Tues, March 1
5:30am - 6:30am, Bootcamp Class at LifeCenter
We had a new recruit today in our class...it was...drumroll...a DUDE! The question was could he hang with the ladies and the answer is OH YEAH! We had a great arm workout today. Our trainer mentioned that just a few times during the hour to remind us...not that we could forget!
We did a few different things today. Our warm-up involved running stairs which was cool. (By the by - we finished today full circle with the stairs too - this time hopping them...yup). Then we dove right into abs which we usually do at the end so that was interesting...and hard. Then we sunk into what I like to call, "the arms from hell circuit". It was a mix of exercises using weights...some standing...and then a whole other circuit combining lunges and weights (the old standby!). We seemed to be running ahead of schedule...again...in spite of the new guy, so Troy made up a race for us. We did...wait for it...wheelbarrow races!!! Yes, circa 3rd of 4th grade! Your partner holds your legs in the air while you "wheelbarrow" across the floor on your hands. Remember when I said I was awesome at doing the bearcrawl exercises? Well, yes, my bearcrawl skills do transfer to the wheelbarrow race. I was partners with the dude and we totally schooled the other team. Buuyyyaaa! So fun and so easy for me for some reason. The other team didn't even make it half-way across the gym in the time it took us to win...yeah, that's right...WIN! So, yeah, the dude can stay. I admit I get a little carried away with some of these exercises...just a bit competitive, I guess. But, hey, who doesn't need a little friendly competition at the butt-crack of dawn??!! Yahoo!
So Cool, Lisa