Sat, June 11
Ran 8 miles outside
Time: 1:30:39; Average Pace: 11'19"
Well, I'll start with the is over! Ha, ha. Okay, so that is my way of saying that this run sucked with a big "S"! We all have 'em, but I pushed through it. I was just very tired - weary tired and hot. I did use my water belt for the first time - I took a sip or two every mile which helped a bit. The belt was okay in terms of comfort, but I'll just have to get used to the extra weight. It is not that heavy, but any additional weight takes some getting used to, I guess. I even had to walk at two different occasions this am - but that is okay. It turns out that I just need to get better sleep on Friday nights. I went to bed a little later (about 11:30pm) and I had a couple helpings of raisinetts as a late night snack. Not a good mixture the night before a longer run.
During the middle of the run...about miles 5 and 6 I finally hit my stride and felt good and then I was in the zone until the end, but the start was rough. I started doubting my committment to the full in Sept. I mean, 26 miles, really?! As I type this I am just wiped out. Perhaps a nap is in order while I get caught up with laundry.
I probably could have predicted that this would be a sub-par run. Not only based on lack of sleep, but also because we had a substitute leader this am at WW. Yes, the "hat lady" was back. Let's just say she is a little bit eccentric...we'll go with that. It is not her fault she isn't Nancy, but she just isn't. Oh, well...moving on...
An honest blog about getting fit and staying fit with good nutrition and an active lifestyle. Advice from an average Jane. Hey, Its Just Lisa!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Yoga Double Feature!
Fri, June 10
Yoga at Noon
So I was supposed to run 30 minutes today according to my training schedule. That did not happen. Let the excuses start...I was tired this morning so I didn't get up in time. I brought my stuff to work for plan B, but was foiled by the downpour at noon. However, I remembered that there was a power yoga class at noon with a different instructor. So, I decided to go to that instead.
So, there I was putting my running clothes on and going to yoga. I had short shorts on and what turned out to be a skin tight underarmor shirt that I had bought from the thriftstore and was wearing for the first time today. Turns out that not all mediums are really mediums. I mean the girls were locked and loaded! I looked sorta goofy in shorts too, but hey, no glasses! I was just hoping that no one would be in back of me...lets just say these short shorts could reveal too much of me in the downward facing dog pose!
But thankfully it all worked out fine. I got over my awkwardness after I realized that no one really cared about my wardrobe misfortunes! It was an awesome class too...this woman knows her stuff, has tons of energy and of course, I sweat like crazy! Next up: long run tomorrow!
Yoga at Noon
So I was supposed to run 30 minutes today according to my training schedule. That did not happen. Let the excuses start...I was tired this morning so I didn't get up in time. I brought my stuff to work for plan B, but was foiled by the downpour at noon. However, I remembered that there was a power yoga class at noon with a different instructor. So, I decided to go to that instead.
So, there I was putting my running clothes on and going to yoga. I had short shorts on and what turned out to be a skin tight underarmor shirt that I had bought from the thriftstore and was wearing for the first time today. Turns out that not all mediums are really mediums. I mean the girls were locked and loaded! I looked sorta goofy in shorts too, but hey, no glasses! I was just hoping that no one would be in back of me...lets just say these short shorts could reveal too much of me in the downward facing dog pose!
But thankfully it all worked out fine. I got over my awkwardness after I realized that no one really cared about my wardrobe misfortunes! It was an awesome class too...this woman knows her stuff, has tons of energy and of course, I sweat like crazy! Next up: long run tomorrow!
Do I look fat in these pants?
So, I'm trying again with the white pants. No, not THE white pants from last summer that I cursed and threw away (see the blog entry "Curse of the White Pants" as a reference). I found a cute pair of beach-like white pants that were really cute at the thrift store, of course. I wore them today to work. Yes, it is pretty casual, but hey, it is Friday and you never know when you will have a "beach emergency" Cleveland...well...
They looked okay as I gave them a once over after getting dressed this morning. Still not extremely flattering I daresay, but they are very light, cute and quite comfortable. I'll check them out in the restroom today and make my final assessment of them at the end of the day. Will they make the cut? I'll keep you posted!
They looked okay as I gave them a once over after getting dressed this morning. Still not extremely flattering I daresay, but they are very light, cute and quite comfortable. I'll check them out in the restroom today and make my final assessment of them at the end of the day. Will they make the cut? I'll keep you posted!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Thurs, June 9
Yoga at lunch
So, I'm learning more about the actual terms used in yoga. The one that our teacher uses a lot is "chaturanga". She also sometimes adds "high to low". This pose really strengthens core and arm muscles. You basically go from a high push-up to a low pushup and then back into downward facing dog. You can see how this is supposed to be done here.
It is so interesting learning more about yoga. I'm so glad that I'm doing it. I do feel generally more stretched out and I think it will definitely help me with my running training. I wore my contacts today, but I tried to keep my eyes closed as much as possible. We also tried a new pose today called camel...she showed us three different ways to do it - definitely challenging!
I did not look exactly like this today, but I'll get there!
Yoga at lunch
So, I'm learning more about the actual terms used in yoga. The one that our teacher uses a lot is "chaturanga". She also sometimes adds "high to low". This pose really strengthens core and arm muscles. You basically go from a high push-up to a low pushup and then back into downward facing dog. You can see how this is supposed to be done here.
It is so interesting learning more about yoga. I'm so glad that I'm doing it. I do feel generally more stretched out and I think it will definitely help me with my running training. I wore my contacts today, but I tried to keep my eyes closed as much as possible. We also tried a new pose today called camel...she showed us three different ways to do it - definitely challenging!

I did not look exactly like this today, but I'll get there!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Sweat Management!
Wed, June 8
Ran 50 minutes outside
Distance: 4.52; Average Pace: 11'04"
So, its hot today! It was 69 degrees this morning at 6am and extremely humid. I'm glad I ran then because I think it is going to be in the 90's today. Yikes! The run was pretty good even in spite of the humidity. I ran in my glasses again. I think I'm going to try to wear my contacts again tomorrow, but I may bring my glasses to work just in case.
As I've shared before I'm a sweaty girl and the summer and humidity just increases the sweat quotient for me. So I've decided I need to develop some strategies for sweat management. Thankfully I am no longer the "angry runner" as I was running on the indoor track so I don't need anger management classes anymore. Phew! But, sweat management is an entirely different issue altogether. So, here are my strategies to manage the mess that is my sweaty body.
1. I've decided that I've run my last run without water. I bought a water belt and there it sits on my dining room table. Perfect place for it, don't you think? I'm going to actually try it on on Friday and see how it works! Yes, I realize this strategy does not directly deal with the management of the sweat, however it can help replenish and hydrate my body during the run!
2. Although I do wear a headband, it really only helps keep my hair out of my sweaty face (and also keeps my glasses on nicely). What I think I need to invest in is actual "sweat bands" for my head and maybe wrists? You know those thick, terry-cloth-esque looking things? I always think about my dad in his younger days using them to play tennis. Yes, that was in the 1970's but whatever. People still sweat today and I demand a management system! The other reason why an actual sweat band would help is because I no longer can use my cotton t-shirts to mop up my brow, as I am now wearing tech shirts most of the time (to avoid the chafing issue). So, that is the plan, Stan. I'm going to be looking so sweet in my headband, sweatband, wristband and glasses. Oh yeah, I expect to be called by Runner's World any day to set up a photo op so I can be the poster child for a new sub-culture of women runners - the sweaty girls! Never let them see you sweat?! Nope, that is poppycock for this chick! Sweat early and often I say!
Ran 50 minutes outside
Distance: 4.52; Average Pace: 11'04"
So, its hot today! It was 69 degrees this morning at 6am and extremely humid. I'm glad I ran then because I think it is going to be in the 90's today. Yikes! The run was pretty good even in spite of the humidity. I ran in my glasses again. I think I'm going to try to wear my contacts again tomorrow, but I may bring my glasses to work just in case.
As I've shared before I'm a sweaty girl and the summer and humidity just increases the sweat quotient for me. So I've decided I need to develop some strategies for sweat management. Thankfully I am no longer the "angry runner" as I was running on the indoor track so I don't need anger management classes anymore. Phew! But, sweat management is an entirely different issue altogether. So, here are my strategies to manage the mess that is my sweaty body.
1. I've decided that I've run my last run without water. I bought a water belt and there it sits on my dining room table. Perfect place for it, don't you think? I'm going to actually try it on on Friday and see how it works! Yes, I realize this strategy does not directly deal with the management of the sweat, however it can help replenish and hydrate my body during the run!
2. Although I do wear a headband, it really only helps keep my hair out of my sweaty face (and also keeps my glasses on nicely). What I think I need to invest in is actual "sweat bands" for my head and maybe wrists? You know those thick, terry-cloth-esque looking things? I always think about my dad in his younger days using them to play tennis. Yes, that was in the 1970's but whatever. People still sweat today and I demand a management system! The other reason why an actual sweat band would help is because I no longer can use my cotton t-shirts to mop up my brow, as I am now wearing tech shirts most of the time (to avoid the chafing issue). So, that is the plan, Stan. I'm going to be looking so sweet in my headband, sweatband, wristband and glasses. Oh yeah, I expect to be called by Runner's World any day to set up a photo op so I can be the poster child for a new sub-culture of women runners - the sweaty girls! Never let them see you sweat?! Nope, that is poppycock for this chick! Sweat early and often I say!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Tues, June 7
Yoga at lunch
Today's class was really tough - in a good way! The progression of poses was really tough so it was a good challenge. I sweat like crazy! It is warmer in the fitness studio now that we have nicer weather outside. My baby wipes seem to work okay to freshen up, however, as by the time class is over I've cooled down quite a bit. It is a bit different than cardio stuff. But, it is really good strength training. I'm hoping to keep using yoga as my cross-training activity. Perhaps I'll switch it up every now and then, but I'm finding it hard (at least today again) to get up at 5am to go workout at Life Center. Funny, I was very motivated all during the winter, but that is probably because I had signed up for the bootcamp class. I want to be very careful this time, however, not to overtrain, so I'm not gonna push it.
In other news, I talked to one of my "marathon heros" at work today about doing the Akron full. He was really encouraging and gave me hints about getting ginger candies to have around mile 18 - he said it keeps you thirsty and prevents nausea. Gulp. Didn't know that could/would be a problem! He told me that the later half of the Akron course is pretty hilly so I should work in some hill workouts. I need to find some good hill areas around me and plan out a course. I also asked him about whether or not I should join that running group. He said that if I'm already pretty motivated to do my long runs not to waste the money. That is kind of what I thought so I think I'll forgo that. It is so nice to know people that I consider experts so I can quiz them and get advice from them. He has only run about 58 marathons!!! Yikes!!
Yoga at lunch
Today's class was really tough - in a good way! The progression of poses was really tough so it was a good challenge. I sweat like crazy! It is warmer in the fitness studio now that we have nicer weather outside. My baby wipes seem to work okay to freshen up, however, as by the time class is over I've cooled down quite a bit. It is a bit different than cardio stuff. But, it is really good strength training. I'm hoping to keep using yoga as my cross-training activity. Perhaps I'll switch it up every now and then, but I'm finding it hard (at least today again) to get up at 5am to go workout at Life Center. Funny, I was very motivated all during the winter, but that is probably because I had signed up for the bootcamp class. I want to be very careful this time, however, not to overtrain, so I'm not gonna push it.
In other news, I talked to one of my "marathon heros" at work today about doing the Akron full. He was really encouraging and gave me hints about getting ginger candies to have around mile 18 - he said it keeps you thirsty and prevents nausea. Gulp. Didn't know that could/would be a problem! He told me that the later half of the Akron course is pretty hilly so I should work in some hill workouts. I need to find some good hill areas around me and plan out a course. I also asked him about whether or not I should join that running group. He said that if I'm already pretty motivated to do my long runs not to waste the money. That is kind of what I thought so I think I'll forgo that. It is so nice to know people that I consider experts so I can quiz them and get advice from them. He has only run about 58 marathons!!! Yikes!!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Get 'er done!
Mon, June 6
Ran for 45 minutes
Distance: 3.99 miles; Average Pace: 11'17"
Good run this am! I was actually able to start at 6am and still get to work by 8:30am. It really helps that I am pretty low maintenance (not what my husband says, however) with short hair and very little make-up. I don't have time for that crap. I saw a bunny, a few bikes and a couple runners. I ran with my glasses on again, but it wasn't that bad. For the most part my headband holds them on my face in spite of my crazy sweating. The funniest part is that they fogged up a bit here and there. I felt like I was running a lot faster than 11 min/mile, but whatever. Monday runs are always a gamble. I just am glad I got my butt out of bed and got 'er done this morning before getting too hot out. I SO prefer getting it done first thing in the day too. Get that metabolism going and then I can concentrate on the rest of the day.
I learned yesterday that the new series of bootcamp started today. I am not going to do it this time. For one thing it is Mon, Wed, Fri which does not work for me since my cross-training days are T, TH. So, now I just have to determine if I'm going to just stick to yoga on T, TH or if I'll make up my own strength training workout to do in the am and then add yoga in when I can (read: all the time!). I think I'll probably pick the later. I feel like I'm missing my core workouts!! I need some planks in my life!!!
Have an awesome Monday!
Ran for 45 minutes
Distance: 3.99 miles; Average Pace: 11'17"
Good run this am! I was actually able to start at 6am and still get to work by 8:30am. It really helps that I am pretty low maintenance (not what my husband says, however) with short hair and very little make-up. I don't have time for that crap. I saw a bunny, a few bikes and a couple runners. I ran with my glasses on again, but it wasn't that bad. For the most part my headband holds them on my face in spite of my crazy sweating. The funniest part is that they fogged up a bit here and there. I felt like I was running a lot faster than 11 min/mile, but whatever. Monday runs are always a gamble. I just am glad I got my butt out of bed and got 'er done this morning before getting too hot out. I SO prefer getting it done first thing in the day too. Get that metabolism going and then I can concentrate on the rest of the day.
I learned yesterday that the new series of bootcamp started today. I am not going to do it this time. For one thing it is Mon, Wed, Fri which does not work for me since my cross-training days are T, TH. So, now I just have to determine if I'm going to just stick to yoga on T, TH or if I'll make up my own strength training workout to do in the am and then add yoga in when I can (read: all the time!). I think I'll probably pick the later. I feel like I'm missing my core workouts!! I need some planks in my life!!!
Have an awesome Monday!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
The Army Crawl
So in honor of Memorial Day last week, our dog Henry has decided to join the military. He has perfected what we like to call his "army crawl" very well and now feels that he can enter the armed forces with confidence. He passed the "squeezing under the bed" test the first day he arrived at our house a few weeks ago. Since then he has undertaken the "squeeze under the desk" move and a few others. However, his completed mission today really puts him at a higher level of soldier. He attempted and succeeded the "under the stairs squeeze". Let me explain. He disappeared downstairs to the basement and was quiet for a minute (probably making sure he was camouflaged). I look down the basement stairs to find this...

Now this picture is taken outside after I pulled it from the trashcan. First of all, I didn't even recognize what this was/or used to be. I would bet my life that it didn't even come from our house. When I showed it to Mike, he said, "oh, yeah, he probably got it from under the stairs". Well, that would make sense - if we had access to under the stairs. Ever since we refinished the basement, all we have is an access panel that you literally have to push (with opposable thumbs) to open. So, I was very puzzled and still doubted if this "thing" indeed came from our house. So I went down to inspect. Henry came with me and proceeded to chomp on the spoils of his attack - that and to try to hide the evidence.

As I looked over the situation I then realized that dog performed the ever tricky "under the stairs squeeze" here. Color me impressed.

Seriously. Did I mention that this 6 month old puppy is a mastiff/lab mix and probably at least 50 pounds by now? He also is very tall with long deer-like legs. He obviously thinks he is a little dog. Either that, or he just really takes this military training stuff seriously.
Now that he pretty much has perfected his army crawl technique with any type of furniture, I think he will proceed to the ever entertaining bug hunt tactic. Yes, we have the occasional ant or stink bug that dares to cross the soldier's path only to be promptly squashed by a very large webbed foot. Better yet he will play with his victim, throwing it up in the air with his mouth until it stops moving or he gets bored.
I can only imagine what the next army "drill" will be with our trooper. I'll be sure to let you know!

Now this picture is taken outside after I pulled it from the trashcan. First of all, I didn't even recognize what this was/or used to be. I would bet my life that it didn't even come from our house. When I showed it to Mike, he said, "oh, yeah, he probably got it from under the stairs". Well, that would make sense - if we had access to under the stairs. Ever since we refinished the basement, all we have is an access panel that you literally have to push (with opposable thumbs) to open. So, I was very puzzled and still doubted if this "thing" indeed came from our house. So I went down to inspect. Henry came with me and proceeded to chomp on the spoils of his attack - that and to try to hide the evidence.

As I looked over the situation I then realized that dog performed the ever tricky "under the stairs squeeze" here. Color me impressed.

Seriously. Did I mention that this 6 month old puppy is a mastiff/lab mix and probably at least 50 pounds by now? He also is very tall with long deer-like legs. He obviously thinks he is a little dog. Either that, or he just really takes this military training stuff seriously.
Now that he pretty much has perfected his army crawl technique with any type of furniture, I think he will proceed to the ever entertaining bug hunt tactic. Yes, we have the occasional ant or stink bug that dares to cross the soldier's path only to be promptly squashed by a very large webbed foot. Better yet he will play with his victim, throwing it up in the air with his mouth until it stops moving or he gets bored.
I can only imagine what the next army "drill" will be with our trooper. I'll be sure to let you know!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Bigger Kid - Bigger Bike!
Sat, June 3
Ran 6.64 miles outside
Time: 1:15:50; Average Pace: 11'24"
Today's run felt great! I asked Zach to come with me since he just got a bigger bike last night! It is a 13 inch, but normal size wheels (not sure what that means), but here is a pic.
I was supposed to run 6 miles, but I underestimated the distance so we ended up going a little further than that. It was a beautiful morning with low humidity. It took me a little longer than normal because I stopped to help Z cross the street, but those were nice little breaks, actually. About half-way through he asked if we were almost there and that he was hungry (he did not have breakfast- bad move!). Now he knows that he must eat before going on a longer ride like that! He was a pretty good little rider. Most of the route has sidewalks and the ones that don't are through neighborhoods so I feel like it is safe. He loves switching gears! He got a new helmet and water bottle too so he thinks he is all that and a bag of chips (which he is, if I do say so myself!).
My only complaint for this run was my right eye. I've been having trouble with my right eye wearing contacts during this allergy season. I put them in for the run, but after about mile 2 they started blurring every time I blinked. They continued like this for the rest of the run. As soon as I was done I promptly took them out and my eye was all bloodshot. Okay, back to glasses for awhile. I think I will attempt to get new glasses soon - these are almost the right prescription, but a tad off and they have actual glass lenses. I might do better to find some lighter frames. But I got my run in so that is the most important thing.
I'm glad Zach got his new bike - he never would have been able to ride that route comfortably with his old (no gear) bike! It reminds me of when we used to ride/run together when I first started. Bigger kid, bigger bike, longer runs. Still good times!!
Ran 6.64 miles outside
Time: 1:15:50; Average Pace: 11'24"
Today's run felt great! I asked Zach to come with me since he just got a bigger bike last night! It is a 13 inch, but normal size wheels (not sure what that means), but here is a pic.

I was supposed to run 6 miles, but I underestimated the distance so we ended up going a little further than that. It was a beautiful morning with low humidity. It took me a little longer than normal because I stopped to help Z cross the street, but those were nice little breaks, actually. About half-way through he asked if we were almost there and that he was hungry (he did not have breakfast- bad move!). Now he knows that he must eat before going on a longer ride like that! He was a pretty good little rider. Most of the route has sidewalks and the ones that don't are through neighborhoods so I feel like it is safe. He loves switching gears! He got a new helmet and water bottle too so he thinks he is all that and a bag of chips (which he is, if I do say so myself!).
My only complaint for this run was my right eye. I've been having trouble with my right eye wearing contacts during this allergy season. I put them in for the run, but after about mile 2 they started blurring every time I blinked. They continued like this for the rest of the run. As soon as I was done I promptly took them out and my eye was all bloodshot. Okay, back to glasses for awhile. I think I will attempt to get new glasses soon - these are almost the right prescription, but a tad off and they have actual glass lenses. I might do better to find some lighter frames. But I got my run in so that is the most important thing.
I'm glad Zach got his new bike - he never would have been able to ride that route comfortably with his old (no gear) bike! It reminds me of when we used to ride/run together when I first started. Bigger kid, bigger bike, longer runs. Still good times!!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Peach "Cobbler"
I tried a new yummy treat last night and wanted to share...very simple sweet treat perfect for this time of year:
1 peach
1/4 cup grape nuts cereal
2 heaping teaspoons of fat free cool whip
I sliced and chunked up the peach, leaving the skin on and put it in a microwave safe bowl. Then I sprinkled about 1/4 cup of grape nuts cereal on the peach chunks. I microwaved it for 1 minute on high. Topped it with the cool whip and ate it all gone. So good! Yeah, I like peaches just like Henry, but I prefer then with out the pits!
1 peach
1/4 cup grape nuts cereal
2 heaping teaspoons of fat free cool whip
I sliced and chunked up the peach, leaving the skin on and put it in a microwave safe bowl. Then I sprinkled about 1/4 cup of grape nuts cereal on the peach chunks. I microwaved it for 1 minute on high. Topped it with the cool whip and ate it all gone. So good! Yeah, I like peaches just like Henry, but I prefer then with out the pits!
Blind Yoga
Thursday, June 2
Yoga at lunch
So, the training program said "rest" today, but since I did that on Tuesday I decided that Yoga was in order today. As always, so glad I did.
The challenge today, however, was that although I can make running work with my glasses on (yep, still sporting them cause of those pesky allergies. Allegra seems to be working great, but just giving my eyes a rest for this week), the same cannot be said of yoga. I mean beginning with the first down-dog pose they were slipping of my face. Since there was no duct tape or any other device at the ready to keep them plastered to my head, off they came. I gently placed them on the block next to my mat. I hardly ever use the block anyways, so it served as a good little shelf. I wasn't sure how this would work without my glasses. I mean, truly the only thing I can do without my glasses is,...well...sleep! I'm pretty blind without corrective lenses. However, as it turns out I don't really need to see to do yoga. I mean, that should figure. Most of the time I have my eyes closed anyways. I think it actually helped me to not have my "eyes on" during class. I had to rely more on feel, listen well for instructions, get more into my body for the poses, and most importantly for this little competitive girl - stop looking at everybody else! Just another little learning lesson for Lisa.
Yoga at lunch
So, the training program said "rest" today, but since I did that on Tuesday I decided that Yoga was in order today. As always, so glad I did.
The challenge today, however, was that although I can make running work with my glasses on (yep, still sporting them cause of those pesky allergies. Allegra seems to be working great, but just giving my eyes a rest for this week), the same cannot be said of yoga. I mean beginning with the first down-dog pose they were slipping of my face. Since there was no duct tape or any other device at the ready to keep them plastered to my head, off they came. I gently placed them on the block next to my mat. I hardly ever use the block anyways, so it served as a good little shelf. I wasn't sure how this would work without my glasses. I mean, truly the only thing I can do without my glasses is,...well...sleep! I'm pretty blind without corrective lenses. However, as it turns out I don't really need to see to do yoga. I mean, that should figure. Most of the time I have my eyes closed anyways. I think it actually helped me to not have my "eyes on" during class. I had to rely more on feel, listen well for instructions, get more into my body for the poses, and most importantly for this little competitive girl - stop looking at everybody else! Just another little learning lesson for Lisa.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Oh yeah, running with glasses!
Wed, June 1
Ran 50 minutes at lunch outside
Distance: 4.43 miles; Average Pace: 11"18'
Today I realized that I can actually stretch after I have already started running (duh). I know it is better to stretch warm muscles, but I never want to start out walking 5 minutes...but I know I should. This time I stretched a tad before starting and then about 1/2 to a 3/4 of a mile in I stretched again (those damn calves) and it felt much better for the rest of the run. And it only took a few seconds. This will definitely become a habit.
Couple other things I learned during this run:
1. I will actually have to remember to use my glide next time. Maybe I should put an extra in my locker. I forgot to throw in my under armour shorts today and have the road chafe to prove it!!! Yikes.
2. I can be startled enough to scream bloody murder when a little black dog darts at my feet barking! I wish I could have seen myself - looked a fool, I'm sure! He was harmless, but scared me, but good. I could have taken him, though.
3. The wind is my friend. It was a about 75 degrees, but really nice with a breeze.
4. My stretching revelation (see above).
5. Running with glasses can be done just fine. I have used this as an excuse not to run in the past, but no more. Allergies you will not be the victor!
Oh and how about this for a comic mental image for your, sweaty, wearing my glasses, my shorty running shorts and my "runner mom" head band and waddling back to the locker room because of the chafe rash. Yes, please laugh - it was quite a site!!
Ran 50 minutes at lunch outside
Distance: 4.43 miles; Average Pace: 11"18'
Today I realized that I can actually stretch after I have already started running (duh). I know it is better to stretch warm muscles, but I never want to start out walking 5 minutes...but I know I should. This time I stretched a tad before starting and then about 1/2 to a 3/4 of a mile in I stretched again (those damn calves) and it felt much better for the rest of the run. And it only took a few seconds. This will definitely become a habit.
Couple other things I learned during this run:
1. I will actually have to remember to use my glide next time. Maybe I should put an extra in my locker. I forgot to throw in my under armour shorts today and have the road chafe to prove it!!! Yikes.
2. I can be startled enough to scream bloody murder when a little black dog darts at my feet barking! I wish I could have seen myself - looked a fool, I'm sure! He was harmless, but scared me, but good. I could have taken him, though.
3. The wind is my friend. It was a about 75 degrees, but really nice with a breeze.
4. My stretching revelation (see above).
5. Running with glasses can be done just fine. I have used this as an excuse not to run in the past, but no more. Allergies you will not be the victor!
Oh and how about this for a comic mental image for your, sweaty, wearing my glasses, my shorty running shorts and my "runner mom" head band and waddling back to the locker room because of the chafe rash. Yes, please laugh - it was quite a site!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Vince, you are my hero!
So its hot. If you live in Northeast Ohio, you might have realized this.
Given that I'm training again and will be running regularly in summer-esque (or apparently Hades-esque after today) weather, I decided to make a trip to Vertical Runner after work to get a water belt (excuse me - fuel belt).
I had hoped to just slide under the radar (I'm always a little intimidated in running stores), go to the back of the store and get my belt and be on my way. No such luck.
A gentlemen approached me and asked if I needed help. Crap, an employee and a real runner-dude is talking to me, I thought.
"No thanks, I'm just looking for a water belt," I said.
"Are you training for a race?" he asked me.
"Yes, for the Akron marathon," I said, rather hesitantly.
"Oh, have you run a half before?", he asked sort of skeptically with concern.
I felt myself starting to stand up straighter as I heard myself say, "yes, I ran the Cleveland half in May and it was great!"
Then, he started asking me some other questions and gave me a card with contact information about a running group. I reluctantly took the card.
He helped me select a water belt and then I said with my new found confidence,
"What else do I need?"
He then pointed me in the right direction for some other things I might need for my training. As I was getting ready to check out he told me that I was a little ahead of the folks in the running group - they were all first time 1/2 or full marathoners and they were in a 6 month training program so their long runs weren't that long yet. He asked me what my time for the half was and I told him - 2:31 and he said, "oh, yeah, you would be perfect for this group." With the words "you " and "perfect" in a sentence directed to me about running, I thought I had indeed escaped Hades and died and gone to heaven instead!
I walked out with the following haul:
One (1) 3-bottle water belt
One (1) container of Glide
One (1) giant container of Blueberry Pomegranate sports drink powder mix
Four (4) different types of energy/protein chews to try
One (1) connection to a cool running group to try and
One (1) boost to my "running self esteem"!
Given that I'm training again and will be running regularly in summer-esque (or apparently Hades-esque after today) weather, I decided to make a trip to Vertical Runner after work to get a water belt (excuse me - fuel belt).
I had hoped to just slide under the radar (I'm always a little intimidated in running stores), go to the back of the store and get my belt and be on my way. No such luck.
A gentlemen approached me and asked if I needed help. Crap, an employee and a real runner-dude is talking to me, I thought.
"No thanks, I'm just looking for a water belt," I said.
"Are you training for a race?" he asked me.
"Yes, for the Akron marathon," I said, rather hesitantly.
"Oh, have you run a half before?", he asked sort of skeptically with concern.
I felt myself starting to stand up straighter as I heard myself say, "yes, I ran the Cleveland half in May and it was great!"
Then, he started asking me some other questions and gave me a card with contact information about a running group. I reluctantly took the card.
He helped me select a water belt and then I said with my new found confidence,
"What else do I need?"
He then pointed me in the right direction for some other things I might need for my training. As I was getting ready to check out he told me that I was a little ahead of the folks in the running group - they were all first time 1/2 or full marathoners and they were in a 6 month training program so their long runs weren't that long yet. He asked me what my time for the half was and I told him - 2:31 and he said, "oh, yeah, you would be perfect for this group." With the words "you " and "perfect" in a sentence directed to me about running, I thought I had indeed escaped Hades and died and gone to heaven instead!
I walked out with the following haul:
One (1) 3-bottle water belt
One (1) container of Glide
One (1) giant container of Blueberry Pomegranate sports drink powder mix
Four (4) different types of energy/protein chews to try
One (1) connection to a cool running group to try and
One (1) boost to my "running self esteem"!
Best Damn Greek Salad Ever!
Tuesday, May 31
So I was supposed to cross train for 30 minutes today, but unfortunately my allergies got the best of me so I slept terribly. I had a luncheon so no yoga and a meeting tonight so there was just no way of getting it in. Hey, I'm actually okay with it! One day in and I'm already missing workouts! I'm not gonna stress about it...nope.
Instead I'm going to tell you about the best damn Greek salad I've ever had. I went out to Hiroshi's Pub in Beachwood. What made this particular salad the best damn Greek salad ever, you ask? Well, I'm gonna tell ya. It was so good because it came with optional shredded smoked chicken on it rather that an actual chicken breast. Not only was this chicken easier to eat because it was shredded, but it was also tastier than its rubber chicken cousin that can sometimes accompany lesser salads of this type. It was a nice size that had the standard Greek accouterments...onion, cucumber, tomatoes, and feta. But the best part of this salad was the addition of artichokes. Not only were they tasty in the salad, but the little bit of juice from them totally took the place for need of any dressing. This salad had me with the shredded chicken, but sealed the deal with the artichokes. I'll definitely have this again and probably try it at home!
So I was supposed to cross train for 30 minutes today, but unfortunately my allergies got the best of me so I slept terribly. I had a luncheon so no yoga and a meeting tonight so there was just no way of getting it in. Hey, I'm actually okay with it! One day in and I'm already missing workouts! I'm not gonna stress about it...nope.
Instead I'm going to tell you about the best damn Greek salad I've ever had. I went out to Hiroshi's Pub in Beachwood. What made this particular salad the best damn Greek salad ever, you ask? Well, I'm gonna tell ya. It was so good because it came with optional shredded smoked chicken on it rather that an actual chicken breast. Not only was this chicken easier to eat because it was shredded, but it was also tastier than its rubber chicken cousin that can sometimes accompany lesser salads of this type. It was a nice size that had the standard Greek accouterments...onion, cucumber, tomatoes, and feta. But the best part of this salad was the addition of artichokes. Not only were they tasty in the salad, but the little bit of juice from them totally took the place for need of any dressing. This salad had me with the shredded chicken, but sealed the deal with the artichokes. I'll definitely have this again and probably try it at home!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Parade. Picnic. Pool.
We had a great Memorial Day today. We started out going to the Memorial Day Parade in Hudson - such a cute parade. Zach wanted to be in the parade so we dropped him off at our church float which was actually a boat!
Then Mike, Henry (6 month old puppy dog) and I took our usual place right outside of Bruegger's bagels.
Henry was a good boy with the people and the dogs while we were waiting for the parade the start. Then as the Hudson High School band started Henry was not pleased. Let's just say Henry does not agree with "Loud is Good". He was sort of done with the parade after he was spooked by the band. So after the parade he relaxed in the air conditioning while we enjoyed the annual picnic at our Pastor's house. Good time as always with great food and great fellowship...and a nice, cold, adult beverage! It was just so nice to talk and relax even if it was hot. We enjoyed riding in the Jeep with the top down.
I was hoping that since we stayed for a good part of the afternoon at the picnic, that I might get a reprieve for going to the pool this afternoon. But, nope, Zach still very much wanted to we put our suits on our very white bodies, slathered on the sunscreen and headed out for a couple hours. First pool day was a hit - hot, but good.
Great family day. Now, it is about 8pm and I'm almost ready for bed!!

Then Mike, Henry (6 month old puppy dog) and I took our usual place right outside of Bruegger's bagels.

I was hoping that since we stayed for a good part of the afternoon at the picnic, that I might get a reprieve for going to the pool this afternoon. But, nope, Zach still very much wanted to we put our suits on our very white bodies, slathered on the sunscreen and headed out for a couple hours. First pool day was a hit - hot, but good.

Great family day. Now, it is about 8pm and I'm almost ready for bed!!
Me and My Kicks on Route to 26!
Mon, May 30
Ran 40 minutes
Distance: 3.63; Average Pace: 11:02
Okay, week one, workout one - check!! It felt pretty good, once I shook the rust off of my legs. It was a beautiful morning, about 64 degrees and pretty humid, but I enjoyed all the different smells outside - especially the honeysuckle. I did my normal downtown route and saw people getting their chairs out ready for the parade - at like 7:30am, a little bit early for my tastes, but hey, good for them. The normal parking side of main street was blocked off by cones so I took a cue from another runner and ran on the street - very cool - felt like my own race track.
So, in honor of my post title here is a picture of my running shoes...

They are Nike Pegasus, size 6 1/2. Normally I wear size 6, but when I was fitted they told me to go up a size for running shoes. I have another pair exactly like them, plus three or four other older pair that I just can't get rid of. The newest of the older pairs I use for cross training stuff, but the blue babies are only for running. The other pairs I use for random things, but I should probably ditch them. I alternate pairs of my current ones and I keep track of how many miles I put on each - they are marked with a #1 or #2 on the sides of them. Yes, I am structured, but it works for me!
I have had great experience with these shoes. I got my first pair at Second Sole in summer of 2009 where the woman "prescribed" them for me by looking at my old, clunky New Balance cross trainers that I reluctanly brought in to show her. She looked at the soles and said something about the way I "pronate" (still not exactly sure what that means, but it something to do with the way my foot moves), but she said I have the type of foot that is not prone to injury. That I remember! So, I've stuck with them. I didn't know it at the time, but they also have a cool little spot in the sole that holds the chip for the Nike tracking thing that is compatible with the iPod. I've had a love-hate relationship with my iPod nano ever since.

Anyways, these kicks have served me well. I read all about those webbed/toe ones and other fancy varieties in running magazines, but hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?! I see another new couple of pair in my future - probably around mid July. Those will be my marathon race pair (gulp). There I said it!
Ran 40 minutes
Distance: 3.63; Average Pace: 11:02
Okay, week one, workout one - check!! It felt pretty good, once I shook the rust off of my legs. It was a beautiful morning, about 64 degrees and pretty humid, but I enjoyed all the different smells outside - especially the honeysuckle. I did my normal downtown route and saw people getting their chairs out ready for the parade - at like 7:30am, a little bit early for my tastes, but hey, good for them. The normal parking side of main street was blocked off by cones so I took a cue from another runner and ran on the street - very cool - felt like my own race track.
So, in honor of my post title here is a picture of my running shoes...
They are Nike Pegasus, size 6 1/2. Normally I wear size 6, but when I was fitted they told me to go up a size for running shoes. I have another pair exactly like them, plus three or four other older pair that I just can't get rid of. The newest of the older pairs I use for cross training stuff, but the blue babies are only for running. The other pairs I use for random things, but I should probably ditch them. I alternate pairs of my current ones and I keep track of how many miles I put on each - they are marked with a #1 or #2 on the sides of them. Yes, I am structured, but it works for me!
I have had great experience with these shoes. I got my first pair at Second Sole in summer of 2009 where the woman "prescribed" them for me by looking at my old, clunky New Balance cross trainers that I reluctanly brought in to show her. She looked at the soles and said something about the way I "pronate" (still not exactly sure what that means, but it something to do with the way my foot moves), but she said I have the type of foot that is not prone to injury. That I remember! So, I've stuck with them. I didn't know it at the time, but they also have a cool little spot in the sole that holds the chip for the Nike tracking thing that is compatible with the iPod. I've had a love-hate relationship with my iPod nano ever since.
Anyways, these kicks have served me well. I read all about those webbed/toe ones and other fancy varieties in running magazines, but hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?! I see another new couple of pair in my future - probably around mid July. Those will be my marathon race pair (gulp). There I said it!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Go Big or Go Home!!
I wanted to blog last night, but for some reason I could not get through on blogger so finally here we go...
I decided to go for the FULL marathon in Akron in September!!! After much thinking and deliberation and after much support and encouragement from friends I decided to just go for it! The final nudge I needed was getting the "go for it" from super runner/trainer/coach - Jenny Hadfield. She's my facebook friend, you know (along with ya know, 2600 other people so we are pretty much best friends). Anyway, my new friend Lyn originally told me about her and encouraged me to ask her advice about the FULL. I did and she gave me the thumbs up too!!
Cut to last night. I bit the bullet, took a leap of faith and signed up! The fee goes up after 5/31 so I wanted to make sure to get in on the cheaper price before then. I'm pretty stoked and ready to get back into training mode on Monday. Before any Memorial Day fun happens I'll be starting my first official run for what will be a 17-week training program. Did I mention that I get a sweet jacket? Check it out here: While you are at it, sign up for a race to if you are game!!!
Now to figure out a theme for this training program blog series. Hmm. I have already found a mantra song that I love. It is Lady Gaga's new song "Edge of Glory". Say what you want about her, but she does have some pipes. I really like this part:
"Its time to feel the rush, to push the dangerous
I'm gonna run back to, to the edge with you
Where we can both fall over in love
I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hangin' on a moment of truth
I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hangin' on a moment with you
I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge!!
I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hangin' on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you"
I decided to go for the FULL marathon in Akron in September!!! After much thinking and deliberation and after much support and encouragement from friends I decided to just go for it! The final nudge I needed was getting the "go for it" from super runner/trainer/coach - Jenny Hadfield. She's my facebook friend, you know (along with ya know, 2600 other people so we are pretty much best friends). Anyway, my new friend Lyn originally told me about her and encouraged me to ask her advice about the FULL. I did and she gave me the thumbs up too!!
Cut to last night. I bit the bullet, took a leap of faith and signed up! The fee goes up after 5/31 so I wanted to make sure to get in on the cheaper price before then. I'm pretty stoked and ready to get back into training mode on Monday. Before any Memorial Day fun happens I'll be starting my first official run for what will be a 17-week training program. Did I mention that I get a sweet jacket? Check it out here: While you are at it, sign up for a race to if you are game!!!
Now to figure out a theme for this training program blog series. Hmm. I have already found a mantra song that I love. It is Lady Gaga's new song "Edge of Glory". Say what you want about her, but she does have some pipes. I really like this part:
"Its time to feel the rush, to push the dangerous
I'm gonna run back to, to the edge with you
Where we can both fall over in love
I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hangin' on a moment of truth
I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hangin' on a moment with you
I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge!!
I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hangin' on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you"
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
My Next Move...Want Your Opinion!!!
So, I'm trying to discern what my next goal (race) should be. I know I want to set a goal and register for a race. I have learned that I'm much more motivated to keep with a program if I actually set a goal. My dilemma is I'm just not sure what to do next. I've been mulling it over the last couple days, as I'm wont to do, but still not sure. So, I thought I would put it down on paper (okay, the screen) and maybe that would help bring some clarity to the right decision for me at this time. I do feel a sense of urgency to make this decision because the training programs of the fall races I'm interested are starting like now.
These are the options so far:
1. Run the Akron 1/2 marathon on Sat, Sept 24. This is totally doable time-wise as the program is 14 weeks. The pro is that it is a new course for me, a distance I've already run successfully so it could build my confidence. The con is that I've already done 13.1 miles and might want a new challenge. Cut to #2.
2. Run the Akron FULL marathon on Sat, Sept 24. Just thinking about this makes my heart beat faster!! So exciting to be able to do a full. I definitely would like to check this off the bucket list sooner than later. The pros for this is that it is a cool course, a well organized local race and you get a sweet jacket! Not to mention the thrill of just doing this and of course getting the 26.2 sticker for the car. The cons are the amount of time for training - it is a little on the short side. The program I found for beginners is 20 weeks and I have only 17. So, I'd be 3 week's short - and just start 3 weeks in, I imagine. Plus, the whole fear factor thing. The "OMG that is a long time to run" factor. But, that is what I said going into training for the half. The added complexity to this is the "if not now, when?" factor. I've decided that training for a full would be more doable for me for a fall race, when the weather is more favorable for outside long runs. I am too much of a baby in the winter and we all know my track record for indoor tracks and my strong dislike of treadmills. This would mean that my next shot at a full would not be until next year at this time. I'm not getting any younger, ya know!
3. Run the Columbus FULL marathon on Sun, Oct 16. Now, this date would definitely work with the 20 week training program. That is a definite pro. My sister also lives in Columbus so that would be cool! I also know a woman (and her friends) who is running it and I also like that it is a Sunday race. The only con I can think of really is that it is not local (well that and the whole fear thing). I would have to travel, albeit not very far, to go to it. But I could probably stay with my sis and fam. It also could be kind of chilly in mid-October and you don't get a cool jacket as a give-away.
4. Run the "Stomp the Grapes" 1/2 marathon on Sat, Nov 5 in Hartville, OH - This sounds really fun! First off, you get a couple of glasses of wine after the race - need I say more! The race starts and ends at a winery so that just sounds like fun. I think I know someone that has done this one before and liked it. The distance is doable and obviously there is enough time for training. The con is that it is almost too far away. November feels really far away and it could be really chilly then too. But, then again, there is the wine.
Ugh. Just not sure what to do and I'm looking for opinions. If you have an opinion, please share it with me. And no, option #5 - "doing nothing but sit on my ass" is not an option, so don't even suggest that!! Maybe the option with the most votes will win!!
These are the options so far:
1. Run the Akron 1/2 marathon on Sat, Sept 24. This is totally doable time-wise as the program is 14 weeks. The pro is that it is a new course for me, a distance I've already run successfully so it could build my confidence. The con is that I've already done 13.1 miles and might want a new challenge. Cut to #2.
2. Run the Akron FULL marathon on Sat, Sept 24. Just thinking about this makes my heart beat faster!! So exciting to be able to do a full. I definitely would like to check this off the bucket list sooner than later. The pros for this is that it is a cool course, a well organized local race and you get a sweet jacket! Not to mention the thrill of just doing this and of course getting the 26.2 sticker for the car. The cons are the amount of time for training - it is a little on the short side. The program I found for beginners is 20 weeks and I have only 17. So, I'd be 3 week's short - and just start 3 weeks in, I imagine. Plus, the whole fear factor thing. The "OMG that is a long time to run" factor. But, that is what I said going into training for the half. The added complexity to this is the "if not now, when?" factor. I've decided that training for a full would be more doable for me for a fall race, when the weather is more favorable for outside long runs. I am too much of a baby in the winter and we all know my track record for indoor tracks and my strong dislike of treadmills. This would mean that my next shot at a full would not be until next year at this time. I'm not getting any younger, ya know!
3. Run the Columbus FULL marathon on Sun, Oct 16. Now, this date would definitely work with the 20 week training program. That is a definite pro. My sister also lives in Columbus so that would be cool! I also know a woman (and her friends) who is running it and I also like that it is a Sunday race. The only con I can think of really is that it is not local (well that and the whole fear thing). I would have to travel, albeit not very far, to go to it. But I could probably stay with my sis and fam. It also could be kind of chilly in mid-October and you don't get a cool jacket as a give-away.
4. Run the "Stomp the Grapes" 1/2 marathon on Sat, Nov 5 in Hartville, OH - This sounds really fun! First off, you get a couple of glasses of wine after the race - need I say more! The race starts and ends at a winery so that just sounds like fun. I think I know someone that has done this one before and liked it. The distance is doable and obviously there is enough time for training. The con is that it is almost too far away. November feels really far away and it could be really chilly then too. But, then again, there is the wine.
Ugh. Just not sure what to do and I'm looking for opinions. If you have an opinion, please share it with me. And no, option #5 - "doing nothing but sit on my ass" is not an option, so don't even suggest that!! Maybe the option with the most votes will win!!
Me Time
I did yoga yesterday and got really sweaty!! It is such an awesome thing - I just cannot express how much I'm enjoying this. I only wish I would have tried it sooner in my life, but I was always skittish about it. Isn't that so true about life, though. Sometimes we put off doing something because of fear. That really is a lot of energy wasted. Why not just try it? The worst that can happen is that we find out we don't like it and then we can move on to something that we do enjoy.
What is it that you fear doing? What are you putting off because you are uncertain about it or fear the unknown? Don't waste another second! Either try it today or make a plan to try it today. You may discover something wonderful!
What is it that you fear doing? What are you putting off because you are uncertain about it or fear the unknown? Don't waste another second! Either try it today or make a plan to try it today. You may discover something wonderful!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Recovery Week
Sat, May 21
Ran 3 miles today outside at 8:45am
Time: 32:03; Average Pace: 10:41
Today was the first time running since Sunday. My legs felt iffy at the beginning, but it felt good during the run. I had felt like kind of a slacker during this week with just doing yoga, but I know that was the best thing. My legs felt really achy later in the afternoon so I had to take some ibuprofen. It was also starting to get hot today during the run. I need to try to run earlier in the morning and I need to start bringing water with me, especially for longer runs. I'm going to check out one of those water belt things at Dick's, I think.
I'm following the four week recovery program that was on the bottom of my training schedule. I figure, why not, right? It gradually works you back up to 7 miles on the last long run. That gives me four weeks to figure out what I want to train for next. I sorta want to train for another 1/2, but I'm not sure which one. The Akron one is Sept 24 and the Stomp the Grapes one in Hartville is Nov 5. I don't think it would be advisable to do both. I also am not sure if I should do another tri. I think that the Portage lakes one is in September too. Part of me does not want to do the training for the biking and swimming part, but I don't know. I also want to do the Hudson 5K that is in July and the Firecracker run July 4 in Stow. I guess I first need to settle on which 1/2 to do and plan accordingly and then maybe look into 5K and 10K runs to practice on during the summer.
Sounds like a plan and boy do I like those!
Ran 3 miles today outside at 8:45am
Time: 32:03; Average Pace: 10:41
Today was the first time running since Sunday. My legs felt iffy at the beginning, but it felt good during the run. I had felt like kind of a slacker during this week with just doing yoga, but I know that was the best thing. My legs felt really achy later in the afternoon so I had to take some ibuprofen. It was also starting to get hot today during the run. I need to try to run earlier in the morning and I need to start bringing water with me, especially for longer runs. I'm going to check out one of those water belt things at Dick's, I think.
I'm following the four week recovery program that was on the bottom of my training schedule. I figure, why not, right? It gradually works you back up to 7 miles on the last long run. That gives me four weeks to figure out what I want to train for next. I sorta want to train for another 1/2, but I'm not sure which one. The Akron one is Sept 24 and the Stomp the Grapes one in Hartville is Nov 5. I don't think it would be advisable to do both. I also am not sure if I should do another tri. I think that the Portage lakes one is in September too. Part of me does not want to do the training for the biking and swimming part, but I don't know. I also want to do the Hudson 5K that is in July and the Firecracker run July 4 in Stow. I guess I first need to settle on which 1/2 to do and plan accordingly and then maybe look into 5K and 10K runs to practice on during the summer.
Sounds like a plan and boy do I like those!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Stinky Noisy Yoga
I did yoga at lunch today - the first activity since the big race on Sunday. It felt great to be doing something! I'm following my recovery program which calls for lots of days of rest mixed with some days of cross training this first week. Saturday finally calls for a 3 mile run so that will be good. True to form I'm going to stick with this recovery program - it is four weeks long. During that time I'm going to figure out what my next goal will be....
Meanwhile today's session was interesting because I had two distractions...a woman who continually popped her gum during class and a man who stunk badly of body odor. Now, first I don't know how the woman could manage to chew gum while practicing yoga. But, it was pretty loud and annoying. Second, the man wasn't just regular sweaty and smelly. I mean I don't judge anyone on the sweat factor - as we know I'm a sweaty girl, myself, so more power to you! I mean he came in stinking already...he had dred-locks (again, not judging - after all I went to Ohio University with many awesome hippies) and looked (and smelled) like he hadn't showered in awhile (a long while). Now this might be okay for another type of group exercise class, but for a class that is very focused on BREATHING, it is not that pleasant to breathe in unpleasant odors for the whole class. Yes, a little distracting. However, I managed to have a good workout and a good experience in spite of these factors.
Meanwhile today's session was interesting because I had two distractions...a woman who continually popped her gum during class and a man who stunk badly of body odor. Now, first I don't know how the woman could manage to chew gum while practicing yoga. But, it was pretty loud and annoying. Second, the man wasn't just regular sweaty and smelly. I mean I don't judge anyone on the sweat factor - as we know I'm a sweaty girl, myself, so more power to you! I mean he came in stinking already...he had dred-locks (again, not judging - after all I went to Ohio University with many awesome hippies) and looked (and smelled) like he hadn't showered in awhile (a long while). Now this might be okay for another type of group exercise class, but for a class that is very focused on BREATHING, it is not that pleasant to breathe in unpleasant odors for the whole class. Yes, a little distracting. However, I managed to have a good workout and a good experience in spite of these factors.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
So you want to run your first 1/2 marathon?! Read this first!
So I'll be the first to admit that I'm no expert when it comes to running. Far from it, actually. I definitely still consider myself a beginner. What I have done is complete my first 1/2 marathon and I thought I would share a few tips that I have learned along the way. I would have liked to read something like this as I was preparing to undertake this goal. The other thing I want to say is even though I mention the 1/2 marathon in the title, I think these tips really could apply universally for training for any distance. Whether you want to run your first 5K, 10K or whatever, these things may be able to help you get started on the right foot, if you will (pardon the pun).
1. Be realistic - Think about where you are in terms of fitness and plan accordingly. While you want your goals to be lofty, you also want to set yourself up for success. If you are new to running, you may want to start out with a 5k and save the 1/2 marathon distance for a few months down the road. I started running in May of 2009 and ran my first 5K in September of 2010. I started training for the 1/2 in Feb of 2011.
2. Sign up first! - Once you determine what distance you are shooting for, sign up for a race!!! I would recommend doing that before you start training rather than vice versa. It helps hold yourself accountable and gives you a goal to shoot for so you'll stay motivated. If you wait to sign up when you "feel ready" in terms of training, you are giving yourself an easy out and you just might not ever sign up! There are always tons of races going on around the local community and beyond. is one good site to check that lists races. I signed up for the Cleveland 1/2 Marathon in January 2011 for the May race date.
3. Find a good training program - No matter what the distance, it is important to have a training program! It keeps you on track, keeps you motivated and gives you some structure. It also helps keep you from doing too much too soon which can happen easily. There are tons of on-line training programs out there for free for all levels of runners! You can google them. I used the one that was linked to the Cleveland Marathon site for beginners. It was great!
4. Get support! - This is huge! If you live with others have a conversation with them about your running goals. Explain to them what you need in terms of support in terms of training and encouragement. Let them know how they can help you because they cannot read your mind! If you live alone, seek out help with running groups, fitness clubs, magazines/books, on-line groups or social media. There are tons of people out there to support you - you just have to seek it out. I involved my family in my training by putting the chart on the fridge and checking the workouts off as I went. I talked to my husband about my goals and we worked out a plan to be able to make it work. Plus I leaned on my runner friends on facebook and at Weight Watchers for advice, support and motivation. It is amazing how many cool people you meet along the way!
5. Cross Train! - Okay, to be honest, before I started training for this race I was not even sure what "cross training" actually was besides a type of shoe! I learned that training for a running race involves much more than running. Cross training is an activity that you like that does not involve running or walking. It is important to strengthen other muscle groups besides your running muscles in training. It could be things like the elliptical, strength training, pillates, or yoga. I did mostly strength training and yoga as my cross training activities.
6. Don't give up! - This sounds like common sense, but it is not always easy to do. I'm here to tell you that you will have some bad training days. Just know that going in. There will be some days that you just don't want to do it. Do it anyway. Put the time in even on yucky days to get the result you want for your end goal. I promise you, it will be worth it.
7. Listen to your body. - This is a hard pill to swallow for a lot of runners. We like to push ourselves and sometimes we do so in spite of our body saying, STOP! No matter what people say, you really should not have to run with pain. You will eventually figure out the difference between normal muscle soreness which comes with the territory and an actual injury. But the first thing to do is to listen to your body and act accordingly. If you are having an issue, talk to someone about it. I would recommend talking to other runners, a physical trainer, a massage therapist or all of the above if you have any problems. I had a calf issue towards the end of my training that got resolved by lots of advice, a really good therapeutic massage and rest.
8. Be flexible. - Even though the training program is rigid in black and white, you don't have to be. Be patient with yourself and allow for modifications in your schedule if you go out of town, go on vacation or have a change in your home or work schedule. Have other options besides your "go to workout" that you can replace and still stay on track. I was fortunate to be able to have a couple of times in the day to potentially get my workout in. I preferred early morning, but could also make use of my lunch hour as my schedule permitted. The important thing is to get it in somehow because life is messy sometimes!
9. Go at your own pace. - Running is very much of an individual sport. I like it because you can set your own goals and compete with just yourself. Whether you have a time goal, a distance goal or just plain old want to finish, your goal is your own. This one has been especially hard for me. I am competitive and always seem to want to compare myself with others. I think through this last race, however, I have finally realized that I can own my pace and be okay with it. You will too!
10. Celebrate! - Some training programs can be very lengthy so it is important to celebrate along the way. This will keep you motivated and ready to start that next week of training. Whether you treat yourself to a massage, some new running clothes, a new book, or a night out with friends, it is important to celebrate small goals in order to stay motivated. Figure out what works for you and do it! I found that tracking my training was a motivator for me. I blogged about my workouts in order to keep myself on track and share my progress with others.
I hope these tips can help you in your running goals. I also hope it can inspire you and give you the tools to make that decision to reach for a lofty goal that you never thought was possible. I have found running to be such an empowering thing for me. It has really changed my life for the better. It can change yours too! See you at the finish line!!!
1. Be realistic - Think about where you are in terms of fitness and plan accordingly. While you want your goals to be lofty, you also want to set yourself up for success. If you are new to running, you may want to start out with a 5k and save the 1/2 marathon distance for a few months down the road. I started running in May of 2009 and ran my first 5K in September of 2010. I started training for the 1/2 in Feb of 2011.
2. Sign up first! - Once you determine what distance you are shooting for, sign up for a race!!! I would recommend doing that before you start training rather than vice versa. It helps hold yourself accountable and gives you a goal to shoot for so you'll stay motivated. If you wait to sign up when you "feel ready" in terms of training, you are giving yourself an easy out and you just might not ever sign up! There are always tons of races going on around the local community and beyond. is one good site to check that lists races. I signed up for the Cleveland 1/2 Marathon in January 2011 for the May race date.
3. Find a good training program - No matter what the distance, it is important to have a training program! It keeps you on track, keeps you motivated and gives you some structure. It also helps keep you from doing too much too soon which can happen easily. There are tons of on-line training programs out there for free for all levels of runners! You can google them. I used the one that was linked to the Cleveland Marathon site for beginners. It was great!
4. Get support! - This is huge! If you live with others have a conversation with them about your running goals. Explain to them what you need in terms of support in terms of training and encouragement. Let them know how they can help you because they cannot read your mind! If you live alone, seek out help with running groups, fitness clubs, magazines/books, on-line groups or social media. There are tons of people out there to support you - you just have to seek it out. I involved my family in my training by putting the chart on the fridge and checking the workouts off as I went. I talked to my husband about my goals and we worked out a plan to be able to make it work. Plus I leaned on my runner friends on facebook and at Weight Watchers for advice, support and motivation. It is amazing how many cool people you meet along the way!
5. Cross Train! - Okay, to be honest, before I started training for this race I was not even sure what "cross training" actually was besides a type of shoe! I learned that training for a running race involves much more than running. Cross training is an activity that you like that does not involve running or walking. It is important to strengthen other muscle groups besides your running muscles in training. It could be things like the elliptical, strength training, pillates, or yoga. I did mostly strength training and yoga as my cross training activities.
6. Don't give up! - This sounds like common sense, but it is not always easy to do. I'm here to tell you that you will have some bad training days. Just know that going in. There will be some days that you just don't want to do it. Do it anyway. Put the time in even on yucky days to get the result you want for your end goal. I promise you, it will be worth it.
7. Listen to your body. - This is a hard pill to swallow for a lot of runners. We like to push ourselves and sometimes we do so in spite of our body saying, STOP! No matter what people say, you really should not have to run with pain. You will eventually figure out the difference between normal muscle soreness which comes with the territory and an actual injury. But the first thing to do is to listen to your body and act accordingly. If you are having an issue, talk to someone about it. I would recommend talking to other runners, a physical trainer, a massage therapist or all of the above if you have any problems. I had a calf issue towards the end of my training that got resolved by lots of advice, a really good therapeutic massage and rest.
8. Be flexible. - Even though the training program is rigid in black and white, you don't have to be. Be patient with yourself and allow for modifications in your schedule if you go out of town, go on vacation or have a change in your home or work schedule. Have other options besides your "go to workout" that you can replace and still stay on track. I was fortunate to be able to have a couple of times in the day to potentially get my workout in. I preferred early morning, but could also make use of my lunch hour as my schedule permitted. The important thing is to get it in somehow because life is messy sometimes!
9. Go at your own pace. - Running is very much of an individual sport. I like it because you can set your own goals and compete with just yourself. Whether you have a time goal, a distance goal or just plain old want to finish, your goal is your own. This one has been especially hard for me. I am competitive and always seem to want to compare myself with others. I think through this last race, however, I have finally realized that I can own my pace and be okay with it. You will too!
10. Celebrate! - Some training programs can be very lengthy so it is important to celebrate along the way. This will keep you motivated and ready to start that next week of training. Whether you treat yourself to a massage, some new running clothes, a new book, or a night out with friends, it is important to celebrate small goals in order to stay motivated. Figure out what works for you and do it! I found that tracking my training was a motivator for me. I blogged about my workouts in order to keep myself on track and share my progress with others.
I hope these tips can help you in your running goals. I also hope it can inspire you and give you the tools to make that decision to reach for a lofty goal that you never thought was possible. I have found running to be such an empowering thing for me. It has really changed my life for the better. It can change yours too! See you at the finish line!!!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Do the Math: The Final Chapter...for now!
Okay, so I need to include the final chapter of my training tracker summary.
In weeks 9 - 14, this is what I did:
Worked out 30 times (skipped 6 workouts either to rest or to help heal an injury)
Did 7 Bootcamp classes at Life Center
Did 6 Yoga classes (ahhhh)
Swam 35 minutes at Life Center
Did 30 minutes on the elliptical at Life Center
Ran a total of 84.38 miles
So first week running total: 56.74 miles
Second week: 64.13 miles
Third week: 84.38 miles
Grand total for the 14 weeks of training: 205.25 miles
Wow, I wonder how many those full marathoner's ran during training? Double??!!
In weeks 9 - 14, this is what I did:
Worked out 30 times (skipped 6 workouts either to rest or to help heal an injury)
Did 7 Bootcamp classes at Life Center
Did 6 Yoga classes (ahhhh)
Swam 35 minutes at Life Center
Did 30 minutes on the elliptical at Life Center
Ran a total of 84.38 miles
So first week running total: 56.74 miles
Second week: 64.13 miles
Third week: 84.38 miles
Grand total for the 14 weeks of training: 205.25 miles
Wow, I wonder how many those full marathoner's ran during training? Double??!!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
The Cleveland Half Marathon 2011: My Incredible Journey

So all I want to really do right now is go to bed, but I figure that I probably should blog about my 1/2 marathon experience while it is still fresh in my memory.
What an incredible experience! As you may know it was also my birthday today (42) so that made it extra special. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
We got up a 4:30am in order to get the dog out and get downtown by 6am. Mike and Zach dropped me off and then went to find a parking spot. Their plan was to meet me at the finish line! I was meeting the group of the "Living Person" runners at the cathedral for a picture. This group was coordinated by Father H.Paul Kim from John Carroll - his goal was to get at least 125 people to run in either the 10K, Half or Full marathon to commemorate the 125 anniversary of John Carroll University. It turns out, he got 155!! He is such a great guy. He even had a special Mass last night for runners and their families followed by a pasta dinner. We attended to support the group and it was a very touching service.
After the picture, we made our way to Brown's Stadium - about a 15 minute walk. When we arrived we had just about enough time to go to the bathroom before starting (which is very vital for me! Only twice this morning, however!!). The national anthem was sung and then we started. I was concerned at first because I was outside the fenced in staring area at first, but that worked itself out. Thankfully my iPod worked as it was supposed to and I was off. It was an emotional start. I was overwhelmed by the size of the crowd of runners, and the size of the crowd of spectators cheering us on and overwhelmed by the wonderful feeling of getting to this moment after such a long time of training. My legs felt good and strong and I started to hold myself back from going too fast. That was the big warning that everyone kept telling me about. The adrenaline of the day and running with that big group can make you have the tendency of running faster than you really should. I finally settled in about mile 4 and felt really great. It felt like it was really going fast then. I remember seeing the clock at the 6 mile marker and thinking that I was okay for time. I finally took a water break then and again at mile 9 and 11, I think. Some was powerade and some was water. That seemed to do the trick. I did not need to eat the "sports beans" filled with caffeine that I purchased at the Expo the day before!
The route was pretty cool. I enjoyed going through the neighborhoods a lot. There were a bunch of people out with their coffee cups cheering us on and some random bands playing in the neighborhoods too. Plus it felt pretty easy in terms of hills. There were just a couple and they weren't that bad. I think I've run worse ones just in Hudson!
I felt myself getting tired around mile 11. At that point I just got into my music and focused in on seeing my family at the finish line. I saw Zachary hanging over the fence cheering for me and I held back the tears again. I pumped it and finished strong as I was trying to beat 2:30, but ended up a bit over that - 2:31:12 to be exact. I'm happy with that for my first time for sure!! Plus my other big goal was to do it with no walking. Aside from taking a few steps to get the water, guzzle a couple of sips and toss the cup, I ran the entire thing with no walking. That is a win.
After the finishing line, I was handed my medal, which is way cool (the guitar spins!), and I grabbed some water and chocolate milk and found the fam.

Even as I write this I cannot believe that I did this! I cannot believe that I, Lisa Pillsbury Ramsey, the girl who despised running in gym class, and the woman who did not start running until two years ago ran a 1/2 marathon - 13.1 miles without stopping. I remember signing up for this back in December and really second guessing myself. At that point the furthest I had ever run was 4 miles. I couldn't conceive of running that far or for that long! I remember thinking, I could either drive to Columbus or run 13.1 miles - yikes! The fact that I accomplished this has little to do with my abilities, that is for sure. It is all due to the fact that I was diligent with a realistic training program, had great supporters and advice givers, and was just plain old determined to do this!

I firmly believe that if I can do this, anyone can. You just need the desire, the commitment and the plan. So, what is my next goal? Not sure yet, but I know one thing. There WILL be a next goal. I've got the bug now. But first, a reward - tomorrow is my spa day. Goal setting will have to wait for a day or so!!! Mama needs a massage!
Unofficial results are in!
Wow, what a morning!! So, I will blog later about my half marathon experience. For now, I want to report my "unofficial results" they are:
Lisa Ramsey - Runners | Bib 7677 | Hudson, OH - USA | Female | Age 41
Start Time: 7:04:20
10K: 01:12:21
Finish: 02:31:12
Chip Time: 02:31:12
Clock Time: 2:32:36
Pace: 11:32
Overall: 5419 (out of 6627 runners)
Gender: 3022 (out of 3935 female runners)
I think it is funny that they still list my age as 41 even though it is my birthday today and I am indeed 42!
My iPod results were a bit off from the chip timing. According to it I ran the following:
Distance: 13.72 miles
Pace: 11'04"
Time: 2:31:58
The time was almost right on, but the distance and pace were different. Hey, I'm just glad the friggin' thing worked!!
So, as of tonight, here are my official results:
Age group results (40-44 females):
Place 375 out of 513
Distance MAR
Clock Time 02:32:38
Chip Time 02:31:15
Overall Place 5550 / 13303
Gender Place 3069 / 7398
Division Place 378 / 972
Pace 11:32.2
Split10K 1:12:23
Lisa Ramsey - Runners | Bib 7677 | Hudson, OH - USA | Female | Age 41
Start Time: 7:04:20
10K: 01:12:21
Finish: 02:31:12
Chip Time: 02:31:12
Clock Time: 2:32:36
Pace: 11:32
Overall: 5419 (out of 6627 runners)
Gender: 3022 (out of 3935 female runners)
I think it is funny that they still list my age as 41 even though it is my birthday today and I am indeed 42!
My iPod results were a bit off from the chip timing. According to it I ran the following:
Distance: 13.72 miles
Pace: 11'04"
Time: 2:31:58
The time was almost right on, but the distance and pace were different. Hey, I'm just glad the friggin' thing worked!!
So, as of tonight, here are my official results:
Age group results (40-44 females):
Place 375 out of 513
Distance MAR
Clock Time 02:32:38
Chip Time 02:31:15
Overall Place 5550 / 13303
Gender Place 3069 / 7398
Division Place 378 / 972
Pace 11:32.2
Split10K 1:12:23
Friday, May 13, 2011
Performance Anxiety
So I've decided this is what I have. This is the diagnosis for what I've had all week long. I get this same feeling right before I am going to sing a solo in church or sing in front of an audience. My heart races, my palms sweat and usually my stomach goes on overdrive. After a few practice runs through the song, and a couple trips to the bathroom I feel a little more prepared. Once I begin the song, I begin to relax and feel more confident and enjoy what I'm doing (unless I have an emotional connection with the song and that is another story all together!)
The difference with this experience is that the "performance anxiety" has lasted for the whole week rather than just before the race. It comes and goes, but it is always at the back of my mind. As soon as I've spent some time thinking about it, planning the weekend, or spending any time on the website I get that feeling again and another trip to the bathroom is needed! Too much information? Hey, I'm just telling it like it is! This is just a normal thing for me. It probably has to do with my body's reaction to stress and the fight or flight syndrome. I don't know - I'm no expert. But hey, I've trained (been through a "run through", if you will), prepared with my lists and plans. I imagine there will continue to be multiple bathroom trips the morning of, but after a few miles in I should be good to go, right?
Wish me luck, but just don't tell me to "break a leg"!
The difference with this experience is that the "performance anxiety" has lasted for the whole week rather than just before the race. It comes and goes, but it is always at the back of my mind. As soon as I've spent some time thinking about it, planning the weekend, or spending any time on the website I get that feeling again and another trip to the bathroom is needed! Too much information? Hey, I'm just telling it like it is! This is just a normal thing for me. It probably has to do with my body's reaction to stress and the fight or flight syndrome. I don't know - I'm no expert. But hey, I've trained (been through a "run through", if you will), prepared with my lists and plans. I imagine there will continue to be multiple bathroom trips the morning of, but after a few miles in I should be good to go, right?
Wish me luck, but just don't tell me to "break a leg"!
Fri, May 13
Yoga just for fun!
Well, technically today is a rest day, but I wanted to do yoga just to help me relax and because it is awesome, of course. I've had so many nervous jitters this week I wanted to take every opportunity to try to relax and get out of my head for a bit. I got the rub down which was a bonus and she also helped me get better into the half-pigeon pose which is kinda hard to do correctly. Tomorrow is my last day of my training schedule - just like 20 minutes of running.
I decided to look up the word "namaste" since that is what the yoga instructor says at the end of each session. So, here it is:
The gesture Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another. "Nama" means bow, "as" means I, and "te" means you. Therefore, Namaste literally means "bow me you" or "I bow to you."
To perform Namaste, we place the hands together at the heart charka, close the eyes, and bow the head. It can also be done by placing the hands together in front of the third eye, bowing the head, and then bringing the hands down to the heart. This is an especially deep form of respect. Although in the West the word "Namaste" is usually spoken in conjunction with the gesture, in India, it is understood that the gesture itself signifies Namaste, and therefore, it is unnecessary to say the word while bowing.
I really do need to find another goal/race because I want to keep blogging on a regular basis and having a goal really helps me do that.
Yoga just for fun!
Well, technically today is a rest day, but I wanted to do yoga just to help me relax and because it is awesome, of course. I've had so many nervous jitters this week I wanted to take every opportunity to try to relax and get out of my head for a bit. I got the rub down which was a bonus and she also helped me get better into the half-pigeon pose which is kinda hard to do correctly. Tomorrow is my last day of my training schedule - just like 20 minutes of running.
I decided to look up the word "namaste" since that is what the yoga instructor says at the end of each session. So, here it is:
The gesture Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another. "Nama" means bow, "as" means I, and "te" means you. Therefore, Namaste literally means "bow me you" or "I bow to you."
To perform Namaste, we place the hands together at the heart charka, close the eyes, and bow the head. It can also be done by placing the hands together in front of the third eye, bowing the head, and then bringing the hands down to the heart. This is an especially deep form of respect. Although in the West the word "Namaste" is usually spoken in conjunction with the gesture, in India, it is understood that the gesture itself signifies Namaste, and therefore, it is unnecessary to say the word while bowing.
I really do need to find another goal/race because I want to keep blogging on a regular basis and having a goal really helps me do that.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Sweaty Yoga
Thurs, May 12
Yoga at lunch - cross training
Today it was really hot in the fitness studio! It was a good class, but a little bit sticky. In about the middle of the class I wondered if it was just me, because I noticed one of those big fans in the front of the room, but the instructor did not make any moves to turn it on. Finally, I whispered to her, "does the fan work?" So then she put it on and it was just enough to get the air circulating. By the end of the class I was nice and cooled down. Since this class is going to be meeting all summer, I think I might need to get some like wipe things to freshen up after yoga. I'm wondering if Bath and Body sells a product like that in all their various scents. A shower is not needed - I don't sweat like that for yoga, but it definitely requires a little more than additional deodorant.
I have two more days before the race...tomorrow is supposed to be a rest day and Sat is supposed to be a 15-20 minute run. I may do the run tomorrow morning instead and yoga at noon - just to keep me relaxing (well, an attempt to get me to relax!). Then Sat will be a rest day, Zach's race and the final preparation day!!!
Yoga at lunch - cross training
Today it was really hot in the fitness studio! It was a good class, but a little bit sticky. In about the middle of the class I wondered if it was just me, because I noticed one of those big fans in the front of the room, but the instructor did not make any moves to turn it on. Finally, I whispered to her, "does the fan work?" So then she put it on and it was just enough to get the air circulating. By the end of the class I was nice and cooled down. Since this class is going to be meeting all summer, I think I might need to get some like wipe things to freshen up after yoga. I'm wondering if Bath and Body sells a product like that in all their various scents. A shower is not needed - I don't sweat like that for yoga, but it definitely requires a little more than additional deodorant.
I have two more days before the race...tomorrow is supposed to be a rest day and Sat is supposed to be a 15-20 minute run. I may do the run tomorrow morning instead and yoga at noon - just to keep me relaxing (well, an attempt to get me to relax!). Then Sat will be a rest day, Zach's race and the final preparation day!!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Back in the Groove
Wed, May 11
Ran 35 minutes at the indoor track at Life Center
Distance: 3.07 miles; Average Pace: 11'24"
Good run today! Boy, it feels good to say that! I ran at Life Center even though it was a pretty morning, just in case. I was slow, but I don't really care right now. Today's run was really just to continue to bolster my confidence for Sunday. I was hoping that I would have my normal 20 minute leg thing and yes, it happened. My calves feel their normal ouchiness at the beginning, but somewhere between 15 and 20 minutes in my calves feel totally great. I got in the groove, albeit, slower groove, but I felt good about how I felt and I know I can do this thang.
The first draft of the checklists has been completed. I think there is one more trip to Dick's in order at lunch and I'm good to go! Yahoo!
Ran 35 minutes at the indoor track at Life Center
Distance: 3.07 miles; Average Pace: 11'24"
Good run today! Boy, it feels good to say that! I ran at Life Center even though it was a pretty morning, just in case. I was slow, but I don't really care right now. Today's run was really just to continue to bolster my confidence for Sunday. I was hoping that I would have my normal 20 minute leg thing and yes, it happened. My calves feel their normal ouchiness at the beginning, but somewhere between 15 and 20 minutes in my calves feel totally great. I got in the groove, albeit, slower groove, but I felt good about how I felt and I know I can do this thang.
The first draft of the checklists has been completed. I think there is one more trip to Dick's in order at lunch and I'm good to go! Yahoo!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Just Breathe
Tues, May 10
Yoga at lunch for cross-training
Ahhh, yoga! Seriously, where has this been all my life?! I think I always had the wrong impression of what yoga is. I used to think it involved a lot of meditation that I couldn't do because my mind would always wander. Yes, it is true, regular meditation is challenging for me, but yoga is a different thing all together, I've discovered.
It is so good as a mental break because you are totally focused on the feeling in your body and your breath. Just being. It is something we forget that we know how to do as adults, I think. I know that it is good for the body in so many ways too - for digestion, the organs, etc. Not to mention the stretching - it is unbelievable for that.
I just found out today that the classes at JCU (did I mention they are free!!) are going to be offered all summer, too. Score! If you haven't tried it yet, I strongly encourage you to do it. I guarantee you will not be sorry!
Yoga at lunch for cross-training
Ahhh, yoga! Seriously, where has this been all my life?! I think I always had the wrong impression of what yoga is. I used to think it involved a lot of meditation that I couldn't do because my mind would always wander. Yes, it is true, regular meditation is challenging for me, but yoga is a different thing all together, I've discovered.
It is so good as a mental break because you are totally focused on the feeling in your body and your breath. Just being. It is something we forget that we know how to do as adults, I think. I know that it is good for the body in so many ways too - for digestion, the organs, etc. Not to mention the stretching - it is unbelievable for that.
I just found out today that the classes at JCU (did I mention they are free!!) are going to be offered all summer, too. Score! If you haven't tried it yet, I strongly encourage you to do it. I guarantee you will not be sorry!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Race Week: The Final Countdown!
So, I'm doing the last countdown to the race! Only 6 days to go! I'm finding myself going back and forth between being really excited and confident to nervous and less confident. A common thread underlying all of this is just regular 'ol anxiety or I guess, jitters. I'm keyed up and the fact that the race is a few short days away is always in the back and my mind and coming closer and closer to the front.
I'm also finding myself wanting to organize everything about this coming weekend down to the nth degree. I worry about the weather, but I can't control that. I worry about whether or not I'm ready or if I'm trained enough, but that ship has sailed. So, what can I worry about? Everything else!! Of course, there are some practical things that I need to do or prepare for so out come the lists. What do I do when I'm stressed about something? Yep, start making lists: a list of things to bring, a list of things to do before race day, a list of things to make lists about! Lists are a comfort to me because they help me remember things, first and foremost. Also, I like the feeling that I have when I cross something off the list. Yes, progress! I also just like thinking about what is on the list. I enjoy the actual process of making the list itself. And finally, I think that at its core, I like making and using lists because it helps me feel a little more in control of the situation.
But it is not only lists I like to make. It is also plans. Having a plan, again, makes me feel more in control of the situation. What is the plan? What is the plan for parking? What is the plan for getting there - how do I get there? What time should I leave? What should I remember to bring? When should we go to the Expo? Zachary is running in the kids race the day before so we have to make plans for that day too.
So, I've been checking out the race website to get the right information to make my lists and my plans. While the site is really good and informative there is one thing that is stressful about it. It has a live clock counting down the time to race day. This totally freaks me out! No pressure there!! I guess I don't really like any type of clock that counts things down. It stresses me out! I already know the race is coming, and I don't need to be reminded literally ever second!!
I'm also finding myself wanting to organize everything about this coming weekend down to the nth degree. I worry about the weather, but I can't control that. I worry about whether or not I'm ready or if I'm trained enough, but that ship has sailed. So, what can I worry about? Everything else!! Of course, there are some practical things that I need to do or prepare for so out come the lists. What do I do when I'm stressed about something? Yep, start making lists: a list of things to bring, a list of things to do before race day, a list of things to make lists about! Lists are a comfort to me because they help me remember things, first and foremost. Also, I like the feeling that I have when I cross something off the list. Yes, progress! I also just like thinking about what is on the list. I enjoy the actual process of making the list itself. And finally, I think that at its core, I like making and using lists because it helps me feel a little more in control of the situation.
But it is not only lists I like to make. It is also plans. Having a plan, again, makes me feel more in control of the situation. What is the plan? What is the plan for parking? What is the plan for getting there - how do I get there? What time should I leave? What should I remember to bring? When should we go to the Expo? Zachary is running in the kids race the day before so we have to make plans for that day too.
So, I've been checking out the race website to get the right information to make my lists and my plans. While the site is really good and informative there is one thing that is stressful about it. It has a live clock counting down the time to race day. This totally freaks me out! No pressure there!! I guess I don't really like any type of clock that counts things down. It stresses me out! I already know the race is coming, and I don't need to be reminded literally ever second!!
Biofreeze...the alternative to ice, ice baby!
Mon, May 9
Ran 2 miles on the indoor track at Life Center
Time: 22:35; Average Pace: 11'18"
I ran this morning - yahoo!! After taking a few days off to heal my calf I decided to try it today. My calf was feeling much better during the day yesterday and good this morning. I went to Life Center instead of outside because I wanted to make sure I had a back-up cross training plan to do in case the running was not happening. Thankfully it felt pretty good! I had a little bit of the normal calf soreness that I've had throughout most of my training, but nothing as intense as last week. I went easy and only ran half what the training program said. I could have gone the whole 40 minutes pretty easily, but I just didn't want to push it. I spent a good amount of time before and after stretching.
Then after my shower I tried this stuff that the massage therapist gave me called "Biofreeze". It is this gel stuff that you rub onto a sore muscle area and it is supposed to make it feel better through cooling it. It is awesome! It felt really good and started working right away. That plus ibuprofen and I'll be set for the day! The sample she gave me lasts for 4 uses so I'm going to save some for after the race. I need to look into getting more - this stuff is awesome!!
I feel confident that I can do this. A big part of running this week for me is just to reassure myself that I can perform on Sunday! 6 days!!
Ran 2 miles on the indoor track at Life Center
Time: 22:35; Average Pace: 11'18"
I ran this morning - yahoo!! After taking a few days off to heal my calf I decided to try it today. My calf was feeling much better during the day yesterday and good this morning. I went to Life Center instead of outside because I wanted to make sure I had a back-up cross training plan to do in case the running was not happening. Thankfully it felt pretty good! I had a little bit of the normal calf soreness that I've had throughout most of my training, but nothing as intense as last week. I went easy and only ran half what the training program said. I could have gone the whole 40 minutes pretty easily, but I just didn't want to push it. I spent a good amount of time before and after stretching.
Then after my shower I tried this stuff that the massage therapist gave me called "Biofreeze". It is this gel stuff that you rub onto a sore muscle area and it is supposed to make it feel better through cooling it. It is awesome! It felt really good and started working right away. That plus ibuprofen and I'll be set for the day! The sample she gave me lasts for 4 uses so I'm going to save some for after the race. I need to look into getting more - this stuff is awesome!!
I feel confident that I can do this. A big part of running this week for me is just to reassure myself that I can perform on Sunday! 6 days!!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Simply Thankful
On this Mother's Day evening I find myself being very thankful. As I reflect on my day I realize that this day was wonderful because it was filled with simple pleasures and simple things. It is funny how sometimes I forget that the simple, everyday and ordinary moments of our days, spent with the ones we love, are what our lives are really built on...
For example, my day started with Zach's mother's day gift to me. He gave me a plant he had planted in school in a clay pot that he had painted himself. He was beside himself yesterday when Henry had chewed some of the plant in one of his "running around and looking for anything to chew" fits. And yes, it was on the floor in a bag so fair game for Prince Henry. But, thankfully it was only a few leaves - the flower remained intact! Then he gave me his other gift from school. It is this booklet that describes all kinds of things about me - a description of what I look like (I learned I have green eyes....nope, they are blue...and that my mouth is big...duh!), why he loves me, things we have done together and some other really cute and touching things that I will definitely treasure forever. He was quick to tell me how long it took him to do alllllll that writing!
Then after church I took my mom to lunch and we went to see a movie together. It was so nice to just be us girls and I always love spending time with my mom - no matter what we do.
Then for dinner we had my folks over for burgers and a simple supper. We just enjoyed breaking bread together. We even made it a project of cleaning out my freezer tonight! We just needed to make room and I had helpers!
One of the best parts of my day was going grocery shopping. Yes, I know it might sound strange, but after about my third time asking Zach to go with me, and him declining every time in favor of playing video games instead, Nick asked if he could go. So, off we went to Acme. We had a good time shopping together. We laughed when he knocked the cart into a huge sunscreen display, knocking bottles all over the place and I teased him about "blowing my budget", now that he is home from school, but it felt good to just spend ordinary time together. This topped off with a very sweet and "mushy" card from him for mother's day pretty much made this the best mother's day ever.
Yes, I'm thankful for the simplicity of today's blessings. I hope you are too!
For example, my day started with Zach's mother's day gift to me. He gave me a plant he had planted in school in a clay pot that he had painted himself. He was beside himself yesterday when Henry had chewed some of the plant in one of his "running around and looking for anything to chew" fits. And yes, it was on the floor in a bag so fair game for Prince Henry. But, thankfully it was only a few leaves - the flower remained intact! Then he gave me his other gift from school. It is this booklet that describes all kinds of things about me - a description of what I look like (I learned I have green eyes....nope, they are blue...and that my mouth is big...duh!), why he loves me, things we have done together and some other really cute and touching things that I will definitely treasure forever. He was quick to tell me how long it took him to do alllllll that writing!
Then after church I took my mom to lunch and we went to see a movie together. It was so nice to just be us girls and I always love spending time with my mom - no matter what we do.
Then for dinner we had my folks over for burgers and a simple supper. We just enjoyed breaking bread together. We even made it a project of cleaning out my freezer tonight! We just needed to make room and I had helpers!
One of the best parts of my day was going grocery shopping. Yes, I know it might sound strange, but after about my third time asking Zach to go with me, and him declining every time in favor of playing video games instead, Nick asked if he could go. So, off we went to Acme. We had a good time shopping together. We laughed when he knocked the cart into a huge sunscreen display, knocking bottles all over the place and I teased him about "blowing my budget", now that he is home from school, but it felt good to just spend ordinary time together. This topped off with a very sweet and "mushy" card from him for mother's day pretty much made this the best mother's day ever.
Yes, I'm thankful for the simplicity of today's blessings. I hope you are too!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Massage for the Body and the Heart
Thanks to the advice of a few awesome friends and a running coach online I got a therapeutic massage yesterday to try to heal my calf. It was only 30 minutes, but it really worked to loosen and release the muscles. The therapist was a runner herself so she really knew what she was doing.
Then at Weight Watchers this morning I had a couple really good conversations with some good friends who helped me feel that I can still do this. I have felt a little bit down about not being able to stick to my plan perfectly and felt my confidence decrease a bit. But these awesome ladies (and gentlemen) have reassured me that I got this. I felt so much better after talking with them this morning. That plus my workout this morning and I'm feeling much better about things.
This is another life lesson, really. How often do we just give up or get so upset when things don't go according to the plans that we have made. We just see the negative and don't remember to see the good things (at least I have a week to recover, at least my injury wasn't worse). No, we tend to blow things out of proportion if things are not just perfect or the way we wanted it to be. This is a lesson for me in flexibility, patience and humility. When things don't go exactly as planned, shift yourself, and count your blessings!
Then at Weight Watchers this morning I had a couple really good conversations with some good friends who helped me feel that I can still do this. I have felt a little bit down about not being able to stick to my plan perfectly and felt my confidence decrease a bit. But these awesome ladies (and gentlemen) have reassured me that I got this. I felt so much better after talking with them this morning. That plus my workout this morning and I'm feeling much better about things.
This is another life lesson, really. How often do we just give up or get so upset when things don't go according to the plans that we have made. We just see the negative and don't remember to see the good things (at least I have a week to recover, at least my injury wasn't worse). No, we tend to blow things out of proportion if things are not just perfect or the way we wanted it to be. This is a lesson for me in flexibility, patience and humility. When things don't go exactly as planned, shift yourself, and count your blessings!
On the road to recovery
Sat, May 7
Did 30 minutes on the elliptical at a level 6; Burned 266 calories
So yes, I did not do the 6 mile run that was on my training program schedule today. The general consensus from everyone I talked to, facebooked and chatted with said not to, so I didn't, but to cross-train instead with the elliptical or spinning instead.
I have to say that the elliptical was a pretty good workout! I haven't done one in quite awhile so it took a few seconds to remember how to use the machine. I had no idea what level to put it on so I just guessed and I definitely felt like I got a good workout. The sweat factor was pretty high! I also enjoyed the fact that I had no pain, whatsoever in my calf muscles - SCORE! That hasn't happened in a long time too...different muscle groups for sure! After I was done I did an ab circuit. Many have told me that I should continue to make sure my core is strong. I did 60 butterfly kicks and 60 bicycles (broken up 30 and 30) and then finished with a one-minute plank. I stretched before and after the workout as well. My calf feels pretty good - not normal, but much better.
My plan is to rest tomorrow and just see how I feel on Monday. I will either try to run a short distance or continue to cross train on Monday. One day at a time this week. What I do know for sure is that I'll be downtown a week from tomorrow celebrating!!
Did 30 minutes on the elliptical at a level 6; Burned 266 calories
So yes, I did not do the 6 mile run that was on my training program schedule today. The general consensus from everyone I talked to, facebooked and chatted with said not to, so I didn't, but to cross-train instead with the elliptical or spinning instead.
I have to say that the elliptical was a pretty good workout! I haven't done one in quite awhile so it took a few seconds to remember how to use the machine. I had no idea what level to put it on so I just guessed and I definitely felt like I got a good workout. The sweat factor was pretty high! I also enjoyed the fact that I had no pain, whatsoever in my calf muscles - SCORE! That hasn't happened in a long time too...different muscle groups for sure! After I was done I did an ab circuit. Many have told me that I should continue to make sure my core is strong. I did 60 butterfly kicks and 60 bicycles (broken up 30 and 30) and then finished with a one-minute plank. I stretched before and after the workout as well. My calf feels pretty good - not normal, but much better.
My plan is to rest tomorrow and just see how I feel on Monday. I will either try to run a short distance or continue to cross train on Monday. One day at a time this week. What I do know for sure is that I'll be downtown a week from tomorrow celebrating!!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Thurs, May 5
So, on my training schedule there was supposed to be 35 minutes of cross training today. It was going to be swimming since bootcamp is done. However since my calf injury seems to be giving me trouble I decided to skip it. I might have been okay, but I'm like paranoid now. My friend reassured me that I'd be okay even if I didn't run again until race day so I felt relieved. I told myself that I would take four days completely off- through Sunday, but that is going to drive me crazy, I think! I already feel like a slug and disappointed that i had to veer from my training program. But I just have to remember then end goal...I want to make sure my legs are ready for the race...just be patient and remember I don't have to be perfect or have a perfect training program. It is what it is. We'll see. One day down.....
So, on my training schedule there was supposed to be 35 minutes of cross training today. It was going to be swimming since bootcamp is done. However since my calf injury seems to be giving me trouble I decided to skip it. I might have been okay, but I'm like paranoid now. My friend reassured me that I'd be okay even if I didn't run again until race day so I felt relieved. I told myself that I would take four days completely off- through Sunday, but that is going to drive me crazy, I think! I already feel like a slug and disappointed that i had to veer from my training program. But I just have to remember then end goal...I want to make sure my legs are ready for the race...just be patient and remember I don't have to be perfect or have a perfect training program. It is what it is. We'll see. One day down.....
Humping and Jumping!
So, the tales of the new puppy continue! Today's story includes an episode of the oh, so delightful humping activity that usually accompanies a new puppy at some point as well as some other new "skills" that Henry has been learning.
As I was playing a game of fetch with Henry and his big tennis ball, I noticed that his paws are really strong and mentioned how well he does with grabbing my hand/arm with his paws. To this Zachary replied, "yeah, mommy, he always grabs onto my legs really hard too and doesn't let go!" At first I didn't think anything of this until Mike whispers says to me out of Zach's earshot, "he was trying to hump him!" Oh, my gosh. We were cracking up then! Zach has no idea, obviously what this is all about, which makes it funnier! Henry has also gotten quite enamored with his bed and probably Zach's stuffed lion, as well.
Cut to his other new skills. So, this week we actually had cupcakes in the house - thanks to it being the last week of classes and my desire to make some treats for my students' last meeting. I knew I would be criticized big time if I didn't make some for my boys too, so I did. They are so giddy when they actually get baked goods that don't have black beans in them!! Well, yesterday Mike was about to eat one of these delicious treats when the doorbell rang. He left the container open on the counter to go answer the door. He stepped outside for a minute to talk with a contractor (you know where this is going, don't you?) and when he came back in the three cupcakes that were left were gone - wrappers and all! Oh, Henry! Yes, he has discovered that he is big enough to jump up to reach the counter and help himself to dessert! So, we were on the lookout last night and today for the possible consequences of the consumption of that little snack.
So, yes, Henry is developing quite a list of skills. I hate to even guess what will be next, but I'll be sure to share it!!!
As I was playing a game of fetch with Henry and his big tennis ball, I noticed that his paws are really strong and mentioned how well he does with grabbing my hand/arm with his paws. To this Zachary replied, "yeah, mommy, he always grabs onto my legs really hard too and doesn't let go!" At first I didn't think anything of this until Mike whispers says to me out of Zach's earshot, "he was trying to hump him!" Oh, my gosh. We were cracking up then! Zach has no idea, obviously what this is all about, which makes it funnier! Henry has also gotten quite enamored with his bed and probably Zach's stuffed lion, as well.
Cut to his other new skills. So, this week we actually had cupcakes in the house - thanks to it being the last week of classes and my desire to make some treats for my students' last meeting. I knew I would be criticized big time if I didn't make some for my boys too, so I did. They are so giddy when they actually get baked goods that don't have black beans in them!! Well, yesterday Mike was about to eat one of these delicious treats when the doorbell rang. He left the container open on the counter to go answer the door. He stepped outside for a minute to talk with a contractor (you know where this is going, don't you?) and when he came back in the three cupcakes that were left were gone - wrappers and all! Oh, Henry! Yes, he has discovered that he is big enough to jump up to reach the counter and help himself to dessert! So, we were on the lookout last night and today for the possible consequences of the consumption of that little snack.
So, yes, Henry is developing quite a list of skills. I hate to even guess what will be next, but I'll be sure to share it!!!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Hopeful in Hudson
Wed, May 4
Ran 40 minutes lunch
Distance: 3.63 miles; Average pace: 11'04"
Okay, so I'm officially hurting. After my run today my right calf was really hurting. I've had calf pain basically throughout my training, but this is different. It all started because of the blasted indoor track I just know it! The track is banked up on the outside so the whole time you are running, your outside leg is up higher slightly than the other. What some people do to compensate for this is run halfway one direction and then switch so it is even. I didn't do that because I didn't think it was that big of a deal and also I never want to disturb the walkers that are up there. You know how compassionate I am towards others on the track (ha,ha)! Well, I'll give you one guess as to which calf hurts...yep, the one that was on the outside! I can push one one specific place where it hurts on the inside of my right calf.
Anyways, now the question is what do I do going forward in my training? I am going to run on May 15! That is not debatable! I'm just not sure if and how I should alter the rest of my training to make sure I am prepared enough for the race and at the same time I'm not going to further injure myself. I asked some runner friends today at work about it with mixed feedback. One said to keep going as usual. One said to cut the runs in half and the other said to talk to one of the athletic trainers about it. I'm icing it right now and I plan to try and talk with a trainer tomorrow. The rest of my training schedule looks like this:
Tomorrow-swimming (which I'm thinking is probably okay to still do)
Fri-run 35 min, which I'm intending to skip
Sat- 6 mile run (which I'm now scared to do)
Next week:
Mon- 40 min run
Tues- cross train swim 30 min
Wed- 35 min run
Thurs-cross train swim 30 min
Sat- run 15 min
I'm being very specific about this in case some of my more experienced runner friends can give me some advice about how to proceed. Any advice would be most welcome!!
Ran 40 minutes lunch
Distance: 3.63 miles; Average pace: 11'04"
Okay, so I'm officially hurting. After my run today my right calf was really hurting. I've had calf pain basically throughout my training, but this is different. It all started because of the blasted indoor track I just know it! The track is banked up on the outside so the whole time you are running, your outside leg is up higher slightly than the other. What some people do to compensate for this is run halfway one direction and then switch so it is even. I didn't do that because I didn't think it was that big of a deal and also I never want to disturb the walkers that are up there. You know how compassionate I am towards others on the track (ha,ha)! Well, I'll give you one guess as to which calf hurts...yep, the one that was on the outside! I can push one one specific place where it hurts on the inside of my right calf.
Anyways, now the question is what do I do going forward in my training? I am going to run on May 15! That is not debatable! I'm just not sure if and how I should alter the rest of my training to make sure I am prepared enough for the race and at the same time I'm not going to further injure myself. I asked some runner friends today at work about it with mixed feedback. One said to keep going as usual. One said to cut the runs in half and the other said to talk to one of the athletic trainers about it. I'm icing it right now and I plan to try and talk with a trainer tomorrow. The rest of my training schedule looks like this:
Tomorrow-swimming (which I'm thinking is probably okay to still do)
Fri-run 35 min, which I'm intending to skip
Sat- 6 mile run (which I'm now scared to do)
Next week:
Mon- 40 min run
Tues- cross train swim 30 min
Wed- 35 min run
Thurs-cross train swim 30 min
Sat- run 15 min
I'm being very specific about this in case some of my more experienced runner friends can give me some advice about how to proceed. Any advice would be most welcome!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Yoga to the Rescue!
Tues, May 3
Yoga at noon
I so needed that! This class was taught with a different instructor and she was really good. I can't put my finger on exactly why, but it moved at a faster pace, but yet was harder and the poses were held longer. I actually sweat quite a bit during class...not shower-worthy, but definitely a redo of deodorant and perfume. Plus I got a rubdown too - bonus! I'm getting better at learning the poses and holding them longer - better balance, better strength and most importantly more stretching! I'll be back on Friday for sure!!!
Yoga at noon
I so needed that! This class was taught with a different instructor and she was really good. I can't put my finger on exactly why, but it moved at a faster pace, but yet was harder and the poses were held longer. I actually sweat quite a bit during class...not shower-worthy, but definitely a redo of deodorant and perfume. Plus I got a rubdown too - bonus! I'm getting better at learning the poses and holding them longer - better balance, better strength and most importantly more stretching! I'll be back on Friday for sure!!!
The pool is cool!
Tues, May 3
5:30am - 35 minutes of swimming at Life Center
Wow - swimming is definitely awesome exercise! I broke in my new suit this morning bright and early. The lifeguard offered me goggles which was great since I didn't have any. I alternated strokes between the breast stoke, side stoke and freestyle. i started counting laps when I started, but totally lost count. Next time I want to figure out a way to track them because that would be good to know. I figured there would be like one person there at that hour - wrong! There were 3 other woman already swimming when I arrived and a bunch more going in the pool when I left. More hard core people - I love it!
I haven't swum since last summer and haven't swum freestyle in probably years! It felt really good and was a great workout. I stopped midway through to rest a minute and then continued on. My schedule said 35 minutes of cross training so that is what I committed to doing in the pool, but whoa that was hard. I caught myself checking the clock after like 10 minutes! But, I did it. My muscles felt good and tired afterward. My right calf has a little bit of an issue, but I'll work through that with yoga today, hopefully. I blame that track. Stupid track...
5:30am - 35 minutes of swimming at Life Center
Wow - swimming is definitely awesome exercise! I broke in my new suit this morning bright and early. The lifeguard offered me goggles which was great since I didn't have any. I alternated strokes between the breast stoke, side stoke and freestyle. i started counting laps when I started, but totally lost count. Next time I want to figure out a way to track them because that would be good to know. I figured there would be like one person there at that hour - wrong! There were 3 other woman already swimming when I arrived and a bunch more going in the pool when I left. More hard core people - I love it!
I haven't swum since last summer and haven't swum freestyle in probably years! It felt really good and was a great workout. I stopped midway through to rest a minute and then continued on. My schedule said 35 minutes of cross training so that is what I committed to doing in the pool, but whoa that was hard. I caught myself checking the clock after like 10 minutes! But, I did it. My muscles felt good and tired afterward. My right calf has a little bit of an issue, but I'll work through that with yoga today, hopefully. I blame that track. Stupid track...
Monday, May 2, 2011
When the going gets tough, the tough keep running!
Mon, May 2
Noon - Ran 45 minutes on the indoor track at JCU
Distance: 4.03 miles; Average Pace: 11'11" mile
So I knew I wasn't going to get up early today...a rainy Monday following my longest run to date - not happening. So, my plan was to run outside at noon. It just looked yucky out at noon and I just didn't feel like dealing with wet today, plus I had a score to settle with the indoor track so up I went! Last time I ran the indoor track I had to stop after like 5 minutes and walk and I felt so defeated. So, yes I could not let that track have the last word.
I'm not gonna lie - like all my Monday runs it sucked at the start. So much so that I was thinking about only doing half of it today. However, after about 22 minutes in, like usual, magic happened and my legs felt MUCH better. Then, I played a little game with myself for the last half. I mean it is so boring running the "oval from hell" that you have to do something to keep your sanity! I kept thinking that I could stop just after 35 minutes, but then I extended it to 40 minutes and then I only had 5 more minutes to go and I could totally do that! So, I ended up completing the whole workout as originally scheduled.
In yo face track! You're not the boss of me.
Noon - Ran 45 minutes on the indoor track at JCU
Distance: 4.03 miles; Average Pace: 11'11" mile
So I knew I wasn't going to get up early today...a rainy Monday following my longest run to date - not happening. So, my plan was to run outside at noon. It just looked yucky out at noon and I just didn't feel like dealing with wet today, plus I had a score to settle with the indoor track so up I went! Last time I ran the indoor track I had to stop after like 5 minutes and walk and I felt so defeated. So, yes I could not let that track have the last word.
I'm not gonna lie - like all my Monday runs it sucked at the start. So much so that I was thinking about only doing half of it today. However, after about 22 minutes in, like usual, magic happened and my legs felt MUCH better. Then, I played a little game with myself for the last half. I mean it is so boring running the "oval from hell" that you have to do something to keep your sanity! I kept thinking that I could stop just after 35 minutes, but then I extended it to 40 minutes and then I only had 5 more minutes to go and I could totally do that! So, I ended up completing the whole workout as originally scheduled.
In yo face track! You're not the boss of me.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Last Long Run!
Sat, April 30
11 miles outside at about 9am
Time: 2:01:15 Average Pace: 11:01
Today was my last long run before the race!!! Ahh!!! Next week I have 6 miler which will be a piece of cake! Today's run was good - it was about 36 degrees when I left this morning and nice and sunny so I wore Capri running pants and a long sleeved shirt. I felt good about my time and even better at the fact that I did NO walking at all!! And there are some pretty decent hills along the route. I finished in a little over 2 hours so I'm pretty confident that I can complete the race in less than 2 1/2 hours - just having to add about 2 more miles.
Overall it was a really good run. My legs felt great from step one which was awesome! At about mile 3 I got what we called when I was little a "side ache". It started on one side and moved to the other. I just pushed my hand into it and it eventually went away. Mile 4-8 felt great. Miles 9 and 10 were the toughest and then the last one is always tolerable just because it is the last one!!
Pretty pysched about the race in a couple of weeks. I just have to remember to not go out too fast. I'm sure my adrenaline will be kicking and I'll want to be sure I keep to my own pace. It is going to be epic.
11 miles outside at about 9am
Time: 2:01:15 Average Pace: 11:01
Today was my last long run before the race!!! Ahh!!! Next week I have 6 miler which will be a piece of cake! Today's run was good - it was about 36 degrees when I left this morning and nice and sunny so I wore Capri running pants and a long sleeved shirt. I felt good about my time and even better at the fact that I did NO walking at all!! And there are some pretty decent hills along the route. I finished in a little over 2 hours so I'm pretty confident that I can complete the race in less than 2 1/2 hours - just having to add about 2 more miles.
Overall it was a really good run. My legs felt great from step one which was awesome! At about mile 3 I got what we called when I was little a "side ache". It started on one side and moved to the other. I just pushed my hand into it and it eventually went away. Mile 4-8 felt great. Miles 9 and 10 were the toughest and then the last one is always tolerable just because it is the last one!!
Pretty pysched about the race in a couple of weeks. I just have to remember to not go out too fast. I'm sure my adrenaline will be kicking and I'll want to be sure I keep to my own pace. It is going to be epic.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Okay, yes, the honeymoon is over. You know that stage after you get a puppy when everything they do is SO cute and they are SO awesome and good and wonderful? You do? Well, then you might also know that that stage only lasts for a few days or if you are lucky a couple of weeks. Well, we have hit that stage with "Prince Henry Higgins" (Prince because at times he has a very regal look about him and Higgins because of the show "My Fair Lady" and Henry Higgins). I find myself going around the house singing to him, "just you wait, Henery Higgins, just you wait!" Wow, that really fits!
Anywho, so as I was saying, we are now beyond the bones and puppy treats of getting a puppy and into the work of having a dog - a young dog who happens to be a very large puppy! He gets really wound up around 8pm or 8:30pm at night which corresponds with when Zach is going to bed. This usually involves a flailing towel (something to bite) and/or flailing pj's (something to bite), a kid running through the hall screaming (something to bite) and then a kid crying because HE was the something to bite! Zach is still trying to get used to the fact that this new puppy is not going to react the same way as our almost 12-year-old beagle/basset did: just pounce once and bark in the other direction...if we were lucky. No, a puppy who sees an opportunity - any opportunity to play is going to be all-out and ready for action!
Plus, I think that as Henry is settling in he is testing the limits more. If it is not bolted down, he will try to bite or chew it. Even if it is a very large and heavy piece of furniture. And, thanks to Henry, I've unearthed three pairs of shoes and a pair of flip-flops that I didn't even know I had from underneath my nightstand. He has even made it his job to chase his tail like a champ. That one is hilarious to watch! He will chase it, get it in his mouth and pull himself over. Oh, and apparently Henry wants to do bootcamp too. This morning Mike caught him going up the basement stairs with one of my 8 pound dumbbells in his mouth!!! Yikes!!!
So, like I said, the honeymoon is over. But, now the real fun begins!
Anywho, so as I was saying, we are now beyond the bones and puppy treats of getting a puppy and into the work of having a dog - a young dog who happens to be a very large puppy! He gets really wound up around 8pm or 8:30pm at night which corresponds with when Zach is going to bed. This usually involves a flailing towel (something to bite) and/or flailing pj's (something to bite), a kid running through the hall screaming (something to bite) and then a kid crying because HE was the something to bite! Zach is still trying to get used to the fact that this new puppy is not going to react the same way as our almost 12-year-old beagle/basset did: just pounce once and bark in the other direction...if we were lucky. No, a puppy who sees an opportunity - any opportunity to play is going to be all-out and ready for action!
Plus, I think that as Henry is settling in he is testing the limits more. If it is not bolted down, he will try to bite or chew it. Even if it is a very large and heavy piece of furniture. And, thanks to Henry, I've unearthed three pairs of shoes and a pair of flip-flops that I didn't even know I had from underneath my nightstand. He has even made it his job to chase his tail like a champ. That one is hilarious to watch! He will chase it, get it in his mouth and pull himself over. Oh, and apparently Henry wants to do bootcamp too. This morning Mike caught him going up the basement stairs with one of my 8 pound dumbbells in his mouth!!! Yikes!!!
So, like I said, the honeymoon is over. But, now the real fun begins!
Bootcamp Out!
Thurs, April 28
5:30am - 6:30am - Bootcamp class at LifeCenter
So today was our last Bootcamp class until the summer (sigh). The class will start back up again in early June outside-should be fun!! With it being our last class I felt like Troy tried to make it extra hard, but we took everything he dished out and then some!!
We did some fun drills with the basketball as a warm-up. We had to do get 15 rim shots between the three of us and I was surprisingly good at those! I generally suck at basketball. Then we did a circuit with bosu ball, a circuit that involved seated shoulder exercises, which was really hard, and then a circuit with weights for that involved plank push-ups and sit-ups which was really tough. Then we ended with a good ab/pushup circuit.
Oh, in the middle of our workout - right about 6am, the power went out in the whole place - totally dark. We had severe winds during the night that carried over until the morning. It was funny because once a little bit of light turned back on people kept lifting and we kept going too. By the end of class all the power was back to normal.
It was sad to be done at the end. We gave Troy our thank you card with sweaty hugs! I would have preferred to go at least until after May 15. It is funny how I'm thinking of everything in terms of after the race. But, the other ladies were ready for a break, so it is what it is. I'm really gonna miss that class - it was really motivating to know that other people were going to be there and I loved having a workout already designed for me and a trainer to tell me what to do. I'll have to design my own weight training or cross training regimen now, I suppose!
Now I just have to keep up my habit of coming every Tuesday and Thursday and swimming with maybe a little weight training mixed in. Hey, I've got the swim suit now, so no more excuses!
5:30am - 6:30am - Bootcamp class at LifeCenter
So today was our last Bootcamp class until the summer (sigh). The class will start back up again in early June outside-should be fun!! With it being our last class I felt like Troy tried to make it extra hard, but we took everything he dished out and then some!!
We did some fun drills with the basketball as a warm-up. We had to do get 15 rim shots between the three of us and I was surprisingly good at those! I generally suck at basketball. Then we did a circuit with bosu ball, a circuit that involved seated shoulder exercises, which was really hard, and then a circuit with weights for that involved plank push-ups and sit-ups which was really tough. Then we ended with a good ab/pushup circuit.
Oh, in the middle of our workout - right about 6am, the power went out in the whole place - totally dark. We had severe winds during the night that carried over until the morning. It was funny because once a little bit of light turned back on people kept lifting and we kept going too. By the end of class all the power was back to normal.
It was sad to be done at the end. We gave Troy our thank you card with sweaty hugs! I would have preferred to go at least until after May 15. It is funny how I'm thinking of everything in terms of after the race. But, the other ladies were ready for a break, so it is what it is. I'm really gonna miss that class - it was really motivating to know that other people were going to be there and I loved having a workout already designed for me and a trainer to tell me what to do. I'll have to design my own weight training or cross training regimen now, I suppose!
Now I just have to keep up my habit of coming every Tuesday and Thursday and swimming with maybe a little weight training mixed in. Hey, I've got the swim suit now, so no more excuses!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The Crazy Club
Wed, April 27
Ran for 1 hour and 7 minutes outside at 5:30am
Distance: 6.06 miles; Average Pace: 11'12" (which I take issue with since I did the math - it should be like 11'3"!)
Today's run was pretty great all around. I got up after hitting snooze only once at 5am. I was worried that it was going to be raining as thundershowers were predicted, but luckily and thankfully it was clear and about 61 degrees. So off I went!
The run was surprisingly great from the beginning - after about 5 minutes my legs felt great and I was in the groove. It wore running pants - capri style with an iPod pocket in the back, a short sleeved shirt and of course, my stylish vest. It was a beautiful morning. I heard the birds chirp over my iPod and I saw about 5 deer - so close that I could smell them. They didn't know what to make of me and just stared at me as I ran by. I only got spooked once after Paula Abudul's "Cold Hearted Snake" came on my iPod. (Don't judge!) It was still fairly dark out and I was convinced that I saw and heard a snake on the ground, but no, it was in fact a stick and the hissing noises from the song. Yep, I'm a dope!
I was supposed to run 60 minutes today, but my route was a bit longer to get back home so I just did more. Oh, and no walking! My iPod reminded me at the point when I ran "5 minutes past your goal" and that felt great. I'm sure people driving by me running that early looked at me like I was crazy. That is what I would have said too about a runner running that early or in really bad weather a year ago or even a few months ago. But now, I love it! I understand now what the commitment to a training program really means. I understand now what completing these goals/runs means to me on a physical and mental level. I understand what the little wave of a hand to a fellow runner on your path means. Either that or I have now just joined the crazy club too! If so, that is a membership card that I hope I have forever.
Ran for 1 hour and 7 minutes outside at 5:30am
Distance: 6.06 miles; Average Pace: 11'12" (which I take issue with since I did the math - it should be like 11'3"!)
Today's run was pretty great all around. I got up after hitting snooze only once at 5am. I was worried that it was going to be raining as thundershowers were predicted, but luckily and thankfully it was clear and about 61 degrees. So off I went!
The run was surprisingly great from the beginning - after about 5 minutes my legs felt great and I was in the groove. It wore running pants - capri style with an iPod pocket in the back, a short sleeved shirt and of course, my stylish vest. It was a beautiful morning. I heard the birds chirp over my iPod and I saw about 5 deer - so close that I could smell them. They didn't know what to make of me and just stared at me as I ran by. I only got spooked once after Paula Abudul's "Cold Hearted Snake" came on my iPod. (Don't judge!) It was still fairly dark out and I was convinced that I saw and heard a snake on the ground, but no, it was in fact a stick and the hissing noises from the song. Yep, I'm a dope!
I was supposed to run 60 minutes today, but my route was a bit longer to get back home so I just did more. Oh, and no walking! My iPod reminded me at the point when I ran "5 minutes past your goal" and that felt great. I'm sure people driving by me running that early looked at me like I was crazy. That is what I would have said too about a runner running that early or in really bad weather a year ago or even a few months ago. But now, I love it! I understand now what the commitment to a training program really means. I understand now what completing these goals/runs means to me on a physical and mental level. I understand what the little wave of a hand to a fellow runner on your path means. Either that or I have now just joined the crazy club too! If so, that is a membership card that I hope I have forever.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Puppy Tales Premier!
So, it has been really interesting having a puppy in the house again...a large puppy, might I add! Yes, Henry is settling in a bit to his new life as part of the Ramsey pack and it has been interesting for all of us getting used to it. So, I decided to start a new category of blog entries called, "Puppy Tales".
Some of the things that we are getting used to with a puppy as opposed to an older (and deaf) dog are: a dog that responds when you talk, responds to other dogs barking and other noises. Also, a dog who wants to play, chew, bite and chew some more!
As a puppy he has been learning and exploring his new environment - lots of this exploring involves using his mouth! So far, he has had the following in his mouth: a tennis shoe, a dress shoe, a flip-flop, a used tissue, a lego (may or may not have swallowed it), wood from a bed, pj bottoms, a magician costume, golf ball, and just tonight he grabbed the shower curtain and pulled it down, rod and all! And yes, he does have bones and toys to chew!
He really is a good boy, but a puppy is a puppy! Thankfully we are using a dog trainer so we can learn the proper ways/commands to train him. I mean a small untrained dog is just a nuisance, but a large untrained dog could be dangerous. We had our first session with her on Saturday and it turns out that ya know what? We are ones that need training! Henry (and for that matter all dogs) is not a little child dressed in a fur costume. Well, that would be just disturbing on a lot of levels. But, it is only natural for us to want to reat him like a baby person/child, but we are learning that that is just not a good idea.
We are definitely laughing a lot more in our house now that Henry is a member of the pack. For example, he barked and tried to greet a big picture/poster of a dog at Petco. He chases his tail like its his job. He crawls underneath the bed with his back legs sticking out and barks. He turns into "crazy dog" and crashes down the stairway. He is still clumsy and growing into his long legs and huge paws.
Yes, this is going to be quite an adventure. I'm happy to share our Puppy Tales with you!
Some of the things that we are getting used to with a puppy as opposed to an older (and deaf) dog are: a dog that responds when you talk, responds to other dogs barking and other noises. Also, a dog who wants to play, chew, bite and chew some more!
As a puppy he has been learning and exploring his new environment - lots of this exploring involves using his mouth! So far, he has had the following in his mouth: a tennis shoe, a dress shoe, a flip-flop, a used tissue, a lego (may or may not have swallowed it), wood from a bed, pj bottoms, a magician costume, golf ball, and just tonight he grabbed the shower curtain and pulled it down, rod and all! And yes, he does have bones and toys to chew!
He really is a good boy, but a puppy is a puppy! Thankfully we are using a dog trainer so we can learn the proper ways/commands to train him. I mean a small untrained dog is just a nuisance, but a large untrained dog could be dangerous. We had our first session with her on Saturday and it turns out that ya know what? We are ones that need training! Henry (and for that matter all dogs) is not a little child dressed in a fur costume. Well, that would be just disturbing on a lot of levels. But, it is only natural for us to want to reat him like a baby person/child, but we are learning that that is just not a good idea.
We are definitely laughing a lot more in our house now that Henry is a member of the pack. For example, he barked and tried to greet a big picture/poster of a dog at Petco. He chases his tail like its his job. He crawls underneath the bed with his back legs sticking out and barks. He turns into "crazy dog" and crashes down the stairway. He is still clumsy and growing into his long legs and huge paws.
Yes, this is going to be quite an adventure. I'm happy to share our Puppy Tales with you!
500 Rep Workout and then some...
Tues, April 26
5:30am - 6:30am - Bootcamp at Life Center
This was a booty-kicker today! We started out with a warm-up with the medicine ball. We did 50 slams against the wall and then some other things with it. Then we did a few random arms exercises with some weights. Then came the fun part. We did what Troy called the 500 workout. This involved the three of us working as a team to complete 500 reps of things between us. This was the breakdown we had to do:
50 regular pushups
50 plank pushups
100 renegade rows with 15 pounders
100 squat thrusters
100 bicep curls with 12 pounders
100 squat and press ups with 15 pounders
He asked us to set a time goal to accomplish this. We said 20 minutes, but we ended up completing it in just over 16 minutes! Yahoo! I did the following as my contribution:
50 plank pushups (I totally love them)
25 renegade rows
25 squat thrusters
50 bicep curls
50 squat and press ups
Then we did another team circuit - this time with abs. We had to complete 200 ab exercises (100 regular situps and 100 knee-ins) in 5 minutes. We each did 33 of each and completed it in a little over 3 minutes I think.
Then we had to do the 2 miles in total. Ugh. I walked a few laps, obviously, while the other two each ran 1 mile.
After that we did some more arm exercises and were done!
Troy told us that our last class - this Thursday is free! What a nice guy. The ladies and I decided we are going to give him a thank you card and include a tip for him. He has been really great and we want to let him know that!
5:30am - 6:30am - Bootcamp at Life Center
This was a booty-kicker today! We started out with a warm-up with the medicine ball. We did 50 slams against the wall and then some other things with it. Then we did a few random arms exercises with some weights. Then came the fun part. We did what Troy called the 500 workout. This involved the three of us working as a team to complete 500 reps of things between us. This was the breakdown we had to do:
50 regular pushups
50 plank pushups
100 renegade rows with 15 pounders
100 squat thrusters
100 bicep curls with 12 pounders
100 squat and press ups with 15 pounders
He asked us to set a time goal to accomplish this. We said 20 minutes, but we ended up completing it in just over 16 minutes! Yahoo! I did the following as my contribution:
50 plank pushups (I totally love them)
25 renegade rows
25 squat thrusters
50 bicep curls
50 squat and press ups
Then we did another team circuit - this time with abs. We had to complete 200 ab exercises (100 regular situps and 100 knee-ins) in 5 minutes. We each did 33 of each and completed it in a little over 3 minutes I think.
Then we had to do the 2 miles in total. Ugh. I walked a few laps, obviously, while the other two each ran 1 mile.
After that we did some more arm exercises and were done!
Troy told us that our last class - this Thursday is free! What a nice guy. The ladies and I decided we are going to give him a thank you card and include a tip for him. He has been really great and we want to let him know that!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Monday, Monday....
Mon, April 25
Ran 45 minutes outside at lunch
Distance: 4 miles; Average Pace: 11'15"
So Monday runs are starting to feel a certain way generally - sucky, with a capital S! It may just be that way because it is the next run after my long run on Saturday, but all I can say is...ugh. My legs hurt, per my normal routine at the beginning of my runs, and I decided when I started out that I was going to go slower today. I would do my run and put in my time, but just not as fast. Plus, I have this thing with my neck that is bothering me. I'll call it a "crook" in my neck, but I can put my hand right on where it hurts on the right side of the back of my neck. I massaged it before my run and during, actually, but it really hurt. It hurts when I turn my neck and I was just really aware of it during the run. I've had this before and what has worked before is a "bean bag thing" warmed up in the microwave. So, that is what I'll be doing tonight...after the grocery store, I mean! I already popped some ibuprofen. I also got a stitch/catch in my hip when I was doing my pre-run stretch.
Falling apart I tell ya!
However, I want to note that 1) I did my run as indicated on my training schedule and 2) I did not walk at all. The show must go on...victory.
Ran 45 minutes outside at lunch
Distance: 4 miles; Average Pace: 11'15"
So Monday runs are starting to feel a certain way generally - sucky, with a capital S! It may just be that way because it is the next run after my long run on Saturday, but all I can say is...ugh. My legs hurt, per my normal routine at the beginning of my runs, and I decided when I started out that I was going to go slower today. I would do my run and put in my time, but just not as fast. Plus, I have this thing with my neck that is bothering me. I'll call it a "crook" in my neck, but I can put my hand right on where it hurts on the right side of the back of my neck. I massaged it before my run and during, actually, but it really hurt. It hurts when I turn my neck and I was just really aware of it during the run. I've had this before and what has worked before is a "bean bag thing" warmed up in the microwave. So, that is what I'll be doing tonight...after the grocery store, I mean! I already popped some ibuprofen. I also got a stitch/catch in my hip when I was doing my pre-run stretch.
Falling apart I tell ya!
However, I want to note that 1) I did my run as indicated on my training schedule and 2) I did not walk at all. The show must go on...victory.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Run Your Own Race
A friend shared this with me (below) and I thought it was so good I just had to share it too! It made me think about the following...What does "run your own race" mean to you? To me it means being truly who you are without worrying about anyone else. You are you and nobody else. Your goals are yours and belong to only you. So many times I have found myself competing with others - worried about how fast I'm going and trying to beat everyone else. I've learned that competition is good except when it interferes with you actually accomplishing your goals! So what is your roadblock keeping you from being your best? On the track, on the job, at home and everywhere in between. RUN YOUR OWN RACE!!!
Written by Kristin Armstrong (former wife of Lance Armstrong) written in 'Heart of my Heart: 365 Reflections on the Magnitude and Meaning of Motherhood
"You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you." Galatians 5:7-8
'I have a ceramic tile in my office that says, "Run your own race." It is leaning against a photograph of me, smiling huge, after crossing the finish line of a thirty-one mile trail race. If you think I'm one of those crazy talented athletes, think again. I am just like you. I never thought I could do anything like that race. At one point, I couldn't even run three miles. My endurance was built up by experiences over time, not by any special gift.
The "Run your own race" quote is precious to me. Anytime I start to pay too much attention to people around me (particularly in a running race), I lose confidence and lost heart. I get distracted. I go faster than my pace to try to match someone else's, and I don't have what I need to make it to the finish. That thirty-one mile race was different. I looked at it like a journey, not a race. My mind was set on crossing the line, not on my watch, and I had a list of all the reasons why I simply would not give up.
Don't let other people cut in on you and break your stride. Don't try to match anyone else's pace; their goals might not be the same as yours. Stay focused on your own race. Pay attention to where you are and how you are doing; don't waste time and energy looking at everyone else, making incorrect and unproductive comparisons. Our children need to learn this vital lesson as early as possible so they can run the race marked out for them."
Written by Kristin Armstrong (former wife of Lance Armstrong) written in 'Heart of my Heart: 365 Reflections on the Magnitude and Meaning of Motherhood
"You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you." Galatians 5:7-8
'I have a ceramic tile in my office that says, "Run your own race." It is leaning against a photograph of me, smiling huge, after crossing the finish line of a thirty-one mile trail race. If you think I'm one of those crazy talented athletes, think again. I am just like you. I never thought I could do anything like that race. At one point, I couldn't even run three miles. My endurance was built up by experiences over time, not by any special gift.
The "Run your own race" quote is precious to me. Anytime I start to pay too much attention to people around me (particularly in a running race), I lose confidence and lost heart. I get distracted. I go faster than my pace to try to match someone else's, and I don't have what I need to make it to the finish. That thirty-one mile race was different. I looked at it like a journey, not a race. My mind was set on crossing the line, not on my watch, and I had a list of all the reasons why I simply would not give up.
Don't let other people cut in on you and break your stride. Don't try to match anyone else's pace; their goals might not be the same as yours. Stay focused on your own race. Pay attention to where you are and how you are doing; don't waste time and energy looking at everyone else, making incorrect and unproductive comparisons. Our children need to learn this vital lesson as early as possible so they can run the race marked out for them."
No Walking Today!
Sat, April 23
Ran 7 miles outside at about 8:40am
Time: 1:17:21; Average Pace: 11'03"
Today's run was pretty nice. The rain had moved off and it was about 59 degrees with the sun peaking out every now and then. I was actually warm at first, but then I turned into the wind and it felt really good. I wore my new running shorts and a short sleeved tech shirt. These shorts are cool because the iPod pocket is in the inside back. I did my 6 mile route and then just added a loop around the neighborhood to get to 7. I felt good after 2 miles, but then great after 3.
My biggest triumph, however, was that I did not walk at all! That is the first time in a long time that I have done that on an outside run so I was pretty stoked about it, especially considering the hills! I felt good about my time too. Although my average time was 11'03", my pace stayed under 11 minutes until the last mile when it was 11'02". Now that I think about it, that average pace does not really compute. Oh, well - no biggie if the iPod is off a bit - I'm just glad it worked! I had a freak out moment last night when it wouldn't charge or turn on at all no matter what I did. At first I thought that it was a goner...that maybe it realized it was Good Friday and behaved as such (okay, bad joke, but I couldn't help it). But, I'm happy to report that the iPod did not wait three days to be resurrected. I plugged it in this morning and to my delight it charged right up! I may have to get something else sometime, but I really don't think there are other options that both track distance and stuff, play music and talk to you!
So, two more long runs left before the race. This is gonna be great!
Ran 7 miles outside at about 8:40am
Time: 1:17:21; Average Pace: 11'03"
Today's run was pretty nice. The rain had moved off and it was about 59 degrees with the sun peaking out every now and then. I was actually warm at first, but then I turned into the wind and it felt really good. I wore my new running shorts and a short sleeved tech shirt. These shorts are cool because the iPod pocket is in the inside back. I did my 6 mile route and then just added a loop around the neighborhood to get to 7. I felt good after 2 miles, but then great after 3.
My biggest triumph, however, was that I did not walk at all! That is the first time in a long time that I have done that on an outside run so I was pretty stoked about it, especially considering the hills! I felt good about my time too. Although my average time was 11'03", my pace stayed under 11 minutes until the last mile when it was 11'02". Now that I think about it, that average pace does not really compute. Oh, well - no biggie if the iPod is off a bit - I'm just glad it worked! I had a freak out moment last night when it wouldn't charge or turn on at all no matter what I did. At first I thought that it was a goner...that maybe it realized it was Good Friday and behaved as such (okay, bad joke, but I couldn't help it). But, I'm happy to report that the iPod did not wait three days to be resurrected. I plugged it in this morning and to my delight it charged right up! I may have to get something else sometime, but I really don't think there are other options that both track distance and stuff, play music and talk to you!
So, two more long runs left before the race. This is gonna be great!
Friday, April 22, 2011
No day off from Bootcamp!
Thurs, April 21
5:30am - 6:30am - bootcamp at life center
I totally forgot to blog yesterday! I was off of work so I was thrown off a bit. But I did do my class! It was a good workout. We did some partner arm stuff using a towel as resistance. It was okay, but I prefer using weights. Then we did a good circuit...more arms, used the training room a bit and then did a good ab circuit. As I write this today I've pretty much decided to not do my 30 minute run today. Zachary is off today and he needs to clean his room and of course he needs my help! So, we are going to try to make that cardio!!! Tomorrow my long run is 7 and that will happen as planned...
5:30am - 6:30am - bootcamp at life center
I totally forgot to blog yesterday! I was off of work so I was thrown off a bit. But I did do my class! It was a good workout. We did some partner arm stuff using a towel as resistance. It was okay, but I prefer using weights. Then we did a good circuit...more arms, used the training room a bit and then did a good ab circuit. As I write this today I've pretty much decided to not do my 30 minute run today. Zachary is off today and he needs to clean his room and of course he needs my help! So, we are going to try to make that cardio!!! Tomorrow my long run is 7 and that will happen as planned...
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