good at jumping stairs and the Bosu for that matter. Well, today Troy brought out the box for us to jump on and off. I was in hell for a few minutes, I think! I got really dizzy going around the box so I modified and did my two minute jumps on and off the steps. Still sucked, but better. My fellow bootcamper is a champ jumper, however, but she sucks at bearcrawl stuff. I just find it so interesting how people have different strengths when it comes to fitness things. I mean, it makes sense, but I guess I used to think that if something was hard for me that it must just be universally difficult for everyone. Turns out that is not true at all! Huh, okay, did my learning for the day!
5:30am - 6:30am
Bootcamp class at Life Center
Well, I think we might have scarred away the dude. He didn't show up today after telling us he would be there (chicken!). He just couldn't hack it, I guess (ha, ha!) Plus one of the other ladies couldn't come today, so it was just me and one other.
Today was chest and back day and it was a fair workout...not as good as Tuesday, however. I did go up on weights to 10's rather than 8's so that was good! I also discovered that my area of weakness is jumping. For example, I detest jumping rope and I'm not very good at jumping stairs and the Bosu for that matter. Well, today Troy brought out the box for us to jump on and off. I was in hell for a few minutes, I think! I got really dizzy going around the box so I modified and did my two minute jumps on and off the steps. Still sucked, but better. My fellow bootcamper is a champ jumper, however, but she sucks at bearcrawl stuff. I just find it so interesting how people have different strengths when it comes to fitness things. I mean, it makes sense, but I guess I used to think that if something was hard for me that it must just be universally difficult for everyone. Turns out that is not true at all! Huh, okay, did my learning for the day!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
New shoes or no new shoes, that is the question...
Wed, March 2
5:45am, Indoor track at LifeCenter
Ran 40 minutes; Distance: 3.91 miles; Pace: 10'15"
Okay, I'm not gonna lie - this morning was rough. I felt really slow and my lower legs were sore (muscles) almost immediately when I started today. I'm thinking I might need new shoes, but I'm not sure. This current pair I got in October so technically I'd be ready for a new pair (I think I usually do every 5 to 6 months), but between Oct and beginning of January I was not running consistently. My plan is not to use this pair for the race in May, but timing wise I'm just not sure when to get them. I want to get them in enough time to break them in well before the race, but not too much time that they are not any good for May 15. I def don't want to have "new" shoes for the race...that I know is a "no-no". At the same time, I don't want to run with shoes now that are past their prime like these are starting to feel. Oh, the dilemma.
On a different note, I think I want to explore taking pills to replace my electrolytes. I'm wondering if that could be contributing to my leg soreness.
5:45am, Indoor track at LifeCenter
Ran 40 minutes; Distance: 3.91 miles; Pace: 10'15"
Okay, I'm not gonna lie - this morning was rough. I felt really slow and my lower legs were sore (muscles) almost immediately when I started today. I'm thinking I might need new shoes, but I'm not sure. This current pair I got in October so technically I'd be ready for a new pair (I think I usually do every 5 to 6 months), but between Oct and beginning of January I was not running consistently. My plan is not to use this pair for the race in May, but timing wise I'm just not sure when to get them. I want to get them in enough time to break them in well before the race, but not too much time that they are not any good for May 15. I def don't want to have "new" shoes for the race...that I know is a "no-no". At the same time, I don't want to run with shoes now that are past their prime like these are starting to feel. Oh, the dilemma.
On a different note, I think I want to explore taking pills to replace my electrolytes. I'm wondering if that could be contributing to my leg soreness.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
The New Recruit
Tues, March 1
5:30am - 6:30am, Bootcamp Class at LifeCenter
We had a new recruit today in our was...drumroll...a DUDE! The question was could he hang with the ladies and the answer is OH YEAH! We had a great arm workout today. Our trainer mentioned that just a few times during the hour to remind us...not that we could forget!
We did a few different things today. Our warm-up involved running stairs which was cool. (By the by - we finished today full circle with the stairs too - this time hopping them...yup). Then we dove right into abs which we usually do at the end so that was interesting...and hard. Then we sunk into what I like to call, "the arms from hell circuit". It was a mix of exercises using weights...some standing...and then a whole other circuit combining lunges and weights (the old standby!). We seemed to be running ahead of spite of the new guy, so Troy made up a race for us. We did...wait for it...wheelbarrow races!!! Yes, circa 3rd of 4th grade! Your partner holds your legs in the air while you "wheelbarrow" across the floor on your hands. Remember when I said I was awesome at doing the bearcrawl exercises? Well, yes, my bearcrawl skills do transfer to the wheelbarrow race. I was partners with the dude and we totally schooled the other team. Buuyyyaaa! So fun and so easy for me for some reason. The other team didn't even make it half-way across the gym in the time it took us to win...yeah, that's right...WIN! So, yeah, the dude can stay. I admit I get a little carried away with some of these exercises...just a bit competitive, I guess. But, hey, who doesn't need a little friendly competition at the butt-crack of dawn??!! Yahoo!
5:30am - 6:30am, Bootcamp Class at LifeCenter
We had a new recruit today in our was...drumroll...a DUDE! The question was could he hang with the ladies and the answer is OH YEAH! We had a great arm workout today. Our trainer mentioned that just a few times during the hour to remind us...not that we could forget!
We did a few different things today. Our warm-up involved running stairs which was cool. (By the by - we finished today full circle with the stairs too - this time hopping them...yup). Then we dove right into abs which we usually do at the end so that was interesting...and hard. Then we sunk into what I like to call, "the arms from hell circuit". It was a mix of exercises using weights...some standing...and then a whole other circuit combining lunges and weights (the old standby!). We seemed to be running ahead of spite of the new guy, so Troy made up a race for us. We did...wait for it...wheelbarrow races!!! Yes, circa 3rd of 4th grade! Your partner holds your legs in the air while you "wheelbarrow" across the floor on your hands. Remember when I said I was awesome at doing the bearcrawl exercises? Well, yes, my bearcrawl skills do transfer to the wheelbarrow race. I was partners with the dude and we totally schooled the other team. Buuyyyaaa! So fun and so easy for me for some reason. The other team didn't even make it half-way across the gym in the time it took us to win...yeah, that's right...WIN! So, yeah, the dude can stay. I admit I get a little carried away with some of these exercises...just a bit competitive, I guess. But, hey, who doesn't need a little friendly competition at the butt-crack of dawn??!! Yahoo!
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