Monday, March 21, 2011

The Versatile my blog the new black?

So I was bestowed the "Versatile Blogger Award" yesterday by my high school friend, partner in pyrotechnics (sorry, private joke), and favorite blogger, Robin Daugherty Suttell. Well, slap me and call me Susan, I've never received a "major award", either with the leg lamp or without, so I'm tickled to pieces!

Now, I know what the word versatile means - I mean, I can use it in a sentence.

Example: "That black scarf is SO versatile - it must go with just about anything. But is it flammable?" (sorry, that one was just for Robin.) So, is my blog the new black?

I just had to look up the word to be sure. defines versatile as "capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to another of various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc.: a versatile writer." Well, how appropo! I get it!

THANK YOU ROBIN DAUGHERTY SUTTELL!!! You still crack me up!!!! And thank you for reading and most of all for having your own blog - after all that is what inspired me to start mine!

Well, apparently this award comes with just a few requirements. They are as follows:

- Thank the person who gave you the award (Done - see directly above).

- Share 7 things about yourself.

- Pass the award to up to 10 versatile bloggers.

- Let those bloggers know that you gave them the award.

Okay, share 7 things about myself. Here goes:

1. I'm severely star struck. Like paralyzingly so. I once "stalked" a former American Idol cast-off who was getting interviewed at John Carroll, but could not actually go up and talk to him. I just walked past him and tried to wave like an 8-year-old. He was in the top 12 afterall! The sad part is that I have tons of stories like this seeing as I work in STUDENT ACTIVITIES and have to bring in acts and talent all the time!!!

2. As a kid I wanted to play "Annie" on Broadway really bad. I saw the show in New York City as a little girl, and actually waited by the stage door to get Sarah Jessica Parker's (yes, ladies THE SJP)autograph (guess the star struck-ness hadn't kicked in yet). Today if I saw her I would faint dead away. No question.

3. As a kid I also was madly in love with Magnum P.I. Not really Tom Selleck, the actor who played the character in the late 1980's drama, but the actual character of Magnum P.I. who played a private detective. I went through a long phase of wanting to be a private detective myself. I even had business cards. Seriously. You can't make this crap up!

4. My first major in college was broadcasting - for a semester. I later changed to something a lot more practical - psychology (ha!). I totally wanted to have my own talk show. Okay, I still do. But there is that bit about the celebrities...hmmmm.

5. I'm extremely competitive, but pretend not to be. I'm not sure why, but let the record show that whether I'm playing cards, scrabble, Candy Land, or having an argument about something as important as who played who on an old sitcom..I want to win. *Not in the Charlie-Sheen-crackhead-winning way, however. Let's be clear about that.

6. One of my day dream jobs is to own and run a bed and breakfast someday. Either that or a coffeeshop/bookstore place. Basically, I just want to socialize with people and feed them. And there is just nothing wrong with that!

7. My dream vacation is to do a winery tour in Europe...maybe visit my husband's ancestor's home in Italy, drink some wine, talk to locals, drink some wine, eat some great pasta, drink some get the picture.

And now for the bloggers to whom I would like to bestow this fantastic major award. I am going to list only two although I know of a few others who just might not want the spotlight just yet, but are equally versatile and worthy! (you know who you are!) So, here they are!

The Metheran Life:

The Scale, Stickers and Stories:

Congrats, ladies, and happy reading and writing to all!!

1 comment:

  1. OK, this made me laugh so hard that I had tears rolling down my cheeks. The black evening wrap. It shall remain in charred infamy. Thanks for playing the game. I only did it because it gave me 7 things to write about...and I figured any other blogger would welcome the springboard, as well. I LOVE your "about me" post. The B&B or bookstore thing is something I think about, too.
    Your Scrabble Buddy and partner in pyromania.
