Thursday, March 24, 2011

From Autopilot to Awareness

Okay, a quiz for you...

1. Have you ever eaten a meal or snack while watching tv?
2. Have you ever eaten a meal or snack while reading a book or magazine?
3. Have you ever eaten a meal or snack while driving in the car?
4. Have you ever eaten a meal or snack while on the computer?

If you answered "yes" to one or more of these questions (I would venture to guess it would be all of us!) this blog entry is especially for you!

I have recently finished reading the book "Women, God and Food: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything" by Geneen Roth, recommended to me by a friend and have really learned a lot from it. I'm still processing much of the book as there is a lot there, but the one thing I have decided to put into practice in my life now is a couple of her eating guidelines.

She includes 7 eating guidelines in the book, but the ones that intrigued me the most focus on eliminating distractions while you eat. She specifically addresses eating in the car (gulp), while reading (ugh), or watching tv (uh-oh). I have had a habit for many months now to eat my breakfast in the car on the way to work and eating my lunch while perusing facebook or something else on the computer at my desk. Let's not even talk about how my "snackie" button is pushed simultaneously with the television remote. Now, usually I make pretty smart and healthy choices for these meals that fit into the WW points system and all, but I can't say that I really enjoy them and am ever fully present while eating and driving or eating while on the computer or watching tv. Nor can I say definitely that I am really aware of my hunger level during those times. I just eat until the food is gone. Hmm...

Today I decided to make the change and see what happens. I took 10 minutes to heat up my oatmeal and blueberries and eat them at the kitchen table this morning. Nice. I did not even read the newspaper that was tempting me on the table. Not only did I relax, but I actually had a conversation with my son to boot. To underscore how much of a habit it has become for me to eat b-fast on the run, Zach actually said to me, "Mommy, are you staying home today?". Seeing me eating breakfast at the table was so out of the ordinary for him that it made him stop to think. Wow. Message sent.

Then today for lunch I decided to just listen to music on my computer while eating my lunch. I actually took about 20 minutes to enjoy my turkey samich with blue cheese rather than shove it in while playing scrabble. Now, yes, the food I consumed was the same, but I felt different about my lunch. I was aware of the taste, more aware of my hunger level and plus I enjoyed it more.

I can already foresee that my greatest challenge for this will be the watching tv part. But, I can re-learn a new habit, right? I think what I'm' going to try is if I want a snack in the evening I will have to eat it at the kitchen table. This could be interesting. Wish me luck! I challenge you to become more aware in your eating experiences! Food is good - we should enjoy it!


  1. nice post. I eat breakfast in the car almost everyday, but I'm glad it's not McDonald's yuck food. Usually for me, it's a choice between a leisurely breakfast or getting us all out of the door in time for SPIN. That being said, I eat in the car a lot less these days and it's great when you can enjoy an interrupted meal.

  2. Does she ever talk about eating alone vs. with other people? I always feel so lonely when I eat at my table rather than in front of the TV (even though I know eating in front of the TV is pretty distracted). Perhaps I should train the cats to sit next to me while I dine on the table ;)
